Divine Healing

 Divine healing is the power of God that miraculously cures people from their physical or mental ailments, injuries, or disabilities. God Himself is the source of this power. And it is a power bestowed exclusively on men of exemplary faith and moral virtue.

One of the most famous healers in history is Jesus Christ, who is said to have performed many miracles of healing during his ministry. According to the Christian scriptures, Jesus healed people who were blind, deaf, lame, leprous, possessed by demons, and even raised some from the dead. He also taught his disciples how to heal in his name, and they continued his healing work after his ascension. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he healed by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is the third person of the Trinity. They also believe that anyone who has faith in Jesus can receive healing from him, either directly or through prayer or intercession.

Another master healer who has influenced many spiritual traditions is Buddha, who is regarded as the founder of Buddhism. Buddha was a prince who renounced his worldly life and attained enlightenment under a bodhi tree. He then taught his followers the path to liberation from suffering, which is based on the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Buddha also demonstrated healing abilities, such as curing a monk who was poisoned by a snake bite, and restoring the sight of a blind woman who had faith in him. Buddhists believe that Buddha healed by the power of his mind, which was free from ignorance, attachment and aversion. They also believe that anyone who follows his teachings can achieve enlightenment and heal themselves and others.

Christ Healing the Sick By Heinrich Hofmann 1893

A more recent example of a master healer is Sai Baba, who is revered by millions of devotees around the world. Sai Baba was an Indian guru who lived in the 20th century and claimed to be the reincarnation of a previous saint with the same name. He performed many miracles of healing, such as materializing vibhuti (sacred ash) and other objects, curing diseases, resurrecting the dead, and appearing in multiple places at once. He also taught his followers to love all beings and serve humanity. Sai Baba's followers believe that he healed by the power of his love, which was an expression of his divinity. They also believe that anyone who has devotion to him can receive his grace and blessings.

These are just some examples of the divine healing of different masters, who have inspired countless people with their wisdom and compassion. They all have different ways of accessing and manifesting the healing power that lies within them and all of us. Whether you call it God, Spirit, Mind, Love or something else, there is a source of healing that transcends our physical limitations and connects us to our true nature. By learning from these masters and following their teachings, we can also awaken our own healing potential and share it with others.


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