About EEC

According to the Divine Master, "The PBMA is patterned in the history and footsteps of Jesus Christ." Therefore, the Bible is the key spiritual reference if you seek to understand the doctrine and spiritual teachings of Ruben Ecleo, for the PBMA, and the Rubenian, his true followers. 

Ruben Ecleo, also known as the Mysterious Superstar of the South, is widely recognized for his political contributions to Dinagat. However, many fail to realize that he possessed a remarkable talent for the science of Divine Healing. Ecleo, as he was often called the "Divine Master", was a master or adept of this spiritual method, which was once utilized by Jesus Christ to perform miraculous healings. Through the power of divine words, he was able to cure millions of people and perform incredible feats such as raising the dead, healing the paralyzed, restoring sight to the blind, and banishing evil spirits. This method of healing was not limited to physical ailments but also extended to spiritual afflictions. Ecleo's legacy as a Divine Healer is a testament to his unwavering faith and his ability to harness the power of the Divine to bring about positive change in the world.

En Esto Creo is an exploration of the Bible using the ancient method of Kabbalistic Gematria. EEC believed that Ruben Ecleo Sr. was the Holy Spirit mentioned by Jesus Christ in John 16:17, which is further explained in the book  En Esto Creo: In This I Believe. The author discovered, through the Kabala, that the known names of God manifest in the number 7. Using this method, the author uncovered the meaning of significant Bible verses that have relevance to Rubenian Spiritual Teachings. For example, the enigmatic title of Jesus as Son of Man, which scholars have struggled to explain definitively, is a cryptic title of Jesus in his second appearance as Son of Reuben or from the Tribe of Reuben, whose symbol is a Man in the Old Testament. 

Join me on a journey of faith as we explore the hidden gems revealed by the ancient Kabbala. However, I must warn you that as Mdm. Blavatsky said this may provoke incredulity in some readers. But I write for those who, like myself, understand and believe. 

And as Montaigne said:

"Gentlemen, I have here made only a nosegay of culled flowers, and have brought nothing of my own but the string that ties them. Pull the “string” to pieces and cut it up in shreds if you will. As for the nosegay of FACTS—you will never be able to make away with these. You can only ignore them and no more." 
