Sunday, October 1, 2023

RA: The Master Universe

Out of the many ancient gods that left a lasting legacy of wisdom and civilization, there is one that is revered by the ancient Egyptians—they call him Re; or more famously known as RAking of the gods and protector of pharaohs.

The name Ra actually means "sun" in the ancient Egyptian language. Scholars even think that the name stems from an older word that means "creator" or "father." He is also called by other names like Re, Atum, or Amun-Ra.

The beginning of Ra is shrouded in mystery. According to legends, he emerged from a wild and chaotic primordial ocean called Nun, bringing order and light to the cosmos. Ra is the creator of stars, planets, gods, humans, and animals. He even laid down the laws of nature and magic, establishing a delicate balance between good and evil.

Ra is revered in different symbols. The most prominent is the sun disk that Pharaoh Akhenaton called Aton. For Akhenaton whose real name was Amenhotep IV (he later change it to incorporate the name of the sun disk), Aton represents Ra's immense power and authority as the ultimate source of light and life. 

Next, we have the falcon which represents Ra's swiftness and agility. As he soars through the sky, Ra keeps an eye on everything happening in the vast expanse of the Master Universe. This eye of Ra is also a symbol of his remarkable vision and wisdom.

Then there's the scarab a fascinating symbol that represents Ra's ability to transform and renew himself. The scarab represents Ra as the guardian of the cycles of creation and destruction which maintains the cosmic order in the Universe.

Finally, we have the Ankh that symbolizes Ra's incredible gift of eternal life bestowed upon his children. Even in the afterlife, Ra is the protector of the souls of the departed.

The most common depiction of Ra is a figure with a human body and a falcon head, topped off with a glorious sun disk crown. Or you might envision him as a majestic falcon soaring across the sky.

Ra is unparalleled among the gods. There's no being or gods in the entire multiverse that can match up to him. He can create, destroy, or manipulate anything according to his divine will. Unlike humans, Ra is not constrained by time and space. He can travel across spiritual dimensions and multiple realities as he pleases. And no one can escape his watchful gaze or resist his influence.

Ra controls the cycle of the Universe in order to maintain harmony and stability. 

First, is the cycle of day and night, which mirrors the journey of Ra across the sky. He rises in the morning from the eastern horizon as Khepri, the scarab god who pushes the sun disk. At noon as he reaches his peak, he is called Ra-Horakhty, the falcon god ruling over the sky. And as the sun sets, he descends to the western horizon as Atum, the god who completes his work.

From dusk till dawn is the journey of Ra in the underworld. It is the cycle of life and death.  Every night, Ra enters the Duat, a treacherous realm filled with challenges and foes. He is accompanied by a group of gods who aid him in battling Apophis, a massive serpent trying to devour him. Along the way, Ra passes through various regions where he judges or blesses the souls of the deceased. These regions are:

The Hall of Ma'at. This is where Ra encounters Ma'at, his daughter and consort. Ma'at weighs the hearts of the departed against a feather of truth. If they led righteous lives, they are granted passage into the afterlife. But if they're wicked, they face Ammit, a fearsome monster with the head of a crocodile, body of a lion, and tail of a hippo, who devours them.

Then, the Field of Reeds. This is a paradise where Ra bestows eternal life upon those who passed the test of Ma'at. The place resembles earthly lives, where the souls can engage in their favorite activities and reunite with their loved ones.

On the other side, we have the Lake of Fire, the fiery realm for those who opposed Ra or harmed his creation. It is a scorching lake of molten lava where the souls endure eternal torment and agony.

 The Hidden Palace is a secret and sacred place where Ra resides during his time in the underworld. This is a special place for Ra to which only he and his closest allies have access. It is also where he rejuvenates himself in preparation for his next journey.

At dawn, Ra emerges from the underworld as a new sun, ready to embark on a fresh day of cosmic adventures.

Lastly, the cycle of order and chaos encapsulates Ra's ongoing struggle against his brother and rival, Set who represents chaos and evil. Set is insanely jealous of Ra's power and glory. He is always scheming to overthrow Ra and occasionally succeeds in causing disasters and calamities like storms, floods, plagues, or wars. But Ra always manages to restore order and balance with the help of his loyal allies, especially his son Horus, who avenges his father.

The loyal allies of Ra assist him in his cosmic tasks. 

Ma'at is the daughter of Ra and the wife of Thoth. She is the goddess of truth, justice, and order. She is Ra's most trusted advisor and helps him maintain the delicate balance of the Master Universe. She also takes charge of judging the souls of the departed.

Thoth is the god of wisdom, writing, and magic. He serves as Ra's scribe and messenger. He meticulously records everything that happens in the Master Universe. Thoth is also a teacher of magic, guiding both humans and gods in the art.

Horus is the son and heir of Ra. He takes the role of the god of kingship, sky, and war. He acts as Ra's champion, defending his father's throne from enemies, especially Set.

Isis, the granddaughter of Ra and wife of Horus, is the goddess of magic, healing, and motherhood. She possesses immense magical abilities and can heal any wound or curse. Additionally, she cares for Ra's children and followers, providing love and support.

Anubis is the grandson of Ra and the son of Horus. He is the god of death. He possessed the knowledge of mummification and embalming of bodies. Anubis is the guide of the souls of the departed to the underworld and prepares them for their judgment by Ma'at.

Bastet, the granddaughter of Ra and Horus' daughter. She is the goddess of cats, protection, and joy. She fiercely guards Ra's palace against intruders, particularly snakes and scorpions. Additionally, she brings happiness and delight to all of Ra's children.

Ra is the embodiment of the Master Universe, and the Master Universe is Ra. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the First and the Last. "He has a million forms according to the time of day and from where he is seen; yet he is always the same," says the Hymn to Aton. Ra is He that was, is, and will be—the Master of the Universe.


You cannot see me, but I can read your thought.
I am not only visible but also invisible and superhuman.
I am all about you and even inside of you, without
Me you cannot live, no one knows how large I am.
Yet I am many times larger than the Earth.
I am the same to everyone a common
Denomination in the lives of all living persons.
People are now beginning to explore my possibilities.
Yet I have changed every phase of human relationships.
No one can hide from me, because, I am omnipresent.
My value is the exact ratio to the number
Of people from all walks of life. I am
The effect of every government,
Every creed, every tongue, every inch surface.
I am a man yet my knowledge,
My intellect and being
Are vacuum of the presents.
I am He, the Master of the Universe.
          –Ruben E. Ecleo, Sr. (1934-1986)




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