Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A Study of Spiritual Science: The Power of Divine Healing

 Divine Healing and its Significance

Divine healing is the belief that God can miraculously heal people from physical or mental illnesses, injuries, or disabilities. It is a common practice in many Christian denominations and movements, as well as in some other faith traditions. It is based on the biblical accounts of Jesus and his apostles healing the sick and casting out demons, as well as the promises of God to heal his people in both the Old and New Testaments. Divine healing is also seen as a sign of God's power, love, and compassion for humanity.
Christ Healing the Sick By Heinrich Hofmann 1893

It can take different forms and methods, depending on the context and the faith of the participants. Some of the most common ways that divine healing is sought or experienced are:

- Prayer: Asking God to heal oneself or someone else, either individually or in a group. Prayer can be silent or spoken, formal or informal, with or without laying on of hands or anointing with oil.

- Faith healing: Believing that God will heal someone through the faith of the healer, the recipient, or both. Faith healing often involves a charismatic leader or minister who claims to have a special gift or authority from God to heal others.

- Spiritual healing: Recognizing that illness or injury may have spiritual causes or effects, and seeking to restore the balance and harmony between the body, mind, and spirit. Spiritual healing may involve repentance, forgiveness, confession, meditation, counseling, or other spiritual practices.

- Miraculous healing: Experiencing a sudden and complete recovery from a serious or incurable condition that defies medical explanation. Miraculous healing is usually attributed to God's direct intervention or the intercession of a saint or angel.

Divine healing has a significant impact on the lives of those who seek it or receive it. It can strengthen their faith, increase their gratitude, inspire their testimony, and motivate their service. It can also bring comfort, hope, peace, and joy to those who are suffering or grieving. However, divine healing can also raise some challenges and questions for believers and non-believers alike. Some of these are:

- Why does God heal some people and not others?

- How can we discern between genuine and false claims of divine healing?

- How should we relate to medical science and professionals when seeking divine healing?

- How can we cope with disappointment or doubt when divine healing does not occur?

- How can we support and care for those who are still sick or disabled after seeking divine healing?

These questions do not have easy or definitive answers, but they invite us to explore our understanding of God's will, sovereignty, grace, and justice. They also challenge us to trust in God's wisdom and goodness, even when we do not fully comprehend his ways. Divine healing is not a guarantee or a formula, but a mystery and a gift. It is a manifestation of God's presence and activity in our world, and a reminder of his ultimate plan to heal and restore all things.

Throughout history, there have been many individuals who have been known for their ability to practice divine healing. While opinions on the legitimacy of their abilities vary, these figures have had a significant impact on the way that people view the relationship between spirituality and health. Here are a few examples of famous individuals who practiced divine healing:

Jesus Christ - Perhaps the most well-known figure associated with divine healing is Jesus Christ. According to the Gospels, Jesus performed countless miracles of healing throughout his ministry, curing the sick, the lame, the blind, and even raising the dead. These healings were seen as evidence of his divine authority and his role as the Messiah.

Another famous individual who practiced divine healing was Francis of Assisi. He was a Catholic friar and preacher who lived in the 13th century. He is known for his love of nature and animals, as well as his devotion to poverty and simplicity. He also performed many miracles of healing, both during his life and after his death. He healed people from blindness, deafness, cancer, leprosy, and other diseases. He also healed animals and plants. He is regarded as one of the most popular saints in the Catholic Church and the patron saint of animals and ecology.

Edgar Cayce - Edgar Cayce was an American psychic who was known for his ability to diagnose and treat illnesses through his psychic readings. He claimed that he could tap into a universal consciousness that contained information about the physical and spiritual health of individuals. Cayce's methods involved a combination of prayer, hypnosis, and natural remedies.

Sai Baba - Sai Baba was a spiritual leader in India who was known for his miraculous healing powers. He is said to have cured numerous illnesses through his touch, prayers, and blessings. While some viewed his abilities as divine, others saw them as the result of his extensive knowledge of natural remedies and the power of suggestion.

Mary Baker Eddy - Mary Baker Eddy was the founder of Christian Science, a spiritual movement that emphasized the power of prayer and faith in healing. Eddy believed that illness was caused by a lack of faith and that true healing could only be achieved through spiritual means. Her teachings have had a significant impact on the way that many Christians view the relationship between spirituality and health.

A more recent example of someone who practiced divine healing was Smith Wigglesworth. He was a British evangelist and faith healer who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries. He was a plumber by trade, but he became a preacher after he experienced a dramatic conversion. He traveled around the world, preaching the gospel and healing the sick. He claimed to have raised several people from the dead and to have cured many incurable diseases. He was known for his boldness and his confidence in God's power.

John of God - John of God is a Brazilian medium who has gained international attention for his ability to perform miraculous healings in his "Spiritual Healing Center." He claims to channel the spirits of deceased doctors and healers who work through him to heal the sick. His methods involve a combination of prayer, spiritual counseling, and natural remedies.

While opinions on the legitimacy of these individuals' abilities vary, they have all had a significant impact on the way that people view the relationship between spirituality and health. Whether through prayer, psychic readings, or the power of suggestion, these figures have offered hope and healing to those who seek it.

Different Types of Healing Method

Divine Healing Method

What is divine healing? Divine healing is a method of healing that relies on God's power and grace to restore health and wholeness to the body, mind and spirit. Divine healing is not based on human wisdom or natural remedies, but on the supernatural intervention of God in response to faith and prayer. It is based on faith and trust in the divine source.

How does divine healing work? Divine healing works by activating the divine life force within us, which is also known as the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who dwells in every believer and gives us access to God's presence and power. The Holy Spirit is also our helper, comforter, teacher and guide, who leads us into all truth and helps us to live according to God's will.

When we pray for divine healing, we are inviting the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us, to bring healing and restoration to every area of our being. We are also aligning ourselves with God's will, which is always good, perfect and pleasing for us. We are acknowledging that God is our source of life, health and wholeness, and that nothing is impossible for him.

What are the benefits of divine healing? Divine healing has many benefits for those who seek it and receive it. Some of the benefits are:

- Physical healing: Divine healing can heal any physical condition or disease, from minor ailments to chronic illnesses. Divine healing can also prevent future diseases and enhance our immune system and vitality.

- Emotional healing: Divine healing can heal any emotional wound or trauma, from anxiety and depression to anger and bitterness. Divine healing can also bring peace, joy, love and forgiveness to our hearts and minds.

- Mental healing: Divine healing can heal any mental disorder or challenge, from learning disabilities and memory loss to addiction and schizophrenia. Divine healing can also increase our intelligence, creativity, wisdom and understanding.

- Spiritual healing: Divine healing can heal any spiritual problem or blockage, from sin and guilt to doubt and fear. Divine healing can also deepen our relationship with God, strengthen our faith, renew our purpose and empower our gifts.

How can we receive divine healing? Divine healing is a gift from God that is available to everyone who believes in him and asks him for it. However, there are some conditions and principles that we need to follow in order to receive divine healing effectively. Some of them are:

- Repentance: We need to repent of any sin or disobedience that may hinder our connection with God and his blessing in our lives. We need to confess our sins to God and ask for his forgiveness and cleansing.

- Faith: We need to believe that God is able and willing to heal us according to his word and promise. We need to trust that he loves us and wants the best for us. We need to avoid doubt, unbelief and negativity that may quench the Holy Spirit's work in us.

- Prayer: We need to pray for divine healing with sincerity, humility and persistence. We need to ask God for his will to be done in our lives, not ours. We need to thank him for his goodness and faithfulness in advance.

- Action: We need to act on our faith and follow God's guidance in our lives. We need to obey his commands and instructions, which may include seeking medical help, changing our lifestyle or habits, forgiving others or ourselves, etc.

- Testimony: We need to share our experience of divine healing with others, as a way of glorifying God and encouraging others. We need to acknowledge that he is the source of our healing and give him all the praise.

Divine healing is a wonderful method of healing that can transform our lives in every way. It is not a magic formula or a quick fix, but a process of growth and maturity in Christ. It requires our cooperation and participation with God's grace and power. It is a privilege and a responsibility that we should cherish and pursue with all our hearts.

Psychic Healing

Psychic healing is a method of alternative medicine that claims to use psychic abilities to heal people. Psychic healers may use techniques such as telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, energy manipulation, or spiritual guidance to diagnose and treat illnesses. Some psychic healers claim to be able to heal physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual problems. Jun Labo from Dagupan City in Pangasinan, Philippines was one.

Psychic healing is not recognized by mainstream science or medicine as a valid form of treatment. There is no scientific evidence that psychic healing works, and some studies have shown that it may be harmful or ineffective. Psychic healing may also prevent people from seeking proper medical care or interfere with their treatment. Psychic healing may also exploit vulnerable people who are desperate for a cure or relief from their suffering.

If you are interested in psychic healing, you should be aware of the risks and limitations of this method. You should not rely on psychic healing as your only source of health care or advice. You should consult with your doctor before trying any alternative therapies or stopping any medications. You should also be careful about choosing a psychic healer who is trustworthy, ethical, and qualified. You should avoid psychic healers who charge excessive fees, make unrealistic promises, or pressure you to do things you are not comfortable with.

Psychic healing may appeal to some people who are looking for a holistic, spiritual, or personal approach to healing. However, it is important to be informed and cautious about this method and its potential consequences. Psychic healing is not a substitute for conventional medicine or professional help. It is a controversial and unproven practice that may not work for everyone.

Mediumistic Healing Method

Mediumistic healing is a method of spiritual healing that involves the communication and cooperation of spirit guides, healers, and mediums. Mediumistic healing can be performed in person or at a distance, depending on the preference and availability of the participants.

This is based on the belief that there is a higher power or source of energy that can heal physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues. This power or energy can be accessed through the medium, who acts as a channel or conduit for the healing energy to flow from the spirit world to the recipient.

Mediumistic healing can have various benefits, such as:

- Providing comfort and guidance from loved ones who have passed away

- Releasing negative emotions and patterns that cause illness or distress

- Balancing and harmonizing the energy centers or chakras of the body

- Enhancing the immune system and natural healing abilities of the body

- Promoting personal growth and spiritual development

Mediumistic healing can be done in different ways, such as:

- Laying on of hands: The medium places their hands on or near the recipient's body and allows the healing energy to flow through them.

- Absent healing: The medium sends healing energy to the recipient remotely, using their intention and visualization.

- Trance healing: The medium enters a trance state and allows a spirit healer to work through them directly.

- Psychic surgery: The medium uses their psychic abilities to perform a non-invasive surgery on patients.

Shamanic Healing method

Shamanic healing is a method of healing that involves connecting with the spirit world and channeling its energy into the physical world. Shamanic healing can help with various issues, such as physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual problems. Shamanic healing can also help with personal growth, transformation, and empowerment.

This is based on the belief that everything is alive and has a spirit, and that we can communicate with these spirits through altered states of consciousness. Shamanic healing also recognizes that we are part of a larger web of life, and that we can affect and be affected by everything around us.

One of the most common shamanic healing methods is the shamanic journey. This is a process where a shaman or a shamanic practitioner enters a trance state and travels to other realms of existence to meet with spirit guides and power animals. These are benevolent beings who offer wisdom, guidance, protection, and healing. The shaman or the practitioner can ask them questions, receive messages, retrieve lost parts of the soul, remove negative energies, restore balance, and bring back healing power.

Another shamanic healing method is soul retrieval. This is a technique where a shaman or a practitioner helps a person who has suffered from trauma or loss to recover their lost soul parts. According to shamanic belief, when we experience trauma or loss, part of our soul may leave our body to escape the pain. This can cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, addiction, illness, or feeling incomplete. Soul retrieval involves finding and bringing back these soul parts and integrating them into the person's wholeness.

A third shamanic healing method is extraction. This is a technique where a shaman or a practitioner removes unwanted or harmful energies from a person's body or energy field. These energies can be caused by negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, curses, attachments, or entities. Extraction involves detecting and removing these energies using tools such as feathers, crystals, rattles, drums, or hands.

There are many other shamanic healing methods that can be used for different purposes and situations. Some examples are ancestral healing, past life healing, cord cutting, curse unraveling, energy clearing, chakra balancing, aura cleansing, and more. Shamanic healing can be done individually or in groups, depending on the needs and preferences of the client.

Dreamwork - Dreams are often seen as a portal to the spiritual realm in shamanic traditions. Shamans may work with individuals to interpret their dreams and gain insights into their spiritual and emotional states. This information can then be used to facilitate healing.

Plant Medicine - Many shamans use plant medicines to facilitate healing. These may include herbs, roots, and other natural substances that are believed to have healing properties. Examples of plant medicines commonly used by shamans include ayahuasca, peyote, and tobacco.

Ceremony and Ritual - Shamans often use ceremonies and rituals to create a sacred space for healing. These ceremonies may involve the use of music, dance, chanting, and other forms of expression to connect with the spiritual realm and facilitate healing.

Energy Healing Method

Energy healing is a holistic practice that involves activating the body's subtle energy systems to remove blockages and promote wellness. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body's inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated.

There are many types of energy healing methods, but they all share some common principles and benefits. Some of the most common energy healing methods are:

- Reiki: A Japanese technique that involves channeling universal life force energy through the hands of the practitioner to the recipient. Reiki can be used for self-healing or for healing others, either in person or at a distance. Reiki can help with stress reduction, relaxation, pain relief, emotional healing and spiritual growth.

- Acupuncture: A Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of qi (vital energy) and restore balance. Acupuncture can help with various conditions such as chronic pain, headaches, allergies, insomnia, anxiety and depression.

- Chakra balancing: A practice that involves aligning and harmonizing the seven main energy centers (chakras) in the body. Each chakra corresponds to a different aspect of our being, such as survival, creativity, power, love, communication, intuition and wisdom. Chakra balancing can help with clearing negative energy, enhancing positive energy, improving health and well-being and connecting with higher consciousness.

- Crystal healing: A practice that involves using natural crystals and gemstones to amplify and direct energy for healing purposes. Crystals have different properties and vibrations that can affect our energy fields and influence our physical, mental and emotional states. Crystal healing can help with cleansing, protection, attraction, transformation and manifestation.

- Pranic healing: A practice that involves using prana (life force energy) to heal physical and psychological ailments. Pranic healing is based on the principle that the body has a natural ability to heal itself if it has enough prana. Pranic healing can help with enhancing immunity, accelerating recovery, relieving pain, reducing stress and improving mood. Choa Kok Sui was a grandmaster of Pranic Healing.

These are just some of the many energy healing methods that exist in the world. Each one has its own benefits and limitations, and it is important to find the one that suits your needs and preferences. Energy healing can be a powerful tool for enhancing your health and happiness, but it is not a substitute for medical care or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before trying any new therapy or treatment.

The Source of Divine Healing Power

According to some religious traditions, such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam, the source of divine healing power is God, the Creator and Sustainer of all life. God is able to heal any sickness or affliction by His will and His word. He can also use human agents, such as prophets, apostles, priests, elders or believers, to perform healing miracles in His name. God's healing power is motivated by His love, mercy and compassion for His children.

Have you ever wondered how Jesus performed so many miracles of healing during his earthly ministry? How did he heal the blind, the lame, the lepers, and even raise the dead? Was it because he was God incarnate, or was it because he relied on the power of the Holy Spirit?

Some theologians argue that Jesus did his miracles by his own divine nature, as a way of revealing his identity and authority as the Son of God. Others contend that Jesus did his miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit, as a way of modeling for us how to live in dependence on God and obedience to his will.

I believe that both perspectives are true, but not mutually exclusive. Jesus was fully God and fully man, and he did his miracles by both his divine nature and the power of the Holy Spirit. He was one with the Father and the Spirit, and he acted in harmony with them. He also emptied himself of his glory and humbled himself to become a servant, and he submitted to the Father's plan and the Spirit's guidance.

In Christianity, the source of divine healing power is believed to be the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who is believed to be actively involved in the lives of believers. The Holy Spirit is believed to be the agent of healing, providing the power and energy necessary to bring about physical, emotional, and spiritual healing in the lives of those who seek it.

According to other spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism and New Age, the source of divine healing power is not a personal God, but a universal energy or force that pervades all existence. This energy can be called by different names, such as prana, chi, ki, mana or spirit. It can be accessed and manipulated by various techniques, such as meditation, yoga, acupuncture, reiki or crystals. This energy can heal the body, mind and soul by restoring balance and harmony.

In ancient Egypt, the Eye of Ra was a powerful symbol of healing and protection. The Eye of Ra was believed to be a manifestation of the god Ra, the sun god and creator of the universe. The Eye of Ra was seen as a symbol of the power of the sun to heal and protect, and was revered as a powerful agent of divine healing. It was often depicted as a stylized eye with long lashes and brows, surrounded by a sun disk and a pair of wings. It was also sometimes depicted as a goddess with the power to protect and heal those in need. The Eye of Ra was believed to have the power to see all things, and to protect the righteous and punish the wicked.

In Egyptian art, the Eye of Ra was often used as a symbol of protection and was frequently featured in amulets and talismans worn by the living and the dead. The Eye of Ra was also used in funerary rituals as a symbol of protection for the deceased on their journey to the afterlife.

The Eye of Ra was believed to have the power to heal a wide range of illnesses and diseases. According to Egyptian wisdom, the Eye of Ra was able to heal those who were sick or injured by absorbing their pain and transforming it into healing energy. It was also believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and protect individuals from harm.

The Eye of Ra was a powerful symbol of divine healing and protection in ancient Egyptian secret. It represented the power of the sun god Ra to heal and protect his worshippers from harm, and was revered as a powerful agent of divine healing in ancient Egyptian society.

Whether we believe in a personal God or a universal energy, the common factor is faith. Faith is the key that unlocks the door to divine healing power. Faith is not a blind acceptance of dogma, but a trustful surrender to the source of life and love. Faith is not a passive waiting for a miracle, but an active cooperation with the divine will and purpose. Faith is not a selfish demand for a cure, but a humble request for a blessing.

Divine healing power is available to anyone who seeks it with faith and sincerity. It is not a guarantee of physical health or happiness, but a gift of grace and peace. It is not a substitute for medical care or personal responsibility, but a complement and support. It is not a magic formula or a quick fix, but a process and a journey.

Divine healing power is the expression of the divine nature within us and around us. It is the manifestation of the divine love that heals us and makes us whole.

The Power of Mantra

What is a mantra and why is it so powerful? A mantra is a word, phrase, or sound that is repeated over and over again, usually in meditation or prayer. The word mantra comes from Sanskrit and means "a tool for the mind." A mantra helps to focus the mind and create a positive vibration in the body and the environment.

Mantras have been used for thousands of years in various spiritual traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, and others. They are also found in other cultures and religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Native American traditions. Mantras can be spoken aloud, whispered, chanted, sung, or written down. They can be in any language or even in a non-verbal sound.

Some of the benefits of using mantras are:

- They calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety.

- They increase concentration and awareness.

- They enhance self-confidence and self-esteem.

- They attract positive energy and manifest desires.

- They heal the body and mind and promote well-being.

- They connect us with our true nature and higher self.

How to use mantras effectively? There are no fixed rules for using mantras, but here are some general guidelines:

- Choose a mantra that resonates with you and your intention. You can use a traditional mantra from a specific tradition or create your own mantra based on your personal goals or affirmations.

- Repeat the mantra with sincerity and devotion. You can use a mala (a string of beads) to count the repetitions or set a timer for a certain duration.

- Focus on the sound and meaning of the mantra. Try to feel the vibration of the mantra in your body and mind. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the mantra.

- Practice regularly and consistently. You can use mantras at any time of the day, but it is especially beneficial to use them in the morning and before going to bed. You can also use them during stressful situations or when you need some inspiration or guidance.

Some examples of mantras are:

- Om: The most universal mantra, representing the sound of creation and the essence of everything.

- Om Namah Shivaya: A Hindu mantra that means "I bow to Shiva", the supreme reality and the inner self.

- Om Mani Padme Hum: A Buddhist mantra that means "The jewel is in the lotus", symbolizing compassion and wisdom.

- Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: A Sanskrit mantra that means "May all beings be happy and free".

- I am that I am: A Christian mantra that refers to God's name revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14.

- Shalom: A Hebrew word that means "peace", "wholeness", and "harmony".

- Allah: The Arabic word for "God", used by Muslims and other monotheists.

- Aum Namah Sivaya Gurave: A mantra that means "I bow to the guru within", honoring the inner teacher that guides us.

Mantras are powerful tools for transforming our lives and connecting with our true selves. By using them regularly and sincerely, we can experience more peace, joy, love, and fulfillment in our lives.

The Master of Divine Healing

Ruben Ecleo, also known as the Mysterious Superstar of the South, was a remarkable leader who taught his followers the Spiritual Science of Divine Healing. He taught the different ways to heal a person, such as by looking at them, blowing on the affected area, laying hands on them, or even healing from a distance and cast out evil spirits with just a word.

In the PBMA and Rubenian, Ecleo's followers were able to perform incredible feats of healing. The blind regained their sight, the lame walked, lepers were cleansed, the deaf heard, and even the dead were raised. All of this was made possible by the use of Divine Words, which Ecleo had bestowed upon his followers. These words, also known as mantras, were believed to have immense power and were used to invoke the divine.

What set Ecleo apart from other healers was his ability to bestow power upon his followers. Even if someone possessed the knowledge and the divine words, they would not be able to effect a cure without Ecleo's divine authority. (This is the special anointing of the spirit: the baptism of fire mentioned in Matthew 3:11).  He was power personified, and his followers looked up to him as a source of strength and inspiration. Ecleo's teachings were reminiscent of those of Jesus, who had bestowed power upon his disciples that even the shadow of St. Peter could cure a sick person. His followers believed that he was the only one who could bestow such power since ancient times, and they revered him as a true leader and divine healer.

Let us quote again from our book En Esto Creo: In This I Believe, pp. 172-173.

"There are still living witnesses to His miracles, and there are written accounts that, if read by non-believers, would be nothing short of incredible. Atheists, agnostics, and even some believers would find it difficult to accept that a man could bring the dead back to life - not just one, but many. It is the limitation of human perception that, even if people see things they thought were impossible or witness events that defy natural laws, they will still find it hard to believe, even if they are the actual witnesses. Miracles or events that do not obey the regularities of nature are not something that our brains are wired to comprehend. For example, it would be perplexing to try and figure out how a liter of seawater could power a boat engine. How could a mere boy cure diseases and heal the sick through his saliva? How could a mere boy, a young lad, do mass healing through a rope by making the people hold on tight to it? How could he be in two places at the same time? These are only some of the many examples of His extraordinary feats. No book has yet been written about the incredible deeds of the Mysterious Superstar of the South, and it is unlikely that one ever will."

Below is a simple illustration showing the feats of Divine Master Ruben E. Ecleo, Sr. The blank space in the right column is open for you to fill up if you know anyone or somebody living now who can also do the same thing. We believed that Divine Master was the only one who could bestow such power since ancient times. You can try religious founders, holy men, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, or even the ones who claim to be Christ. 

Healing Method

Jesus Christ

Ruben Ecleo

Add your Founder Here

Touch Healing

Matt. 20:34



Distant Healing

Matt. 15:28



Mass Healing

Matt. 15:29




Matt. 17:18



Can Transfer Power

Matt. 10: 5-15



Can Resurrect the Dead

Matt. 9:18-26



Other Healing Method

Matt. 8:16



 It is worth noting that there is another aspect of His power that has not been touched upon yet - the ability to reincarnate souls. This intriguing topic could be explored in greater detail at a later time.


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