Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Secret Doctrine of the Spiritual Division

 Ako ang nag-tago sa walay pagtago, ug ako ang nagtug-an sa walay pagtug-an. Ang akong guitaguan guitug-an,  guitug-an ug akong guisulti ang akong guitug-an, managkauban pa sila.- Gen. Adriano dela Concepcion, Main Office Dec. 9, 1970, San Jose, Dinagat

It is always a tremendous joy for me to read the messages from our esteemed Superiors. The earlier the date of the message, the more excited I become, as I know I will learn something new. These messages serve as our gateway to accessing their profound spiritual teachings. Recently, I stumbled upon a significant piece of information regarding the secret doctrine of the Spiritual Division.

I was truly astounded when I first read the message from General Adriano dela Concepcion, affectionately known as "Lolo." This particular message was dated back to the 1970s, and in it, Lolo emphasized the crucial role of discipline that all members should possess. Discipline, he explained, is an essential attribute that paves the way for success on the arduous path of becoming a missioner within the esteemed PBMA organization.

The Beacon of the Spiritual World

However, discipline is not the sole focus of Lolo Adriano's teachings. It serves as the key to understanding the fundamental doctrine of the Spiritual Division. Now, you may be wondering, what exactly is this secret doctrine? Well, let us allow Lolo himself to enlighten us on this matter.


"Busa niining tanan mga anak, kay guihatag man niya ang kahigayonan atong hatagan kini ug dakong pagtagad, lig-onon ta ang mga hunahuna nga magmalampuson kita sa atong mga katuyuan. Mao kini mga anak, ang dakong katuyuan sa PBMA. Mao kini mga anak nga guimugna ang kapunungan sa PBMA aron sa diha niana adunay mga hunahuna nga matarong, adunay magpabilin nga mobato ning kalibutan. minuod sa balaang kasulatan adunay giingon didto nga walay magpabiling kinabuhi niining kalibutan kon dili pulos makaangkon sa kamatayon. Apan mga anak sa buhatan sa DOKTRINA SA SPIRITUAL DIVISION adunay napatik nga mga pulong nga nag-ingon: dunay kinabuhi nga magpabilin nga walay katapusan, kon siya nagbaton man sa mga buhat nga matarong. Mao man ngani mga anak atong masaksihan ang pundok sa PBMA. Guihatag kanato ang mga tulomanon ingon sa mga balaod nga ipatuman sa usa ig-usa sa mga sakop sa PBMA. Kinsa kadtong tinun-an nga nagsunod, kinsa kadtong tinun-an nga nagpamatuod, mao kana ang usa ka sakop, ug usa ka kinabuhi nga mahimong bato nga magpabilin nga walay katapusan. Unsa man diay mga anak, ang tawo nga wala makasunod sa balaod, dili ba diay siya magpabilin nga buhi? Wala ba diay siya'y mahimong kalabutan sa kinabuhing walay katapusan. Dili siya mga anak makauban, dili siya makauban, kay sa diretsu nga pagkasulti, wala man siya makatuman sa balaod nga guipasunod kaniya. Sa-una mga anak sa atong mga balaod, lahi na karon. Ang atong balaod karon guibag-o. pila ka mga adlaw, aduna kita'y mga balaod nga mga bag-o na usab. kinsa kadtong makasupak sa mga diretsu sama siya sa walay bili sa iyang kinabuhi, ang nakasupak. Kinsa kadtong nakasunod sa mga diretsu ug kon balaod, sama siya sa usa ka tawo nga adunay kinabuhi nga magpabilin."---Message of Gen. Adriano dela Concepcion January 1, 1978 Administration Building San Jose Surigao del Norte.


In our rough translation we have,


“To all my beloved children, I want to emphasize the importance of giving our undivided attention to the opportunities that have been bestowed upon us. Let us strengthen our belief in our ability to achieve success in our goals. These goals, my dear children, are the very essence of the PBMA organization. We established this organization with the intention of preserving righteousness in this world, ensuring that a precious gem remains amidst the chaos.

As stated in the scriptures, it is inevitable that we all face mortality. However, within the teachings of the DOCTRINE OF SPIRITUAL DIVISION, we find solace in the words that proclaim the existence of eternal life for those who lead righteous lives. Therefore, my children, we bear witness to the power of the PBMA group. We have been entrusted with principles that serve as the foundation for our actions, which we must implement diligently. Those who faithfully follow and testify to these principles become esteemed members, embodying a life that will endure like an everlasting rock.

Now, my children, what becomes of those who choose to disregard the law? Will they not experience the fullness of life? Will they not be connected to eternal existence? They will be separated from their loved ones, unable to share in the blessings that come from abiding by the laws they were meant to follow. However, it is important to note that our laws are not stagnant. They evolve over time, adapting to the changing needs of our community. Someday, we will witness the emergence of new laws, and it is crucial that we embrace them wholeheartedly. Those who resist these rules, treating them as insignificant, are denying themselves a life of true value.

My dear children, let us dedicate ourselves to the pursuit of righteousness and the fulfillment of our goals. By adhering to the principles of the PBMA, we can ensure a life that transcends mortality and leaves a lasting impact on this world.”

To repeat,

Apan mga anak sa buhatan sa DOKTRINA SA SPIRITUAL DIVISION adunay napatik nga mga pulong nga nag-ingon: dunay kinabuhi nga magpabilin nga walay katapusan, kon siya nagbaton man sa mga buhat nga matarong.

This statement seems to discuss a concept related to spiritual beliefs and teachings. It suggests that within the teachings of the "DOKTRINA SA SPIRITUAL DIVISION," there is a notion that individuals can achieve an eternal existence if they embrace virtuous deeds. This concept emphasizes the importance of righteous actions and suggests that by accepting and following these actions, individuals can attain a life without end—immortality.

What does it mean? In essence, the core belief of the Spiritual Division revolves around achieving immortality through virtuous actions. However, this immortality extends beyond just the spirit; it encompasses the preservation of the physical body as well. This doctrine of the Spiritual Division echoes the words spoken by Jesus Christ thousands of years ago:

"Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never experience death." (John 8:51)

Are there individuals who have never experienced death? Can we find examples of immortal men? Let us embark on a search beyond our current understanding.


The Wandering Jew is a legendary figure who, according to the curse placed upon him, must wander the earth until the Second Coming of Christ. This curse was supposedly inflicted upon him because he taunted Jesus during his journey to the crucifixion. The origins of this legend remain unclear, but it may have been inspired by a passage in John 18:20-22, which mentions an officer striking Jesus during his trial before Annas. The earliest written account of this story dates back to the 13th century when an Armenian archbishop encountered a man named Cartaphilus (later known as Joseph). This man claimed to have been Pilate's doorkeeper and to have struck Jesus, leading Jesus to say, "I go, and you will wait until I return." The legend of the Wandering Jew spread throughout Europe and gained popularity through a German pamphlet in 1602, which referred to the wanderer as Ahasuerus. This captivating figure has been depicted in numerous literary and artistic works, including Eugène Sue's novel "The Wandering Jew" (1844-45) and Gustave Doré's engravings (1856).


A vignette of a Wandering Jew looking at a figure of Christ on a wayside cross, with rain and lightning around him. Date: between 1855 and 1870

John the Apostle, one of Jesus' twelve disciples, is renowned for his authorship of several books in the New Testament, including the Gospel of John, three Epistles of John, and the Book of Revelation. He is also known by various names such as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, or John the Beloved. According to Christian tradition, John was the only apostle who did not suffer martyrdom but instead lived to an old age in Ephesus. Some sources even claim that he miraculously survived boiling oil or poison. There are also beliefs that he never experienced death but was taken up to heaven, similar to Enoch and Elijah. Many traditions identify John as the disciple whom Jesus loved in the Gospel of John, the one who sat next to Jesus at the Last Supper and leaned on him during the meal. This close relationship with Jesus has led to John being referred to as the "beloved disciple." He is the one referred to in Mark 9:1,

 "He also said to them, "Amen, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come in power."


"Jesus Christ and St. John the Apostle". A detail of the Last Supper fresco from Ubisi, Georgia Date 14th century.

The Three Nephites are three individuals who make an appearance in the Book of Mormon, a sacred text of the Latter-day Saint movement. According to the narrative, they were among the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus during his visit to the Americas after his resurrection. These three men approached Jesus with a request to remain on earth until his second coming, and in response, he blessed them with immortality and extraordinary powers. As ministering angels, they are said to wander the earth, performing miracles and assisting those in need. It is also believed that they will have a meeting with John the Apostle before the end of times. Although the Book of Mormon does not provide their names, later sources have assigned them various identities, such as Timothy, Jonas, and Zedekiah.


Jesus and the Three Nephites

The Count of St. Germain was an enigmatic figure who emerged in Europe during the 18th century, claiming to be a nobleman, alchemist, musician, diplomat, and scholar. His charisma, vast knowledge, and ability to converse fluently in multiple languages captivated many. He further asserted that he had lived for centuries and had personal connections with historical luminaries like Plato, Jesus, Francis Bacon, and Voltaire. However, he never divulged his true origin or identity, leading to speculation that he might be the son of Francis II Rákóczi, a Transylvanian prince, or even an incarnation of Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of Rosicrucianism. In 1784, he passed away in Germany, but some believe that he staged his death and continued to manifest in different times and places, adopting various aliases. Certain occultists regard him as an Ascended Master or an immortal adept.


Count of Saint-Germain. Date cc. 1720

These are just a few examples of the captivating legends surrounding immortality that have captivated people for centuries. Among them, we have Sir Galahad, one of the three renowned Arthurian knights who successfully discovered the Holy Grail during the 2nd to 6th century. Another prominent figure is Merlin, the renowned magician who also lived during the same period. Morgana Lefay, the enchantress from the legendary tales of King Arthur, is yet another fascinating character from this era.

Moving forward in time, we encounter Nicolas Flamel, a French scribe and manuscript seller who lived around the year 1330. Flamel is believed to have stumbled upon the everchanging book of Abraham the Mage, successfully decoding it and discovering a spell for immortality, which he shared with his wife.

Venturing into the realm of Eastern legends, we come across Mahavatar Babaji, an Indian Kriya Yoga guru born on November 30, 203 BCE. His teachings and practices have inspired countless individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment and immortality.

In China, we find the legendary Eight Immortals, revered for achieving the highest honors within their faith. Through their unwavering dedication to study, virtuous deeds, and inherent virtues, they ascended to a god-like immortal status.

These legends of immortality continue to captivate our imaginations, offering glimpses into the eternal quest for everlasting life.


Now, what does this have to do with the Spiritual Division at all? One thing is clear: if the secret doctrine of the Spiritual Division is immortality, then it follows the members of the Spiritual Division are immortals. Let us delve deeper into this concept.


On June 19, 1952, a yacht gracefully dropped anchor on the pristine shores of Cab-ilan Island, captivating the attention of the islanders. To their astonishment, two distinguished foreign gentlemen emerged from the vessel, their presence shrouded in mystery. It soon became apparent that these men were in search of none other than the renowned Ben Ec.

In the Guidance Series Messages, it is stated that our Divine Master, Ruben E. Ecleo Sr., is widely recognized as a legendary figure dating back to the first centuries. Throughout history, he has been revered for his remarkable accomplishments. The Divine Master was entrusted with a sacred mission, leading a team of 24 esteemed colleagues across various countries. Due to his exceptional track record, he was bestowed with the honor of embodying the essence of heroism—he was bestowed with the body of a hero, which became the vessel for the immortal adepts.


He possesses other 16 different identities, each with its own unique name and reputation. Some of his most renowned personalities in the Philippines include:

1. Leon Kilat (July 27, 1873 – April 8, 1898), known for his exploits in Cebu, whose real name was Pantaleón Villegas y Soldi, was a prominent Filipino revolutionary leader who valiantly fought against Spanish colonial rule in Cebu during the Philippine Revolution. Born on July 27, 1873, in Bacong, Negros Oriental, Kilat initially worked as a drugstore clerk and later as a baker. However, destiny had grander plans for him.

Fate intervened when Kilat joined a circus owned by a member of the Katipunan, a clandestine society dedicated to overthrowing the Spanish government. Recognizing his courage and rumored mystical abilities, the Katipunan recruited Kilat, bestowing upon him the moniker "León Kilat," meaning Lightning Lion in the local Cebuano dialect. It was believed that he possessed magical powers and wore amulets that shielded him from bullets and enemies.

Under the leadership of General Emilio Aguinaldo, Kilat was appointed as the head of the revolutionaries in Cebu. On April 3, 1898, he initiated the uprising, now known as the Tres de Abril or the Battle of Tres de Abril. With unwavering determination, Kilat and his men successfully seized control of Cebu City, dealing a significant blow to the Spanish forces.

However, their triumph was short-lived as reinforcements from Manila launched a counterattack. Forced to retreat, Kilat sought refuge in Carcar. Tragically, his trust was betrayed, and on April 8, 1898, Good Friday, he was fatally stabbed by local townspeople.

León Kilat's legacy as a fearless leader and his pivotal role in the fight for Philippine independence remain etched in history. His unwavering bravery and dedication continue to inspire generations, reminding us of the sacrifices made in the pursuit of freedom.

2. Francisco Dagohoy, a name that resonates in Bohol.

Francisco Dagohoy (1724-1829), also known as Francisco Sendrijas, was a Filipino revolutionary who led the longest revolt in Philippine history against the Spanish colonial government. The Dagohoy rebellion endured for an astonishing 85 years, from January 24, 1744, to August 31, 1829, on the captivating island of Bohol. Born in 1724 in Inabanga, Bohol, Dagohoy rose to prominence as a cabeza de barangay, a respected local leader. His moniker, Dagohoy, derived from the Cebuano word "dagon," symbolized the amulet he wore, believed to grant him supernatural abilities like invisibility and flight.

The spark that ignited the rebellion occurred when a Jesuit priest denied Dagohoy's brother, Sagarino, a Christian burial following his death in a duel. The priest's rationale was that Sagarino had committed a mortal sin by engaging in a duel. This decision enraged Dagohoy, leading him to take the life of the priest and galvanize his fellow Boholanos to rise against Spanish rule. It is important to note that the rebellion was not rooted in religious conflict but rather a vehement protest against the Spanish authorities' injustices and abuses, including forced labor, exorbitant taxes and tributes, and oppressive policies.


Dagohoy's charismatic leadership attracted thousands of followers who established their own autonomous communities nestled within the mountains of Bohol. These resilient rebels constructed formidable forts and churches, even establishing their own laws and officials. The rebellion persisted despite numerous attempts and negotiations by the Spanish forces to suppress it. In a final bid to quell the uprising, the Spanish governor extended a pardon and offered land to the rebels who would surrender. Astonishingly, out of the 20,000 rebels, only 19,420 accepted this offer, while the remainder continued to fight until their demise or exile.


The ultimate fate of Dagohoy remains shrouded in mystery, captivating the minds of historians and scholars alike. His legacy as a Filipino hero and leader of the longest recorded rebellion in Philippine history continues to inspire generations. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, legends and oral traditions have kept his story alive, passing down tales of his unwavering determination and unwavering spirit. Dagohoy's defiance against Spanish colonial rule serves as a symbol of resistance and resilience, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of the Filipino people. As we delve deeper into the annals of history, we may uncover more about Dagohoy's fate, but for now, his enigmatic legacy remains a testament to the power of courage and the fight for freedom.


Not only that, according to him, he is also known by different names in various locations. On October 27, 1984, in the quaint town of Bugnay, Jordan, Guimaras, he made this revelation.


"Mao kini mga igsoon ko nga nalipay ako nga nagpakita ug mga imahin si Dr. Hugh Tovar, kay dugay na kini nga mga adlaw nga ako moanhi dinhi dugay na mga adlaw magpalibot sad ko, pero I think this is the first time Dr. Hugh Tovar ang ano, first time. I do not know in other part, in another chapter. Pero narinig nyo na ba ninyo nyan sa ano sa PALAWAN, sa ano sa Bayawan hindi ninyo napuntahan doon sa Antique...sinunod...nakapunta na doon, makasalita na din sya. Kanina sinunod rin ninyo dito kanina, pero gusto siya ano dahil yan marunong marunong yan ng hilongo, mga taga lig_ dito sa Panay. Ang pangalan  dito sa ano, OCA ang pangalan, INTING ang pangalan niya doon sa banda, yong banda ninyo doon! Estancia, Inting ang pangalan nya. Pero dito muna sa Dons parke ano sa Bohol yon ang Dagohoy. Tinatawag si Dagohoy . Yon nga alam ninyong Dagohoy , nasa ano yan nasa literature yata yan o sa history. You can read that in the Philippine History. Pagdating roon sa Samar iba naman, doon sa Leyte iba naman yong pangalan niya. TORIO SINGKAW dahil yong kamay niya naganon ang kamay niya makita yon ninyo sa mga release. Mayron dyan na mga kamay na ganon."


In Palawan, he is renowned as the Matandang Villarin, a skilled seafarer who possesses a remarkable canoe or a half-bodied balangay boat as attested by the esteemed elders of Brod Ed Elijan. However, he is the same boy also known for his mischievous nature, as he once daringly sneaked aboard a ship in Cuyo. To add to his audacity, he carried a coconut of such immense weight that, when accidentally released from his grasp, it careened along the boat's side, nearly capsizing it and sending it to the depths below.

3. Toryong Singkaw, a figure of significance in Leyte.

4. Ben Isang Ngipin, a persona revered in Samar and Bicol.

5. Batang Amusin, a name that echoes throughout Luzon.

6. Matandang Galisin, but a divine healer.

7. Dr. Laway, a moniker that evokes both curiosity and intrigue.

8. Obing, a familiar identity within certain circles.

9. Tony, a name that carries a sense of familiarity and trust.

10. Batang Pepe, a youthful and spirited persona.

11. Batang Malikot, a name associated with mischief and playfulness.

These various identities have allowed him to navigate different regions and communities, leaving a lasting impact wherever he goes. Each name carries its own story.

However, let us delve into another captivating tale from the Divine Master, as documented in the Guidance Series Volume II, Part 48. In this account, the Divine Master reveals the intriguing origins of the dark-skinned image of the Santo Niño and its remarkable journey to the shores of the Philippines, particularly in the vibrant city of Cebu. He says,

“My body was scorched by the pirates who sought to capture me. My purpose is to bring Christianity to your humble country through my presence.

I willingly joined them when they brought my image along.

Upon our arrival in Cebu, I disembarked because the sign on the cross of the Gentiles was a beacon of light at the heart of the island of Sugbo or Cebu.

I gestured that we were heading towards the Palace, despite King Humabon's anger towards us.[1]

Fortunately, I had the opportunity to visit King Humabon, and his anger towards Magellan subsided.

Queen Juana took a liking to me, perhaps because of the smile I bestowed upon her. She believed in me and commanded her men not to harm us.

For the true God was with King Humabon and his soldiers, forging a bond between us. They extended their hands in friendship, a sign that we were brothers.

Upon reaching their palace, I danced, yet they could not see me.

Queen Juana turned around, and I spoke, saying "Pet Senior," which translates to "Pakisama."

As she turned, I knelt before her, and made a “mano po” gesture. She was overjoyed to witness a kneeling image.

"Do you kneel before me?" she asked.

"Yes, I kneel before you, for from this moment on, I am your son," I replied.

The Queen was elated, as she had longed for a son, and I, a boy, fulfilled that desire.

I accompanied Queen Juana wherever she went, sharing stories as she wished.

She referred to me as Senyor, for I have gone through old age.

Henceforth, I became the patron who aids the sick.

Master and I are inseparable, united as one.”


The enigma and allure surrounding our Divine Master, which has puzzled many, has led to numerous inquiries about him. The Divine Master addressed this very question in his Main Office message on December 25, 1974.


"Taas nang dapit ang akong naabtan, daghan kaayo ang akong mga katawhan, mga katigulangan ug hangtod kaninyong mga batan-on karon nga atong natagamtan. Pangutan-a ninyo ang inyong kaugalingon. Try to ask yourself or try to ask the people, then you could say why, nasayod ang tanan nga tigulang niana. Why, ngano nga nasayod sila nga ako usa lamang ka batan-on. Daghan  kaayo nga ania na dinhi. Tua pa'y sugilanon ning mga estoryaha, duna pay mga tigulang nga nahanaw, nga sayod nga ako pa ang ilang kauban kaniadto tingali. Apan ako dili katuhuan nga ako isa pa lamang ka bata gihapon. Apan kon kamo mangutana kon unsa, kining kinabuhi sa inyong magtutudlo. Taas na kaayo ang mga adlaw sa akong pag-antos. If say, I started my mission, If I started my mission way back in 1946 panahon sa pagsugod sa akong pagmission. That was when I was 12 years old, right now kon atong subayon diotay pa kaayo ang estorya. Apan ngano man nga duna may 70 anyos, 60 anyod, makaestorya nga sila akong mga kaubanan sa  miaging mga panahon. Why? I am yet 39 years old and there are many people who are claiming that they were my company before way back in 1879. What is 19, and how many years different to that, hundred years. So one century maybe, you see..." ---Divine Master Dec. 25, 1974 Main Office

“I have encountered a lot of people, elders, and even the youth that we have now. Ask yourselves, try to ask the people, and then you will understand why the elders know everything. Why do they know that I am just a young person? There are so many people here. There are stories and there are elders who have died, who probably knew me back then. But they cannot believe that I am still just a child. But if you ask about the life of your teacher, it has been a long time of suffering for me. If let's say, I started my mission way back in 1946, when I was only 12 years old, right now, if we look back, the story is still quite short. But why is it that there are 70-year-olds, and 60-year-olds, who can talk about being my companions in the past? Why? I am only 39 years old and there are many people claiming that they were with me in 1879. What is 19, and how many years different is that? A hundred years. So maybe one century, you see...” ---Divine Master Dec. 25, 1974, Main Office

But what is most intriguing of all is that our Divine Master, Ben Ec, held the rank of a two-star general in the Armed Forces of the United States even before his birth in 1934.


"In the Philippines, Benny has the name of Ruben Ecleo, Sr. Benny in the United States is one of the members of the Armed Forces of United States whose name is registered as Ben Ec, whose family name is Ecle. In the year 1932 that was maybe before Benny was born here in the Philippines that was the starting of the recruiting phase in the Armed Forces of the United States where Benny was registered as the singer because he was a missioner of that time. He was chosen to perform his duty as a missioner, whose performance and services was truly performed for the benefit of the people and because he was one of the members of the Armed Forces of the United States. He was performing his duty as an army. He has the rank of the 2nd Star General on that time. His two stars on his shoulder siding with first and second general. When the Second World War broke, he has in a missionary worked. He has that special mission. He accepted that mission as a missionary and he was able to the way and got success of his mission. Yes, he knows that all people knew that he has the ability to fight against his enemies. " ---Dr. Hugh Tovar Message Good Friday April 16, 1976 10:45 P.M.

How is this possible? How can he be born when he already exists? Could he be a time traveler, traversing different points in future and past spacetime? He also claims to have been present in front of his mother even before he was born, while his infant body inside the womb was crying!

But who is RUBEN ECLEO? Gen Adriano dela Concepcion, Chief Administrator of the Tree of Life-Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, in a revelation, says,


"Mga bata, kon sa kaniadto sa Sadpanan nagpakatawo ang atong Amahan, dinhi na usab sa Silangan. Kay iya mang guitug-an ug iya mang guibilin nga mga suguilanon nga nag-ingon "Pedro umadto ako sa yuta sa Silangan, susihon ko sila nga atong mga kaubanan sa mga buhat, ang sugo sa Dios sa akong Amahan. Mao nga tungod niini mga anak kay usa man lang ka espirito ang atong Guinoong Dios, nagtugon ung nag-ingon nga kon mobalik ako ning kalibutan, sama ako sa usa ka kawatan nga walay bisan kinsa nga masayod. Mosulod  ako sa lawas sa tawo sa wala pa siya masayod ug mosulti siya sa walay kalibutan. Mao kini mga anak ang mahitabo nga kining inyong sulogoon sa atong pundok nga nabantog sa ngalan RUBEN ECLEO, mao kini ang guisuklian sa espirito sa atong Amahan nga diin mao kana ang mohatag kanato sa pag-KURONA sa atong kaugmaon sa kinabuhing malayo nga diin pipila ka mga adlaw PAGA-HUKMAN KITA SA IYANG MGA KAMOT, ug ingon ngadto sa iyang mga kamot mahagba ang ngalan, Gahum sa atong Amahan Guinoong Dios JESU KRISTO." (Gen. Adriano dela Concepcion, December 9, 1970)


I have much more to share, and I am aware that, like what Jesus said in the Bible, it may be difficult for some to comprehend at this time. We haven’t mentioned yet His companions in the Spiritual Division. This may cause disbelief among general readers or those whose religious or scientific beliefs are limited to the five senses of mankind. I once watched an interview of Elvin Ecleo, where he quoted the Divine Master saying, "Makikilala mo ang totoong kong pagkatao sa kabila." (You will know my true being on the other side).

In this essay, we catch a glimpse of the true essence of RUBEN ECLEO through the collection of scattered messages preserved and safeguarded by the wise members. It is my fervent desire to convey this message not only for the present but also for future generations. This is our only opportunity for posterity to avoid oblivion. Often, when members discuss the Association and its errant officials, a bleak future becomes apparent. Why? Because the messages are lost, and the teachings become forgotten and forgotten. Many times, I have asked members about the fundamental doctrine of the Spiritual Division, and I have received numerous different answers. One thing is clear - we have forgotten the teachings. We have forgotten the sacred teachings. We don't "do the talk."

Observe the conferences, observe those who are supposed to bring you good news and teachings. Their only concern seems to be their financial gain. Last time we had an event here, we provided them with full round-trip airplane tickets, but despite that, they also demanded a ten-thousand-peso cash payment per chapter for their land transportation. The instruction is to give "any amount." In another instance, they were given four thousand pesos in cash, but they refused it and instead demanded a ten thousand payment. This has been happening for years, in various locations. The downfall of PBMA was not caused by its leader, but rather by those who were supposed to uphold the dignity, protection, and success of the Association. They betrayed it, not only in faith but also in their commitment to honesty and integrity. The greed and corruption that infiltrated the ranks of supposed protectors tarnished the reputation of the entire organization. It is disheartening to witness how a few individuals can bring down an institution that was once revered and respected by many. Can you hear their sound of silence?

But hear me out to

An Insanely Speculative but Possible Theory: DIN.GIR

These beings, who I will call the Immortals, were not gods or aliens, but rather a highly advanced human-like species that evolved on a different planet. They had extraordinary abilities, such as telepathy, telekinesis, shape-shifting, and healing. They also had access to advanced technology, such as spaceships, weapons, and devices that could manipulate matter and energy. They were, according to Steiner, "entities of a high rank, and not pertaining directly to the earth...Beings of a higher kind, "as messenger" of the gods."

They were worshipped as "Divine Messengers," and their precepts, commands, and instructions were accepted. By such Beings mankind was instructed in sciences. arts, and the construction of tools. And such "Divine Messengers" either directed the communities themselves, or instructed such men as were sufficiently developed in the arts of governing.[2]


The origin of the Immortals is shrouded in mystery and speculation. According to some of their own records and legends, they came from a planet called Nibiru, which was located in a distant solar system. Nibiru was a lush and fertile world, where the Immortals lived in harmony and prosperity. They had a complex and sophisticated society, with a rich culture and history. They had a benevolent and wise ruler, who they called the King of Kings.


However, their paradise was not meant to last. Nibiru was orbiting a binary star system, which caused it to have erratic and unstable cycles. Every few thousand years, Nibiru would pass close to one of the stars, which would trigger cataclysmic events on the planet. Volcanoes would erupt, earthquakes would shake, floods would drown, and storms would rage. The Immortals had to endure these hardships and survive these disasters.


One of these cycles was particularly devastating. Nibiru passed so close to one of the stars that it caused a massive explosion on the planet's surface. The explosion created a huge crater, which exposed the planet's core. The core started to leak radiation and heat, which made the planet uninhabitable. The Immortals had no choice but to flee their dying world.


They built giant spaceships, which they called Arks, and loaded them with their people and their belongings. They also took some of the animals and plants from their planet, which they hoped to preserve and propagate on a new world. They launched their Arks into space, hoping to find a new home among the stars.


They wandered for many years, exploring different planets and systems. Some of them were barren and hostile, some of them were already inhabited by other species, and some of them were promising but not suitable for their needs. They faced many challenges and dangers along the way, such as pirates, asteroids, anomalies, and diseases.


Finally, they discovered Mars, a planet whose orbit before was now occupied by Earth. They were amazed by its beauty and diversity. They saw that it had abundant water, oxygen, vegetation, and life forms. They also saw that it had intelligent life forms: humans. They were intrigued by these primitive beings, who resembled them in many ways but were also different in many aspects. They decided to land on Mars and make contact with them.


They decided to settle there, but not as conquerors or rulers, but as teachers and guides. They wanted to share their knowledge and wisdom with the primitive human tribes that inhabited the planet.

Civilizations thrived on the planet Mars until they reached the pinnacle of technological advancement, elevating themselves to god-like status among the tribal species of Mars. However, this led to the spiritual degradation of the Nibirean-Martian race, sparking wars among their clans as they vied for control over the planet. This all-out conflict resulted in the annihilation of everything on Mars, leaving only a few benevolent survivors in the aftermath. Mars became a desolate wasteland, a ghost planet.

Yet, these benevolent beings soon turned their attention to Earth, their former colony. Recognizing the favorable conditions and positioning of Mars, they conceived a plan to alter the orbits of both Mars and Earth.

When I first saw this, I was convinced that an error had occurred. As we are aware, the sequence typically follows the order of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. However, to my astonishment, a peculiar question arises: What lies behind this enigma?

This is the first creation as mentioned in the book of Genesis: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." The term "heavens" refers to the atmosphere or the sky surrounding the earth. It is worth noting that the word "earth" is written in lowercase, indicating its humble nature. Initially, the earth was a desolate planet, scorched and devoid of life. However, the benevolent beings responsible for shaping planets decided to transfer all the water from Mars to Earth. These beings are also called planet-makers.

Over ages, centuries, and millennia, the planet Earth transformed, evolving into a beautiful and habitable world. The benevolent beings then engineered the genetics of the Martian species, creating the first human beings in a laboratory known as the Garden of God  (Royal Park)  which in  Greek is parádeisos, a "park for animals." This place, later referred to as a plain or flatland with walled enclosures by humans, became the birthplace of our species.


The Immortals interacted with various cultures and civilizations that developed around the world, teaching humans their creations about science, art, philosophy, religion, and morality. They inspired many of the great achievements and innovations of humanity, such as the pyramids, Stonehenge, the writing systems, the calendars, the laws, and the arts. They also helped humanity overcome many of the challenges and threats they faced, such as natural disasters, diseases, wars, and invasions.


The Immortals were revered and respected by the humans they encountered. They were often mistaken for gods or angels by people who did not understand their true nature. They were given different names and attributes by different cultures, such as Anunnaki, Elohim, Nephilim, Olympians, Asgardians, Shining Ones, Watchers, and many more. They were the source of many of the myths and legends that we still know today.


Some examples of Immortals are:


- Enki: An Immortal who was considered the god of water, wisdom, and creation by the Sumerians. He taught them how to build irrigation systems, write cuneiform script, and practice medicine. He also created humans by mixing his blood with clay.

- Isis: An Immortal who was considered the goddess of magic, healing, and motherhood by the Egyptians. She taught them how to cultivate crops, weave cloth, and worship the sun. She also resurrected her husband Osiris after he was killed by his brother Set.

- Zeus: An Immortal who was considered the king of the gods and the god of thunder by the Greeks. He taught them how to organize themselves into city-states, practice democracy, and honor justice. He also fathered many heroes and demigods by mating with mortal women.

- Odin: An Immortal who was considered the chief of the gods and the god of wisdom by the Norse. He taught them how to forge metal weapons, sail ships, and compose poetry. He also sacrificed his eye for a drink from the well of knowledge.

- Quetzalcoatl: An Immortal who was considered the god of wind, learning, and civilization by the Mesoamericans. He taught them how to grow maize, build pyramids, and observe the stars. He also promised to return one day after leaving on a raft of snakes.


However, the Immortals were not perfect. They had their own flaws and conflicts. Some of them became corrupted by their power and ego. They started to abuse their abilities and technology for their own selfish purposes. They exploited and enslaved some of the human populations they encountered. They also fought among themselves over ideological and political differences. They caused wars and disasters that devastated many regions of the planet.


Eventually, the Immortals realized that their presence on Earth was causing more harm than good. They decided to leave the planet and return to the stars. They erased most of their traces and evidence from the Earth's surface and history. They also erased most of their memories from the minds of the humans they interacted with. They wanted to give humanity a chance to develop on its own, without their interference or influence.


The Immortals left Earth around 4,000 years ago. Since then, they have not returned or contacted us. We do not know where they are or what they are doing. We do not know if they still exist or if they have perished. We do not know if they still care about us or if they have forgotten us.


But we do know that they were here. We do know that they shaped our history and civilization. We do know that they left behind clues and secrets that we are still trying to unravel. We do know that they are part of our heritage and destiny.


We are not alone in this universe. We are not the first or the last intelligent species to exist. In the words of our Divine Master, who once commented on the first chapter of Genesis, "There are worlds before, and some of them are inhabited." We are not the masters or the slaves of this planet. We are the children of the Immortals.


The rest is history.









[1] Rajah Humabon, also known as Sri Hamabar or Don Carlos, was the king of Cebu in the 16th century. He ruled at the time of the arrival of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan in the Philippines in 1521. He was one of the first native rulers to convert to Roman Catholicism, along with his wife Hara Humamay (Juana) and some of his subjects. He was baptized as Carlos in honor of King Charles I of Spain, while his wife was named Juana in honor of Charles' mother. He also made a blood compact with Magellan as a sign of friendship. He became an ally of Magellan and asked him to help him defeat his rival Lapu-Lapu, the datu of Mactan. However, Magellan was killed in the Battle of Mactan and Humabon later betrayed and poisoned some of the remaining Spanish soldiers in a feast. Among those who died were Duarte Barbosa and João Serrão, the leaders of the expedition after Magellan's death. Humabon was a descendant of Sri Lumay, a prince of the Chola dynasty from Sumatra who established the Rajahnate of Cebu. Humabon's name is derived from the Malay word "humaba", which means "to extend". He inherited the throne from his father Sri Bantug, who died of disease. His grandfather Sri Lumay had four sons: Sri Alho, who ruled Sialo in southern Cebu; Sri Ukob, who ruled Nahalin in northern Cebu and died fighting the magalos from Mindanao; Sri Parang the Limp, who could not rule because of his disability; and Sri Bantug, who ruled Singhapala in present-day Cebu City. Humabon is also honored as the namesake of a former frigate of the Philippine Navy, the BRP Rajah Humabon (PS-11), which was decommissioned in 2018 after 75 years of service. She was the last World War II-era destroyer escort/frigate active in her fleet, and one of the oldest active warships in the world.

 [2] Rudolf Steiner, Atlantis and Lemuria Chapter II, first English publication — a First Edition — of Steiner's Aus Der Akasha-Chronik, translated by Max Gysi.


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