Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Cracking the Code: The Enigma of the SATOR Square

 What is the SATOR square

The SATOR Square is a palindrome containing a Latin sentence that reads the same backward as forward. It consists of five words that can be arranged in a square so that they read the same horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. The words are "SATOR," "AREPO," "TENET," "OPERA," and "ROTAS."

The origin and meaning of the SATOR Square are not entirely clear. It has been found in various places, including Pompeii and other ancient Roman sites, and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a talisman or amulet for good luck or protection. Some theories suggest that the words in the square may be an anagram, acrostic, or reference to a secret religious or mystical doctrine, but these remain speculative.

The SATOR Square has also been the subject of interest and study by scholars and researchers of cryptography, linguistics, and ancient languages, who have analyzed its structure and possible meanings. Despite the mystery and intrigue surrounding it, the SATOR Square remains an enigmatic and fascinating artifact of ancient culture.

There have been various interpretations of the SATOR Square by scholars over the years. Some of the most prominent theories and hypotheses include:

1. A palindrome with no specific meaning: Some scholars believe that the SATOR Square is simply a palindrome with no intended meaning beyond its linguistic structure. In this view, the arrangement of the words in the square is purely coincidental, and there is no deeper significance to the words themselves.

2. Christian or religious symbolism: Other scholars have suggested that the SATOR Square may have had Christian or religious significance. For example, some have seen the words "SATOR" and "TENET" as references to Christ, while others have interpreted the square as a coded message or prayer for protection or salvation.

3. Mystical or magical properties: Still, others have seen the SATOR Square as having mystical or magical properties. Some have suggested that the words may have been used as a talisman or amulet for good luck, healing, or protection, while others have interpreted the square as a key to unlocking hidden knowledge or spiritual truths.

4. Cryptographic code: Some scholars have approached the SATOR Square as a cryptographic code, using various methods to try and decode its possible hidden meanings. These methods have included anagrams, acrostics, and numerical codes, among others.

Two Appearances of the Magic Square

This square can be found in various places and countries throughout history, and there are two main forms in which it appears.

at Pompei 79 A.D.

The first form, also known as the "Rotas Square," has the word "ROTAS" as its head, followed with the words "OPERA," "TENET," "AREPO," and its reverse “SATOR” arranged in a square pattern. This form of the square is often associated with early Christian symbols and is thought to have been used as a protective talisman. It is also believed to have been used as a symbolic representation of the elements of earth, air, water, and fire. It has been found in various locations, including Pompeii in 1936 etched on the column of the amphitheater buried in the volcanic ash of August 79 A.D. and in the house of a certain Paquius Proculusis. This is the earliest discovery of the ROTAS square.






The second form, known as the "SATOR Square," has the word "SATOR" in the beginning, followed with the same words "OPERA," "TENET," "AREPO" and its reverse “SATOR” arranged in the same square pattern as in the ROTAS Square. The SATOR Square is believed to have originated in ancient Rome and is associated with early Christian and Gnostic symbolism. The SATOR square is thought to have been used as a talisman for good luck and protection.






Probable Origin of the SATOR Square

1. Pre-Christian: It has been suggested that the SATOR Square may have pre-Christian origins, possibly related to pagan fertility cults. However, there is little concrete evidence to support this theory.

2. Christian: The Christian interpretation of the SATOR Square is closely related to its use as a cryptogram. In Christian tradition, cryptograms are words or phrases that are written in a code or cipher, often as a means of concealing important religious or spiritual messages. The SATOR Square is often seen as a type of Christian cryptogram, with the word "SATOR" representing Jesus Christ.

Dura Europus 165 A.D.

This interpretation is supported by the fact that the letters in the SATOR Square can be rearranged to spell out the phrase "PATER NOSTER", which is the Latin name for the Lord's Prayer. The Lord's Prayer is one of the most well-known and 

Samson against the lion at Sant Orso Rome

widely used prayers in Christianity, and it is traditionally attributed to Jesus Christ.

The connection between the SATOR Square and the Lord's Prayer has been explored by many scholars, including Felix Grosser who first showed the anagrammatic relationship between the two in 1926. The use of the SATOR Square in early Christian contexts, such as churches and catacombs, also suggests that it was seen as a significant symbol by early Christians.

3. Gnostic: Gnosticism was a religious movement that originated in the early centuries of Christianity and was influenced by various philosophies, religions, and cultures. One of the central beliefs of Gnosticism was the idea that there is a secret knowledge, or gnosis, that allows a person to escape the material world and achieve salvation.

The SATOR Square has been linked to Gnostic traditions because some scholars believe that the word "SATOR" may have been a Gnostic acronym. While the specific meaning of the acronym is unknown, it has been suggested that it may represent one of their divine beings or concepts. For example, the letter "N" in SATOR could represent the Holy Spirit in some Gnostic systems, and the word "AREPO" may be derived from the Egyptian god Horus, who was also known as Hr-Hp.

However, it should be noted that this theory is speculative and there is no concrete evidence to support it. It is possible that the SATOR Square was used in Gnostic circles, but it is also possible that it had a completely different origin and was adopted by various groups over time.

4. Orphic: The Orphic religion was a mystery cult that existed in ancient Greece and was centered around the worship of the god Apollo. Its followers believed in the immortality of the soul and the idea that humans were trapped in a cycle of reincarnation. The SATOR Square has been linked to the Orphic tradition due to its use in their rituals and as a symbol of their beliefs.

Oppede, France

Some scholars have suggested that the word "SATOR" in the square may have been connected to the Orphic concept of the "sower." The sower was a symbol of the divine, who was responsible for sowing the seeds of life and death in the world. The plow, another symbol in the square, was associated with the Orphic initiation rites and was thought to represent the journey of the soul through life.

The connection between the SATOR Square and the Orphic tradition may have been through the Eleusinian mysteries, a set of initiation rites practiced in ancient Greece. These mysteries were closely tied to the Orphic religion and were believed to offer the promise of an afterlife for those who were initiated.

5. Mithraic: The Mithraic religion was a mystery cult that was popular in the Roman Empire in the first few centuries AD. The religion centered on the god Mithras, who was associated with the sun and was often depicted killing a bull. The SATOR Square has been found in Mithraic contexts, such as in the remains of Mithraic temples.

Walter Moeller, in his work "The Mithraic Origin and Meanings of the ROTAS-SATOR Square," argued that the square has Mithraic origins and represents the triad of Saturnus-Aion, Sol Invictus, and Mithras. Moeller also suggested three possible connections between the SATOR Square and the Mithraic belief system.

First, Moeller proposed that the meanings of the words in the square support Mithraism. For example, the word "SATOR" could refer to the god Saturnus, who was often associated with time and the harvest. The word "TENET" could refer to the idea of Mithras holding the keys to the universe.

Second, Moeller suggested that the square could be deciphered through anagram to reveal hidden Mithraic meanings. For example, if the letters of the square are rearranged, they spell "PATERNOSTER," which is the Latin for the Lord's Prayer. This could be seen as a reference to the idea that Mithras was a mediator between the gods and humanity. He said, "I think, however, that the father as saviour would have been more in keeping with Mithraic thought than with Christian: Saturn, the father, was to come again to establish his regnum; Christ, the son, will come again to rule his.”

Third, Moeller used numerology to show that the word "TENET" in the square has a numerological value of 666, which is often associated with the devil in Christian tradition. However, it should be noted that this calculation requires forcing the Latin 'E' which is ε epsilon in Greek equivalent to become η eta.

T = 300

E = 8

N = 50

E = 8

T = 300



6. Local Italian: The SATOR Square has been found in a number of locations in Italy, which has led some scholars to suggest that it may have originated as a local Italian symbol or talisman. However, there is little evidence to support this theory.

Cirencester, England

7. Jewish: MacGregor Mathers, in his book "The Key of Solomon," suggested that the SATOR Square may have Jewish origins. He pointed to the Second Pentacle of Saturn, which is a magical talisman found in the grimoire "The Key of Solomon," and is inscribed with the SATOR acrostic.

In Jewish mysticism, the planet Saturn is associated with the sephirah Binah, which represents understanding and knowledge. The Second Pentacle of Saturn is said to enhance one's understanding of complex ideas and to aid in meditation and spiritual growth. The use of the SATOR Square in this context may be seen as a way to harness the power of Saturn and to connect with the divine wisdom associated with the sephirah Binah.

It should be noted that the origins of the SATOR Square in Jewish mysticism are debated among scholars, and some argue that it is more likely to have originated in other contexts such as Mithraism or Christianity. Nonetheless, the use of the SATOR Square in the Second Pentacle of Saturn is an example of how it has been incorporated into Jewish mystical traditions.

8. Pythagorean: The Pythagorean philosophy was a system of beliefs founded by the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras. This philosophy placed great emphasis on the role of mathematics and music in understanding the world around us. The Pythagoreans believed that numbers and geometry were fundamental to the universe, and that music was a reflection of the divine harmony of the cosmos.

Some scholars have suggested that the SATOR Square may have been used by the Pythagoreans as a symbol of their beliefs. The letters of the SATOR Square can be arranged into a 5x5 grid, which has some mathematical significance. The number 5 was important to the Pythagoreans, as it represented the pentagram or five-pointed star, which they believed to be a symbol of health and well-being.

Additionally, some have suggested that the word AREPO may have roots in Greek-Roman Egypt, where it was associated with the god of good luck, Harpon. This connection to Egyptian mythology could be significant for the Pythagoreans, who were known to have been influenced by the ancient Egyptian mystery schools.

The Great Arcanum

9. Stoic: The Stoic philosophy was an ancient Greek system of beliefs that focused on living in accordance with nature. Some have suggested that the SATOR Square may have been used by the Stoics as a symbol of their beliefs, as the word "SATOR" can be rearranged to spell "rotas," which means "wheel" in Latin and may have been a symbol of the Stoic belief in the cyclical nature of the universe.

10. Satanic: The association between the SATOR Square and satanic or occult traditions is largely based on its use in certain esoteric practices, as well as the presence of certain phrases or anagrams that invoke Satan or suggest a connection to dark forces. The phrase "Satan, ter oro te, opera praesto" which means "Satan, I pray to you thrice, be ready for action” is one such example, as it is believed to be an anagram that can be derived from the letters in the square.

However, it is important to note that not all interpretations of the SATOR Square are associated with satanism or the occult. While there may be some evidence to suggest a connection to certain esoteric traditions, the symbol itself is open to a variety of interpretations and meanings. As with any symbol or artifact, its meaning is largely shaped by the context in which it is found and the beliefs of those who use or interpret it.

Throughout the Centuries

Throughout history, reports have surfaced of the SATOR square being discovered in various locations. One of the earliest findings was at Dura-Europus, a Roman military fortress, dating back to AD 165-256, and conjectured to have been written by a Roman soldier. The square has also been found in various manuscripts, including an Oxford Latin manuscript from the 13th century and a Munich manuscript from the 15th century.

Other significant discoveries include the SATOR square being scratched on the marble above the chapel of St. Laurent in Rochemaure, France, and incised on Roman wall-plaster at Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England in 1868. It has also been found in courthouses and churches across Europe, Africa, and America, dating back as far as the 6th century.

One of the most intriguing discoveries of the SATOR square was in Cappadocia during the reign of Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyogenitus. Here, the square was used in the decoration of a church dedicated to the shepherds of the Nativity whose names were SATOR, AREPON, AND TENETON. The square has also been associated with the three Magi ATOR, SATOR, and PERAROTAS.

In Abyssinia, local inhabitants invoked Christ by the names of the five nails of the cross: SADOR, ALADOR, DANET, ADERA, and RODAS. In Coptic amulets, talismans from Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia, Ador Erman discovered the names of the five wounds of Christ: SADOR, ARODA, DANAD, ADERA RODAS. These talismans provide valuable insight into the beliefs and practices of the people who created them.

Moving on to Faras Nubia, in AD 739, a prayer was inscribed in a tomb alongside the five names of the nails of Christ. In the 9th century, Codex 384 from Monte Cassino contained another interesting discovery. One of the talismans was inscribed in the church of San Pietro all'Oratorio di Capestrano, while another was written in the margin of a work found in Codex I.4 of the Capitolare de Modena. Two papyrus, P.982 and P.8096, containing a Greek version of the formula, date back to the 7th century.

Finally, the SATOR square appears in Icelandic myth, revealing a fascinating connection between different cultures and their beliefs in the power of talismans and amulets.

Scholars' Opinion and The Mystery of AREPO

The SATOR Square has been the subject of much scholarly debate and interpretation over the centuries. One of the earliest scholars to study the SATOR Square was Kahler, who concluded that all of the words, with the exception of AREPO, were well-known Latin words. However, the meaning of AREPO has not been satisfactorily explained.

There have been many attempts to interpret the meaning of AREPO, including interpreting it as a proper name, a corrupt or primitive Latin substantive, initials or abbreviations, or a loan word from another language. Many solutions in the past have been based on the assumption that since every other word in the square has a recognizable meaning when read forwards or backwards, AREPO should be as meaningful as its palindrome OPERA.

One interpretation of the SATOR Square is that it is a reference to the Lord's Prayer and to the Alpha and Omega. This interpretation was proposed by Felix Grosser. Another interpretation of the SATOR Square is that it is an invocation to Satan. This interpretation was proposed by H. Fritsch, who rearranged the letters in the square to find the phrase "Satan oro te pro arte, a te spero."

Duncan Fishwick proposed that the rearrangement of the letters in the SATOR Square led to anagrams ranging from pious prayers to diabolic incantations. However, it was not until later rearrangements of the letters that the SATOR Square gained general acceptance by reputable scholars. Despite the many interpretations and opinions surrounding the SATOR Square, its true meaning and purpose remain a mystery.

The Many Uses of The SATOR Square Throughout the Centuries

The SATOR square is a palindrome that has been used for many purposes throughout history. One of its most notable uses is as a charm against the bite of a mad dog or rabid animal, a practice that has been observed in various cultures around the world. Additionally, the SATOR square has been used as a cure for toothaches, with the letters of the acrostic written in butter or on a piece of bread and then eaten in the hope of expelling the sickness.

Another interesting use of the SATOR square is as a means of extinguishing fires. The acrostic was believed to have the power to quell flames when written on a disk and thrown into the fire. This is preserved in the book of Albertus Magnus. Similarly, it has been used as a charm against fever and to protect against the bite of a mad dog. In fact, the natives of the northern provinces of Brazil have used it to protect against and heal snake bites.

W. Schwartz suggests that the double meaning of a formula like the SATOR acrostic could serve the purpose of calling up spirits, and then when said backwards, of banishing them again. He cites numerous examples from Latin poetry, especially spells to call up the wind and lightning and evil spirits.

The SATOR square has also been used to awaken love or to obtain favor, and to protect cattle against witchcraft. In Bosnia, it has been used as a cure for headaches and hydrophobia, while in Iceland it has been scratched on the fingernails of patients as a cure for jaundice. It has been used throughout South America as a cure for dog bites and snake bites.

In the Allegheny Mountains, Germany, and eastern United States, the SATOR square has been used to prevent fires, stop fits, and prevent miscarriages. It has been used as a febrifuge by the ancient Gauls and to cure fever and insanity. In fact, a citizen of Lyons is said to have recovered from insanity after eating three crusts of bread, each inscribed with the magic square, reciting five Pater Nosters, five wounds of Christ, and the five nails of the cross.

The SATOR square has been used as a charm to ward off evil or illness and to prove whether a person was a witch or not. It has been used against poisonous air, pestilence, and sorcery. In Brazil, it has been used for dog bites and snake bites, written on a slip of paper and then rolled in the form of a pill and given to the patient as soon as possible after the person (or animal) has been bitten.

The versatility of the SATOR square is astounding, with its uses ranging from preventing fires to curing toothaches, rabies, and vertigo. Women in the 16th century even wore a parchment around their neck inscribed with the SATOR square to cure eye maladies. It has been used as a cure for childbirth and even as a cure for rabies, with a rye flour cookie containing the heart, liver, and spleen of the dog that had bitten someone pressed with the SATOR square and then eaten by the bitten person. The wound is also cauterized for added protection. To cure vertigo, one can take a copy of the square and add various herbs and marine plants, sealing them in a leather bag.

Latin Anagrams of the SATOR Square

The Latin anagram of the SATOR square is an intriguing puzzle that has fascinated people for centuries.

The anagram consists of five words: "SATOR," "AREPO," "TENET," "OPERA," and "ROTAS." The meaning of these words is unclear, but there have been many theories proposed over the years.

One popular theory is that the anagram was used as a magical incantation or amulet to ward off evil spirits. This theory is based on the fact that the words can be read in several different directions, including backward and upside down, which would make it difficult for a demon to read and therefore nullify its power.

Another theory is that the anagram was used by early Christians as a secret code or symbol. The word "SATOR" has been interpreted as a reference to the word "Savior," while "AREPO" has been linked to the Greek word "arpax," which means "snatcher" or "thief." According to this theory, the anagram was a way for early Christians to communicate with each other in secret without being detected by the authorities.

The SATOR square has many possible anagrams.

Some possible anagrams include:

PATER NOSTER OPERA TENET AROST (which means "Our Father holds the plow" in Latin)

A ROSETTA STONE PATERN OPERA (which doesn't have a clear meaning but contains the word "Rosetta Stone," which is an important artifact for deciphering ancient languages)

PORTA EST OPERA TENET ARS (which means "The gate is holding the work of art" in Latin)

There are many other possible anagrams, and their meanings may vary depending on the words used and the language in which they are written. Here are possible anagrams for the letters in "SATOR AREPO TENET OPERA ROTAS". It's important to note that not all of these permutations will form meaningful words or phrases in Latin or any other language, and some may require slight modifications to be grammatically and semantically valid.

TOT OPERA ARS ET TENET PATER NOSTER (which means "All works of art and the Our Father hold" in Latin)

ATTRAPOS NOSTER PATER TENET OPERA (which means "Our Father Attrapos holds the works" in Latin, where "Attrapos" or “Atropos” is a mythical figure associated with fate and death)

PARS OPERA TENET ET EST ORATIO (which means "The part holds the works and is a prayer" in Latin)

POTENS OPERA TENET EROS ATRA (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the word "eros," which is the Greek god of love)

EST OPERA TENET ATRO PATER SONOR (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the words "atro" and "sonor," which mean "dark" and "sound" in Latin)

ROSA TENET OPERA ET PATER ORAT (which means "The rose holds the works and the father prays" in Latin)

PARO OPERA TENET ET SONAT ARS (which means "I prepare the works, and the art sounds" in Latin)

TOT OPERA TENET ET PATET ARS (which means "All works are held and the art is revealed" in Latin)

PARS OPERA EST TENET ATRO SONO (which means "The part that is the work is held by the dark sound" in Latin)

ASPERATE PATER TENET OPERA SONO (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the word "asperate," which means "rough" or "harsh" in Latin, and "sono," which means "sound").

PATER TENET OPERA ET SATOR ARDET (which means "The father holds the works and the sower burns" in Latin)

PATER OPERA SONAT ET TENET ATRO (which means "The father plays the works and holds the dark" in Latin)

ROTAS OPERA TENET ET ASTRA PETOR (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the words "rotas" and "petor," which mean "wheels" and "I seek" in Latin)

SENOR PATER ET TENET OPERA ASTRA (which means "Lord Father holds the works and stars" in Spanish)

PATENS OPERA TENET ET ARS ORATO (which means "The open work holds and the art prays" in Latin)

PARES OPERA TENET ET STATER ARTO (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the words "pares" and "stater," which mean "pairs" and "I establish" in Latin)

OPES PATENT TENET ET ROTA ASTRO (which doesn't have a clear meaning, but contains the words "opes" and "rota," which mean "riches" and "wheel" in Latin)

PATER SONAT OPERA ET TENET ASTRA (which means "The father plays the works and holds the stars" in Latin)

POTENS OPERA TENET ET ORAT PATER (which means "The powerful work holds and the father prays" in Latin)

SENATOR PATET OPERA ET TENET ROTA (which means "The senator reveals the works and holds the wheel" in Latin).

However, the SATOR square contains only eight unique letters: A, E, O, P, R, N, S, and T. Using all 8 letters there are 40,320 possible permutations of those letters. Here are just a few examples:











And so on.

After permutating the letters some of the resulting permutations can form Latin words, while others may not. Here are a few examples of Latin words that can be formed from the eight letters.

Paternos - meaning "paternal" or "of a father"

Persona - meaning "person" or "character"

Notares - meaning "you may mark" or "you may observe"

Responte - meaning "answer" or "reply"

Potens - meaning "able" or "powerful"

Patroen - meaning "client" or "patron"

It's worth noting that there may be other Latin words that can be formed from these letters, and some of the above words may not be common or frequently used in modern Latin. For example, "pronates" is the third person singular present tense of the Latin verb "pronare," which means "to bend forward" or "to bow down."


In Latin Cabala from Walter Begley the word “paternos” has the gematrial value of

P   A  T  E  R  N  O  S

14 1 18 5 16 12 13 17 = 96

If we add the word ‘ter”

P   A  T  E  R  N  O  S  T  E  R

14 1 18 5 16 12 13 17 18 5 16 = 135

However, since "paternos" is a Latin word and not a Greek word, it would not have a numerical value in the Greek Qabalah/Gematria system.

The Greek equivalent of "paternos" would be πατρικός (patrikos), which is derived from the Greek word for "father" (πατήρ, pater). "Patrikos" is an adjective that can be translated as "paternal," "fatherly," or "related to one's father."

In the Greek Qabalah, also known as Gematria, each letter of the Greek alphabet has a numerical value. The value of πατρικός (patrikos) in Greek Gematria can be calculated by adding together the numerical values of its individual letters:

π (pi) = 80

α (alpha) = 1

τ (tau) = 300

ρ (rho) = 100

ι (iota) = 10

κ (kappa) = 20

ό (omicron) = 70

ς (final sigma) = 200

Adding these values together gives us a total of 781. Therefore, the Qabalah/Gematria value of "patrikos" in Greek would be 781. This is the same gematria for σοφία, Sophia, which means “Wisdom.”

The word "patrikos" (πατρικός) does appear in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, specifically in the Gospel of Luke 2:4, where it describes the town of Bethlehem as the "city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David" in the Greek text: "πόλις Δαυίδ, ἥτις καλεῖται Βηθλέεμ, ὅτι ἐκ οἴκου καὶ πατριᾶς Δαυὶδ ἦν" (polis Dauid, hētis kaleitai Bēthleem, hoti ek oikou kai patrias Dauid ēn). The word "patrikos" is derived from "patria," which means "family," so it is used here to describe David's family lineage.

There are several other examples of the word "patrikos" appearing in the New Testament. Here are a few:

2 Timothy 1:3: "I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day." The Greek word translated as "forefathers" here is "progonoi," which is related to the word "patrikos."

Acts 22:3: "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers' law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today." The phrase "our fathers' law" is translated from the Greek "tōn patrikōn hēmōn nomōn," which refers to the Jewish law inherited from one's ancestors.

Luke 1:27: "To a virgin pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary." The phrase "of the house of David" is translated from the Greek "ek oikou Dauid," which is similar to the phrase "ek oikou kai patrias Dauid" mentioned earlier, and also refers to a family lineage.

In Strong’s Concordance we have the entry

3967. patrikos

Strong's Concordance

patrikos: paternal, ancestral

Original Word: πατρικός, ή, όν
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: patrikos
Phonetic Spelling: (pat-ree-kos')
Definition: paternal, ancestral
Usage: ancestral, paternal, belonging to the fathers (ancestors).

Englishman's Concordance

Galatians 1:14 Adj-GMP
GRK: ὑπάρχων τῶν πατρικῶν μου παραδόσεων
NAS: zealous for my ancestral traditions.
KJV: of the traditions of my fathers.
INT: being of the fathers of me for [the] traditions

Strong's Greek 3967
1 Occurrence

NAS Exhaustive Concordance

Word Origin
paternal, ancestral
NASB Translation
ancestral (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

STRONGS NT 3967: πατρικός

πατρικόςπατρικήπατρικόν (πατήρ),paternal, ancestral, equivalent to handed down by or received from one's fathers: Galatians 1:14. (Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, and following; the Sept.) (Synonym: see πατροως, at the end.)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance


From pater; paternal, i.e. Ancestral -- of fathers.

see GREEK pater

Forms and Transliterations

πάτρια πατρική πατρικήν πατρικόν πατρικων πατρικών πατρικῶν patrikon patrikôn patrikōn patrikō̂n


The use of "ter" in Latin is an interesting aspect of the language, as it allows for the expression of repetition and multiplication in a concise manner. For example, "ter centum" means "three hundred," as in "three times one hundred." This type of construction is used in many different contexts, including mathematics, literature, and everyday speech.

When combined with other Latin words, "ter" can take on new meanings and nuances. For instance, "tertius" means "third," indicating a position in a sequence or hierarchy. Similarly, "tertiare" means "to try for the third time," suggesting a persistent or tenacious effort.

The phrase "ter paternos" combines "ter" with "paternos," which is the plural form of the adjective "paternus," meaning "of the father." The phrase can be interpreted in several ways, depending on the context. If we assume that "paternos" refers to the masculine plural "paterni," then "ter paternos" would mean "three times of the fathers," implying some kind of repetition or multiplication of paternal influence or authority.

In a religious context, the phrase "ter paternos" might be interpreted as a reference to the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, which holds that there is one God in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this case, "ter paternos" could be understood as "thrice the Father," suggesting a repetition or multiplication of the divine paternal presence, like the thrice great Hermes.

In its usual form, as "paternoster" which is a Latin word that literally means "Our Father." It is most commonly used to refer to the Lord's Prayer, which begins with the words "Pater noster, qui es in caelis..." (Our Father, who art in heaven...). The term "Paternoster" can also refer to a type of prayer bead or rosary used in some Christian traditions to count repetitions of the Lord's Prayer.

Overall, the use of "ter" in Latin is a flexible and versatile tool for expressing concepts of repetition, multiplication, and ordinality. When combined with other words, it can create a range of meanings and shades of nuance, making it a valuable tool for writers and speakers in many different contexts.


More Latin Anagrams

1. Petro et reo patet rosa Sarona (The rose of Sarona is open to both Peter and the defendant.

2. Ero ante portas, ero ante portas (I will be before the gates, I will be before the gates.)

3. Orare nostrae opoteat stare (It is necessary to stand and pray.)

4. Arte optate ornare posse orta (To be able to decorate with desired art that which has arisen.)

5. A se optat orare; O pater noster (He himself wishes to pray; O our Father.)

6. Persona e torto aere parata est (The character is prepared from twisted copper.)

7. Optatore orante portares aes.( You carried the copper, wishing for it to be prayed for)

8. oratores se apte orare optant (The orators wish to pray aptly.)

9. Ore torta aperta sonare potes (With twisted lips, you are able to make a sound.)

10. Tantopere potes orare optant (They greatly desire for you to be able to pray.)

11. Ora, Nestor, pro postera aetate. (Pray, Nestor, for the coming age.)

12. Ante portas eat o pereat soror. (Let the sister go before the gates or perish.)

13. O apostata, poena retro terres. (O apostate, you are frightened by the punishment behind you.)

14. Retro Satana totopere asper. (Satan is so harshly backwards.)

15. Oro te Pater, oro te Pater, sanas. (I pray to you, Father, I pray to you, Father, heal)

16. O Pater ores pro aetate nostra. (O Father, pray for our age.)

17. Ora, operare, ostenta te Pastor. (Pray, act, show yourself, Shepherd.)

18. Satan, ter oro te, opera praesto. (Satan, I pray to you three times, be ready to act.)

19. Satan, oro te, reo portas patere. (Satan, I pray to you, open the gates to the defendant.)

20. Satan, ter oro te, reparato opes. (Satan, I pray to you three times, restore the wealth.)

21.Satan, pater, oro stare te pro eo. (Satan, Father, I pray for you to stand for it.)

22. Satan, pereo apro, restat oro te. (Satan, I am lost, it remains for me to pray to you.)

23. Satan, oro te et appare e rostro. (Satan, I pray to you and appear from the beak.)

From the book En Esto Creo (In This I Believe)

According to the book En Esto Creo (In This I Believe), the SATOR square has a fascinating origin story rooted in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Mark 16:6, as the apostles and disciples entered the tomb and saw the young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe, they were utterly amazed. The young man spoke to them, revealing that Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified, had risen from the dead and was not in the tomb. The young man then pointed to the PATERNOSTER cross on the cave wall, which had the double AO for the title Alpha and Omega. This is hinted by the angel's words, “Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified.”

He said to them, "Do not be amazed! You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Behold the place where they laid him. (Mark 16:6)

The PATERNOSTER cross is a powerful symbol that represents not only Jesus but his name itself. The cross shape is called the tau, which is the shape of the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for savior translates to Joshua, which in turn translates to Jesus in Greek. Therefore, the shape of the crucifix is not just a symbol of Jesus, but it is his name itself.

…the ‘tau’ and it is shape of cross upon which Jesus was crucified…” the cross carried one very precise meaning- ‘savior’, which translates to the Hebrew ‘Joshua’, which in turn translates in Greek to ‘Jesus’. In short, the shape of the crucifix is not symbol of Jesus; it is his name itself. (The Hiram Key, p. 316. Knight & Lomas. Arrow Books, 1997.)

The author of En Esto Creo suggests that the first disciples and apostles scrambled the letters of the SATOR square to make it a code for those who believed in the risen Jesus Christ. This was done to avoid persecution, especially during the time of Emperor Nero, who hated the Christians. Anagram or temurah is one of the three Jewish secret arts to conceal wisdom and is part of what is called Kabbalah. The fact that Jewish Christians knew this art was stated in the work by Minucius Felix.

In 165, the Latin apologist Minucius Felix quotes a non-Christian as saying that Christians recognize each other by ‘secret symbols and signs [occultis se notis et insignibus noscunt]’. (The Quest for the True Cross, p. 16. Carsten Thiede & Matthew D’Ancona. 2000)

In the Greek interlinear the word for crucified in Mark 16:6 is ἐσταυρωμένον (estaurōmenon) which means, “having been crucified.” In the sense of “crucified” as indicated in the Mark passage above, it is ἐσταυρωμένος (estaurōmenos). But the root word is either

a. Strong's Concordance

stauros: an upright stake, hence a cross (the Rom. instrument of crucifixion)

Original Word: σταυρός, οῦ, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: stauros
Phonetic Spelling: (stow-ros')
Definition: an upright stake, a cross (the Rom. instrument of crucifixion)
Usage: a cross.

b. Strong's Concordance

stauroó: to fence with stakes, to crucify

Original Word: σταυρόω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: stauroó
Phonetic Spelling: (stow-ro'-o)
Definition: to fence with stakes, to crucify
Usage: I fix to the cross, crucify; fig: I destroy, mortify.

The word SATOR is a clever abbreviation of STAuROs or STAuROo, which is what is implied in the phrase "JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE CRUCIFIED." These words function as a rebus, and as a result, the cross form of PATERNOSTER as found by Grosser and others.

The mystery of AREPO lies in the fact that the letters AO were written beside the PATERNOSTER cross, representing the Alpha Omega. This is the same title given to YHWH in the Old Testament, as seen in Isaiah 44:6, where it says,

Thus says the LORD, Israel’s King and redeemer, the LORD of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; there is no God but me.

This is AO. But what does REP in AREPO stand for? Using the Caesar Cipher with Key 18, REP becomes JWH or YWH, the three letters from the name of the famous tetragrammaton YHWH. This is the sense of the above passage which says YWH A, YWH O, which is YWH AO, hence, AREPO.

It is important to note that in Rev. 2:8, Rev. 1:8, and Rev. 22:13, Jesus claimed,

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

 Some have even claimed that YHWH is also Jesus, but this is due to a misunderstanding of the true meaning of the word "God." For a more in-depth discussion on this topic, please refer to the book En Esto Creo (In This I Believe). https://www.amazon.com/En-Esto-Creo-This-Believe-ebook/dp/B0BWNV17P9?ref_=ast_author_dp

The word "TENET" forms a cross, with the letter "N" at its center. From the square, we can observe the Greek word "PETRA," which translates to "rock." It is important to note that this term does not refer to Peter the apostle, as the Greek word used for him is "Petros," meaning "a stone" or "a boulder." Original Word: Πέτρος.

"Is there a God or any Rock besides me?" (Isaiah 44:8)

It is fascinating to consider the symbolism behind the formation of the word "TENET" and its connection to the concept of a rock. The cross, a powerful symbol in Christianity, is formed by the letters of the word, with the "N" at its center, perhaps representing the idea of a strong foundation or core belief. The use of the word "PETRA" further emphasizes this notion, as a rock is a solid and unyielding object that can provide stability and support.

Overall, this observation highlights the intricate and meaningful nature of language and its ability to convey complex ideas and concepts.






It is widely known that the anagram for the name "petra" is "pater," which translates to "father." However, it is important to note that the Jews who sought to distort the identity of Jesus, such as Celsus, corrupted the word "pater" to "pantera," resulting in the false claim that Jesus was the son of a man named Pantera.

If we examine the true meaning of "pater," we can see that it refers to Jesus as the son of the father. This is significant because it aligns with the name of Jesus Barabbas, which means "Jesus, son of Father." The other Jesus as depicted by the gospel authors was the reluctant messiah, the soft-spoken messiah who remained silent from Pilate’s questioning: the Messiah who even questioned the messiah’s Davidic line of descent. This is the twin Jesus, the pawn after Jesus Barabbas was captured. Why would Judas betray Jesus with a kiss?

Whomever I kiss, He is the one; (Mark 14:44)

When he was every day in the temple preaching.

Every day I was with you in the temple teaching. (Mark 14:49)

Why would Judas betray Jesus with a twin?

Furthermore, in our previous discussions on En Esto Creo (In This I Believe), we explored the significance of the letter N. In the Greek Qabala, each letter of the Greek alphabet corresponds to zodiacal signs and parts of the human body. The letter N specifically corresponds to the feet, which were the prominent part of the crucifixion, and ultimately, the cross.

By understanding these linguistic and symbolic connections, we can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of Jesus and his role in history.

In Philippine Grimoire

The Filipino occult book "Ang Apat na Sulok ng Daigidig" reveals a secret history of creation. According to the author, before the universe was created, the Ancient Power created 36 spirits. Out of these spirits, He chose five to assist Him in the creation process. These five spirits were given names that sealed the four directions of the Universe and guarded the center, around which all four directions moved.

The Ancient Power himself baptized these spirits, and they are known as SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and ROTAS. SATOR guards the East and is also known as the King of the East. AREPO is the administrator of the West, while TENET represents the Center. OPERA is the King of the North, and ROTAS is the King of the South.

These four directions have been known in various cultures and civilizations since ancient times and are remembered by Man as the Four Corners. They represent the Code 4, which is significant in many aspects of life.

This fascinating account of creation and the spirits that guard the four directions is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines. It provides a glimpse into the beliefs and practices of the people and their connection to the universe. The story of SATOR, AREPO, TENET, OPERA, and ROTAS is a captivating one that continues to intrigue and inspire people around the world.

The Four Corners of the World

We find many allusions to “four Regents of the four corners of the earth”, to “the Rulers of the North, South, East and West”, ad to “four winds or forces of earth”. These “Rulers” or “Regents”, we are told, are four great Angels or Devas who act as Agents of God, and not only manipulate great cosmic forces, but also carry out His laws of justice in the minutest detail in the races of men. In eastern esoteric philosophy they have been called the “Lords of Karma”, who administer the laws the laws of the cause and effect, of action and reaction, on every human level. They are the “four beasts before the throne” in the Book of revelation, “full of eyes within; and they rest not day and night”. The Church refers to them as the “Recording Angels” who record the thoughts and deeds of men and of nations in the “Book of Life”. This description of course implies that nothing is too great or too small or yet too hidden to escape their eternal vigilance. (Arthur M. Coon, The Theosophical Seal)

On the Kabbalistic Gematria of SATOR

The PATERNOSTER cross, also known as the SATOR square, is a powerful symbol of the Christian faith that has been passed down through the ages from the first disciples to the present day. The cross is a rebus, a puzzle that uses pictures and symbols to represent words or phrases, and it is believed to be the seal of the Risen Christ. The rebus has been etched into walls, altars, and pages of the Bible, and has been used for magical cures, as a talisman or for protection. Its presence is seen throughout history, from the early apostolic fathers to the Knights Templar who kept the faith alive and used the initials of the rebus in the form of C. S. P. B. as a reminder of their mission to protect the Church. The PATERNOSTER cross is Christ Himself speaking in signs and symbols, and its significance lies in its message of hope and salvation. The sign of the Risen Christ that the angel showed to the first disciples is the same sign that conveys the most important secret of all: the sign or code for the Second Coming of Christ.

Behold, I have told it to you beforehand. So if they say to you, 'He is in the desert,' do not go out there; if they say, 'He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For just as lightning comes from the east and is seen as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be. Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. (Matthew 24: 25-28)


 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

The PATERNOSTER cross and its significance as a symbol of the Risen Christ has been passed down through generations of Christians, but over time, the true meaning of this powerful symbol seems to have been lost. Even those who were believed to be its keepers, such as the Knights Templar, may have only possessed a partial understanding of its importance.

This mysterious quality of the PATERNOSTER cross has also been seen in the case of the Third Secret of Fatima. In 1917, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to three young children in Fatima, Portugal, and shared three secrets with them. The first two secrets were revealed shortly after the apparitions, but the third was kept secret by Lucia, one of the children, until she was instructed by the Virgin Mary to reveal it in 1960. However, Lucia requested that the sealed envelope containing the secret only be opened either after her death or in 1960, "whichever came first." The true nature of this secret remains a topic of debate and speculation among scholars and believers, but some have suggested that it may hold the key to unlocking the true meaning of the PATERNOSTER cross and its significance in the Second Coming of Christ.





7   =   1                    2                   6   =   7



   52 =   7   1   2   5  9   5   6   1   2   5   9   =   52



7   =   1                2                6   =   7



——— ——— ———- ——— ——————


66         2             52             12         66




66 + 2 = 68 = RUBEN BURAY ECLEO


1 & 6 = 16 = NEWS = 7

66 + 66 = 132 = 113 + 19



Our tribe for generation has passed millennium lives, yet many know not how. When the Lord Almighty God bestowed change, He accepted death to save the world and for the sake to preserve His siblings, people, and His tribe…for all the time is His that He can live back to life again with any man, in any name, and in different milieu of character in the same continuums…What the world should know is that for many times, people have been saved; for in this world, a man who knows and sees the Lord God, man to man and face to face, man will die because men are sinners. Thus, by His death, God changes His name. -Grand Master Ruben B. Ecleo, Jr. (1960-2021) May 8, 2000


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