Saturday, June 3, 2023

Unseen Guardians: The Mystery Behind Angel Names Unveiled

 Angels are supernatural beings that have been mentioned in religious texts and folklore throughout history. They are often depicted as messengers of God who possess great power and wisdom. In various cultures and religions, angels are known by different names and are recognized for their unique qualities and abilities.

They are believed to have been created by God to serve as guides, protectors, and helpers to human beings. They are often depicted as immaculate and pure beings with wings, who are able to move swiftly and silently through the heavens. Some religions also believe that angels are responsible for recording our actions and good deeds or sins.

In popular culture, angels are portrayed in various ways, sometimes as humans with wings, and at other times, as ethereal beings with a halo. Many people find comfort in the idea of angels, believing that they serve as a form of spiritual guidance and protection. While the existence of angels may be debated, their role in the human psyche and spirituality remains significant, as many people find solace in the idea that they are never truly alone, and that there are benevolent forces watching over them.

The Christian Angelic Hierarchy

One of the most influential classifications of angels in Christianity was proposed by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, a 5th or 6th century theologian who wrote a book called “On the Celestial Hierarchy”. He divided the angels into nine orders or choirs, grouped into three hierarchies: the highest, the middle, and the lowest.

The Highest Hierarchy

The highest hierarchy consists of the angels that are closest to God and his throne. They are:

The Seraphim: The Fiery Ones. The Seraphim, also known as the burning ones, are the highest-ranking angels in the celestial hierarchy. Their name comes from the Hebrew word "seraph," which means "fiery." They are described as having six wings, with two covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two for flying.

According to scripture, the Seraphim are the closest to God and spend their time selflessly worshipping the Lord. They are responsible for praising God and are believed to be the ones who sing "Holy, Holy, Holy" in the presence of God.

In Christianity, the Seraphim are associated with the color white, which symbolizes their purity and holiness. They radiate God's love and light, and their constant praise of Him is a testament to their unwavering devotion.

The Seraphim are depicted as lustrous, fiery beings, and their presence is said to be awe-inspiring. They surround God's throne with their six wings, four of which they use to cover themselves in humility. Their devotion to God is unmatched, and their fiery nature represents their passion for serving Him.

Cherubim, the second-highest order of angels, are renowned for their unparalleled beauty and are believed to be responsible for guarding the throne of God. In scripture, they are often depicted with four faces - those of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. These divine beings are often portrayed as having four wings and are said to be the guardians of God's throne.

In the Old Testament, cherubim are described as being stationed at the entrance of the Garden of Eden to prevent humans from entering. They are also associated with wisdom and have been known to impart knowledge to humans. The word cherubim is the plural of cherub, and they are the second order of angels who safeguard the knowledge and wisdom of God.

Cherubim are not just guardians of the throne of God, but they are also sent to Earth with important missions. For instance, they were responsible for expelling Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. These celestial beings are often depicted as winged creatures with human faces, but they can also have four faces and four wings.

Thrones: The term "Thrones" refers to a powerful group of celestial beings known as the many-eyed ones. These divine entities are the third order of angels and are considered to be the chariots of God, carrying out his will and serving as instruments of his justice.

Described as glowing wheels adorned with countless eyes, the Thrones are a sight to behold. They are responsible for maintaining order in the spiritual realm and are often depicted as heavenly chariots or giant wheels.

As the third highest order of angels, the Thrones are also known as the Elders or Ophanim. Their presence is a testament to the power and majesty of the divine, and their role in the universe is crucial to the balance of all things.

The Middle Hierarchy

The middle hierarchy consists of the angels that govern the natural world and human affairs. They are:

Dominions: Dominions are the fourth order of angels, also known as the Lordships. They hold a crucial role in the hierarchy of angels, overseeing the lower orders and ensuring that they carry out their duties effectively. These divine beings receive commands from higher angels and distribute them to the lower ones, ensuring that everything runs smoothly in the celestial realm.

The Hierarchy of Angels

In addition to their administrative duties, Dominions also regulate the laws of nature and history. They have the power to govern and enforce laws in heaven, ensuring that everything is in perfect order. These angels appear as human-like beings with wings, dressed in regal clothes and holding orbs or scepters.

Their responsibilities extend beyond the heavenly realm, as they are also tasked with guarding the souls of humans. With their immense power and authority, Dominions are a force to be reckoned with, and their presence is felt throughout the spiritual world.

Virtues: The Virtues, also known as the Strongholds, are the fifth order of angels. They possess incredible powers and are believed to perform miracles and signs on Earth. These divine beings provide courage and grace to those who strive for goodness, and their presence is often depicted as dazzling lights or fiery beams.

According to some theological beliefs, the Virtues have control over the elements of nature and are often depicted wielding a flaming sword. They are also responsible for imparting miracles, making them a powerful force in the spiritual realm.

As we strive to live a virtuous life, we can look to the Virtues as a source of inspiration and guidance. Their strength and power can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals, while their grace and compassion can provide comfort and support during difficult times.

Powers: The Powers, also known as the Authorities or Dynamis, are the sixth order of angels. Their primary role is to fight against evil forces and protect humans from demonic attacks. Additionally, they maintain order among the stars and planets.

These powerful beings are often depicted as soldiers or warriors, equipped with weapons and shields. Their strength and courage are unmatched, and they are revered for their ability to battle evil and subdue demonic forces.

The Lowest Hierarchy

The lowest hierarchy consists of the angels that interact directly with humans and deliver God's messages. They are:

Principalities: Principalities are a divine order of angels who serve as rulers and protectors. They are the seventh order of angels and are responsible for guiding and safeguarding nations, cities, groups, and individuals. These celestial beings also inspire human leaders with wisdom and justice, ensuring that they make decisions that benefit their people.

When appearing to mortals, the angels of the Principalities take on the form of crowned figures holding scepters or wands. They are educators and guardians of the realm of mortals, providing guidance and protection to those who seek their aid.

Their duties extend beyond just protecting individuals, as they also guide and safeguard entire nations and races. These divine beings are essential to maintaining order and harmony in the world, and their influence can be felt in every aspect of life.

Archangels: The Archangels are the highest-ranking angels in the Christian belief system. Their name is derived from two Greek words, "arche" meaning first and "angelos" meaning messenger. According to Christian beliefs, there are four Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. Michael is recognized as the leader of the Archangels and is often depicted carrying a sword to signify his role as a protector.

They are the chief angels and lead the lower angels in their missions. They are responsible for communicating God's messages to humans, especially those of great importance. According to the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, the names of the seven archangels are Jegudiel, Gabriel, Selaphiel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Barachiel. In other religious sources, the seven Archangels are named: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and Remiel.

These Messengers are crucial in delivering important messages from God to humans. They are often depicted as appearing to prophets or delivering news of significant events. As the highest-ranking angels, the Archangels play a critical role in the Christian belief system. Their leadership and guidance are essential in fulfilling God's plan for humanity.

Angels:  Angels are celestial beings known as messengers who assist humans in their daily lives. They are the ninth and lowest order of angels, often depicted as human-like beings with wings and dressed in white robes.

They are known as the messengers of the divine. They are the ninth and lowest order of angels, but their significance in human lives is immeasurable. These celestial beings are believed to assist humans in their daily lives, guard individual souls, and pray for them. Angels are often depicted as human-like beings with wings, dressed in white robes.

The most common type of angel is the Angels, also known as the Guardians. They are assigned to watch over and protect individual humans, making them an integral part of many religious and cultural traditions. Their presence brings comfort and reassurance to those who believe in their existence. It is said that they are always present, ready to offer guidance and support to those in need.

In times of trouble or uncertainty, many turn to the Angels for strength and protection. Their unwavering devotion to humanity is a testament to their divine nature and serves as a reminder of the power of faith. The Angels are a symbol of hope and a source of inspiration for those who seek spiritual guidance.

Guardian Angels in Catholicism: Why Naming Them Is Not Recommended

As a Catholic, I recognize the Church's position on naming guardian angels. According to the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the practice of assigning personal names to these holy beings is discouraged, with exceptions made only for the archangels Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael, whose names are mentioned in holy Scripture. The Holy See explicitly prohibits the naming of individual guardian angels, and the Church cautions against this practice.[1]

The Church's guidance stems from several reasons. Firstly, there is no scriptural basis for naming guardian angels. The Holy Scriptures do not provide any explicit instructions on how we should address or name these celestial beings. The notion of naming guardian angels finds its origins in beliefs and traditions outside the realm of Catholic theology.

Secondly, naming our guardian angels can potentially lead to idolatry, a concept that the Church views as a sin. Catholicism teaches that prayer should be directed solely to God and His saints, not to any other beings. By bestowing personal names upon our guardian angels, we risk fostering an excessive reliance on them, diverting our attention away from God, which contradicts the teachings of the Church.

Thirdly, it is crucial to acknowledge that guardian angels have a specific mission assigned by God. They are not our companions or friends in the same manner as humans are to one another. To assign names to them blurs the boundaries between the human and spiritual realms, ascribing human characteristics to beings that surpass us in greatness and nature. It is essential to recognize and appreciate the role of guardian angels while respecting the limits established by God.

Naming guardian angels may raise questions regarding our relationship with them. Guardian angels are servants of God, existing to assist us in carrying out His will. Their presence should evoke deep humility and reverence within us. Using pet names or personal designations could detract from the true nature of their service, potentially leading to misguided beliefs or superstitions.

The Catholic faith places great emphasis on tradition and structured religious practices. Naming guardian angels is not a recognized tradition within Catholicism. Instead, the Church encourages adherence to established doctrines and practices that have been passed down through generations.

Guardian Angels in Islam: Divine Protection and Constant Companionship

According to Islamic teachings, Allah, The Exalted, has appointed guardian angels to protect and watch over every human being. The Quran affirms this by stating, "For each one are successive (angels) before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah..." (Quran 13:11).

In the renowned Tafseer (interpretation) of Ibn Kathir, it is mentioned that there are four angels assigned to a person during the night and four angels during the day. Two angels are positioned on the right and left sides, recording the individual's deeds. The angel on the right records the good deeds, while the angel on the left records the evil deeds. Additionally, two other angels serve as guardians, one positioned behind and one in front, protecting and safeguarding the person. Thus, there are four angels assigned during the day and another four during the night (Tafseer Ibn Kathir).

Allah, The Exalted, also affirms in the Quran, "And indeed, (appointed) over you are keepers, noble and recording. They know whatever you do" (Quran 82:10-12). Ibn Jurayj further elaborated on this by explaining that there are two angels assigned to every individual—one on the right to record good deeds and the other on the left to record bad deeds. These angels alternate their duties and come to people in succession during the day and night. This narration is also supported by a hadith narrated by Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said that angels come to people in succession throughout the day and night. They gather at the times of Fajr (dawn) and Asr (afternoon) prayers, and those angels who spent the night with individuals ascend to Heaven. Allah then asks them about the state in which they left His servants, and the angels reply that the individuals were praying when they left and praying when they returned (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Ibn Zamaneen, in his book As-Sunnah, narrated that Al-Hasan, may Allah have mercy upon him, stated that there are four guardian angels who take turns in guarding each individual—two angels during the night and two angels during the day. They gather together at the time of the Fajr Prayer (dawn prayer) (Ibn Zamaneen).

In addition to these guardian angels, each human being has a constant companion known as a Qareen from among the angels. Abdullah ibn Mas'ood, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, "There is none amongst you but to whom there is assigned a constant companion from among the jinn and a constant companion from among the angels" (Muslim). Mulla Ali Al-Qaari, may Allah have mercy upon him, commented on this hadith, explaining that the constant companion angel, known as Al-Mulhim, inspires individuals with goodness and virtue (Al-Qaari).

Furthermore, Abu Ash-Shaykh, may Allah have mercy upon him, cited in his book Al-Athamah, based on the authority of Abdullah ibn Al-Mubaarak, may Allah have mercy upon him, that there are five angels appointed to accompany each person. Two angels accompany the person during the day, two accompany during the night, and there is a fifth angel that constantly accompanies the individual both day and night without ever leaving (Abu Ash-Shaykh).[2]

According to Islamic teachings, every individual is blessed with the presence and protection of guardian angels assigned by Allah. The number of these angels may vary in different narrations, ranging from four to five. They diligently record our deeds, protect us from harm, and serve as constant companions, inspiring us towards goodness and virtue. These celestial beings play a significant role in our lives, reminding us of Allah's watchful care and guidance.

The Shem HaMephorash

The Shem HaMephorash is a term that refers to a hidden name of God in Jewish mysticism, especially in Kabbalah. It is derived from three verses in the book of Exodus 14:19-21, each containing 72 letters, each containing 72 letters, which are arranged in 72 triplets of letters. These triplets are also known as the 72 names of God, or the 72 angels of God. The Shem HaMephorash is said to have immense power and secrets, as it was used by Moses to part the Red Sea and perform other miracles. According to some Kabbalists, each triplet of letters corresponds to a specific attribute or quality of God, and can be used as a meditation tool to connect with the divine. Some also believe that each triplet has an angelic guardian, who can be invoked for assistance or protection. By arranging the letters of these verses in a certain way, 72 names of three letters each are obtained, which are said to represent aspects of God's power and attributes.

The Shem HaMephorash are not actual names in the conventional sense. Rather, they are combinations of Hebrew letters that act as keys or codes to access divine energy and influence reality. The 72 angels serve as intermediaries between God and humans, and who can be invoked for various purposes.

The 72 names of God, Shem HaMephorash

The connection between the Divine Name and the 72 angels is based on the idea that each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value, and that words and phrases can be interpreted according to their numerical equivalents. This is called gematria, and it is a common method of finding hidden meanings and correspondences in Jewish texts.

By applying gematria to the Shem HaMephorash, each name of three letters can be assigned a numerical value, which can then be matched with an angelic name that has the same value. For example, the first name of God is VHV (Vav-Heh-Vav), which has a value of 11. The angelic name that corresponds to this value is Vehuiah, which means "He who exalts God". Thus, Vehuiah is the first angel of the Shem HaMephorash, and he is associated with the first name of God.

The 72 angels of the Shem HaMephorash are divided into nine groups of eight, each group corresponding to one of the nine orders of angels in Christian tradition: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Angels. Each group also corresponds to one of the nine planets in astrology: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each angel rules over a specific degree of the zodiac, and has a specific function and quality.

The Shem HaMephorash is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation. By meditating on the names of God and invoking the angels, one can tap into the divine energy that flows through all creation, and align oneself with God's will and purpose. The names and angels can also help with various aspects of life, such as healing, protection, wisdom, love, success, and more.

The Shem HaMephorash is not meant to be used lightly or casually. It requires respect, reverence, and sincerity. It also requires knowledge and understanding of the meanings and implications of each name and angel. It is not a shortcut or a magic trick; it is a sacred path that leads to a deeper connection with God and oneself.

The Mystical Symbolism of 72

The number 72 has a rich and diverse symbolism in various cultures and traditions. It is often associated with concepts such as wisdom, harmony, perfection, completion, and enlightenment. 

One of the most well-known uses of 72 is in the Jewish tradition, where it represents the name of God. According to the Kabbalah, a mystical branch of Judaism, there are 72 names of God derived from three verses in the Book of Exodus. Each name consists of three Hebrew letters and has a specific power and attribute. By meditating on these names, one can connect with the divine essence and receive blessings.

Another example of 72 in Judaism is the number of languages that were spoken by the descendants of Noah after the Great Flood. According to the Midrash, a collection of rabbinic interpretations of the Torah, God confused the languages of the people who tried to build the Tower of Babel as a punishment for their arrogance. The Midrash states that there were 72 nations and languages that emerged from this event.

In Islam, 72 is also a significant number. It is said that there are 72 sects or branches of Islam, each with its own interpretation and practice of the faith. Some Muslims believe that only one of these sects is the true and righteous one, while others are more tolerant and inclusive. Another reference to 72 in Islam is the number of martyrs who died in the Battle of Badr, the first major battle between the Muslims and the pagans of Mecca. The martyrs are considered to be among the highest ranks of paradise.

In Christianity, 72 has a connection to the mission of Jesus and his disciples. According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus sent out 72 disciples in pairs to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick. This number may have been chosen to symbolize the universality and diversity of the Christian message, as it corresponds to the number of nations and languages mentioned in the Jewish tradition.

In Buddhism, 72 is related to the concept of enlightenment and liberation. It is said that there are 72 levels or stages of enlightenment that one can attain through meditation and practice. The final stage is called Nirvana, which means the cessation of suffering and the realization of one's true nature. Another aspect of 72 in Buddhism is the number of earthly desires or afflictions that bind one to the cycle of rebirth. By overcoming these desires, one can achieve Nirvana.

In Hinduism, 72 is linked to the idea of cosmic order and harmony. It is said that there are 72 chakras or energy centers in the human body, each corresponding to a different aspect of life and consciousness. By balancing and activating these chakras, one can achieve health, happiness, and spiritual growth. Another notion of 72 in Hinduism is the number of years that make up one unit or cycle of time called a Yuga. There are four Yugas in total, each with a different duration and quality.

Our Guardian Angels

The role of Guardian Angels in our lives reminded us of the powerful words from Psalm 91:11: "For he commands his angels with regard to you, to guard you wherever you go." This verse beautifully encapsulates the essence of Guardian Angels, celestial beings appointed by God to protect and guide us throughout our earthly existence.

One extraordinary example of the profound influence of Guardian Angels can be seen in the life of Padre Pio, a beloved saint known for his deep spirituality and unwavering faith. It is widely believed that Padre Pio's spiritual guidance of souls was largely facilitated through the help and direction of his Guardian Angel. He often spoke of his Angelic companion, crediting him with assisting him in his ministry and interceding on behalf of those who sought his counsel. This remarkable connection between Padre Pio and his Guardian Angel serves as a testament to the intimate bond that can exist between humans and these celestial beings.[3]

The significance of Guardian Angels extends beyond the lives of saints and spiritual figures. Even Pope Pius, the leader of the Catholic Church, acknowledged the importance of these celestial beings in his daily life. It is said that he devoutly prayed to his Guardian Angel every morning and night, seeking guidance, protection, and intercession. This practice exemplifies the deep reverence and reliance placed upon Guardian Angels by individuals who recognize their role as messengers and protectors bestowed upon us by God Himself.[4]

In the realm of mystical and esoteric traditions, the concept of Guardian Angels finds its place as well. In the "Sacred Magic of Abramelin," a grimoire that explores the summoning and communication with celestial beings, there is a detailed procedure for establishing contact with one's Guardian Angel. This ancient text emphasizes the belief that through proper invocation and spiritual discipline, one can establish a profound connection with their Guardian Angel, receiving divine guidance and insight.

In the PBMA tradition, we know the Guardian Angel of the Divine Master, whose name is revealed to us as part of our spiritual education. We also include "Akong Anghel nga Magbalantay" in our prayers. This knowledge not only reinforces the personal connection we can cultivate with our Guardian Angel but also emphasizes the uniqueness and individualized care with which these celestial beings watch over us.

But a cherished Catholic prayer dedicated to our Guardian Angel further underscores the significance of these celestial companions in our lives.

Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

Ángele Dei,

qui custos es mei,

me tibi commissum pietáte supérna,

hodie illúmina, custódi, rege et gubérna. Amen.

The Latin prayer, "Angel of God (Prayer to Your Guardian Angel) (Latin) beautifully articulates our dependence on our Guardian Angel's protection, guidance, and intercession. It serves as a reminder of our divine connection and the constant presence of our Guardian Angel by our side. Through this prayer, we express our gratitude for their watchful care and entrust ourselves to their loving guidance.


The secret doctrine of Cornelius Agrippa, a renowned Renaissance occultist and philosopher, suggests that every mortal born on Earth has three Guardian Angels. These celestial beings are believed to play an important role in guiding and protecting individuals throughout their lives. While this doctrine may not be widely accepted or understood by mainstream religious or philosophical traditions, it offers a fascinating perspective on the spiritual realm and the unseen forces that influence human existence.

According to Agrippa, the three Guardian Angels assigned to each person correspond to the three aspects of human nature: the body, the soul, and the spirit. These angels are said to work in harmony to provide guidance, protection, and spiritual enlightenment to the individual. Each angel is associated with specific attributes and responsibilities.

The Angel of the Body: This Guardian Angel is primarily concerned with the physical well-being and material aspects of an individual's life. They may provide protection from physical harm, guide one's actions towards health and vitality, and offer assistance in matters related to survival and earthly endeavors. The Angel of the Body supports the development of practical skills and helps maintain balance in the physical realm and works on regular days.

The Angel of the Soul: This Guardian Angel is associated with the emotional and psychological aspects of human existence. They offer solace during times of distress, inspire creativity and intuition, and guide individuals towards emotional growth and well-being. The Angel of the Soul assists in fostering harmonious relationships, self-discovery, and the pursuit of spiritual development through emotional experiences. This angel works in the hours a day.

The Angel of the Spirit: This Guardian Angel is concerned with the spiritual aspect of human nature and serves as a bridge between the mortal realm and the divine. They guide individuals on their spiritual journey, aiding in the search for truth, enlightenment, and transcendence. The Angel of the Spirit may inspire one's connection to higher realms, facilitate spiritual practices such as meditation or prayer, and offer insights into the mysteries of existence. This angel guides during specific days throughout the year.

These Guardian Angels are believed to communicate with individuals through various means, such as dreams, synchronicities, or intuitive insights. Their presence and influence can be subtle, often requiring openness and receptivity on the part of the individual to recognize their guidance and support.

While specific examples of interactions with Guardian Angels are subjective and personal, some individuals claim to have experienced their presence in times of great need, receiving messages, signs, or feelings of protection and comfort. These encounters can bring about profound transformations, providing reassurance, guidance, and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself.

But in his THREE BOOKS OF OCCULT PHILOSOPHY, specifically in Book Three, Chapter Twenty-Six, Of finding out of the names of spirits, and Genius's from the disposition of Celestiall bodies, Cornelius Agrippa has provided a method to discover the name of one's guardian angel. According to Agrippa, this can be achieved by analyzing the astrological details present in an individual's birth chart.

“By this art some of the Hebrew and Caldean masters teach that the nature, and name of any Genius may be found out; as for example, the degree of the ascendent of any ones, nativity being known, and the other corners of the heaven being Coequated, then let that which had the more dignities of Planets in those four corners which the Arabians call Almutez, be first observed amongst the rest: and according to that in the second place, that which shall be next to it in the number of dignities, and so by order the rest of them, which obtain any dignitie in the foresaid corners: this order being used, thou maist know the true place, & degree of them in the heaven,

Beginning from the degree of the ascendent through each degree according to the order of the signs to cast 22. of the letters of the Hebrews; Then what letters shall fall into the places of the aforesaid Stars, being marked, and disposed according to the order found out above in the Stars, & rightly joyned together according to the rules of the Hebrew tongue, make the name of a Genius: to which, according to the custome, some Monosyllable name of Divine omnipotency, viz. El, or Iah is subjoyned.”

Using an astrological calculator I have found the "planets in the four corners of heaven" in my birth details and based on the Hebrew letters assigned to the degrees, the Genius name that can be formed by combining these letters is Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Yod, Kaph or "ABGYK." And by the rule of Agrippa, “By adding a monosyllable name of Divine omnipotency” as a suffix to the given letters "ABGYK," we can form a Genius name. My guardian angel’s name is:



Nonetheless, we are fortunate to possess a version of the Comprehensive Kabbalistic Table that can help us uncover the guiding Angels responsible for three distinct aspects of our lives. These Angels work together seamlessly to ensure our well-being, with their roles intricately intertwined. By understanding their interconnectedness, we can strengthen our bond with them.

As we delve deeper into the abilities and impact of these Angels, we allow ourselves to embrace their presence and receive their guidance. It is important to note that if the exact moment of your birth is unknown, you can still pinpoint the hour to evaluate your individual personality and tendencies. By referring to the Comprehensive Kabbalistic Chart, you can determine which of the three Angels best aligns with your unique characteristics. The Comprehensive Kabbalistic Table offers a powerful tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. By tapping into the wisdom of these guiding Angels, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. So why not take the first step towards unlocking your full potential today?

Below is the table of correspondences where you can find your three angels. However, to simplify the process for you, there are two angel finder calculators available on the sidebar. Simply enter your Birth Date and Birth Month, and for the Birth Hour, use the 24-hour format. For example, if you were born at 2:30 PM, enter it as 14.30. If you were born at 7:20 AM, enter it as 7.20. It's important to remember that according to Agrippa, your Birth Hour corresponds to your Angel of Soul, your Birth Date corresponds to your Angel of Spirit, and your Birth Month corresponds to your Angel of Body. It is possible that we have four angels as Islamic scholars suggest, considering the four periods in a day.[5] Or perhaps, we might have five angels, with the fifth angel constantly accompanying us throughout the day and night without ever leaving our side.

Comprehensive Kabbalistic Table of the 72 Angels

The Angel of the Soul According to Birth Hour

1. VEHUIAH rules from 12 midnight to 12.20 a.m.

2. JELIEL rules from 12.20 a.m. to 12.40 a.m.

3. SlTAEL rules from 12.40 a.m. to 1 a.m.

4. ELEMIAH rules from 1 a.m. to 1.20 a.m.

5. MAHASIAH rules from 1.20 a.m. to 1.40 a.m.

6. LELAHEL rules from 1.40 a.m. to 2 a.m.

7. ACHAIAH rules from 2 a.m. to 2.20 a.m.

8. CAHETHEL rules from 2.20 a.m. to 2.40 a.m.

9. HAZlEL rules from 2.40 a.m. to 3 a.m.

10. ALADIAH rules from 3 a.m. to 3.20 a.m.

11. LAUVIAH rules from 3.20 a.m. to 3.40 a.m.

12. HAHAIAH rules from 3.40 a.m. to 4 a.m.

13. JEZALEL rules from 4 a.m. to 4.20 a.m.

14. MEBAHEL rules from 4.20 a.m. to 4.40 a.m.

15. HARIEL rules from 4.40 a.m. to 5 a.m.

16. HAKAMIAH rules from 5 a.m. to 5.20 a.m.

17. LAUVIAH rules from 5.20 a.m. to 5.40 a.m.

18. CALIEL rules from 5.40 a.m. to 6 a.m.

19. LEUVIAH rules from 6 a.m. to 6.20 a.m.

20. PAHALIAH rules from 6.20 a.m. to 6.40 a.m.

21. NELCHAEL rules from 6.40 a.m. to 7 a.m.

22. JEIAIEL rules from 7 a.m. to 7.20 a.m.

23. MELAHEL rules from 7.20 a.m. to 7.40 a.m.

24. HAHIUIAH rules from 7.40 a.m. to 8 a.m.

25. NITH-HAIAH rules from 8 a.m. to 8.20 a.m.

26. HAAIAH rules from 8.20 a.m. to 8.40 a.m.

27. JERATHEL rules from 8.40 a.m. to 9 a.m.

28. SEHEIAH rules from 9 a.m. to 9.20a.m.

29.REIIEL rules from 9.20 a.m. to 9.40 a.m.

30. OMAEL rules from 9.40 a.m. to 10 a.m.

31. LECABEL rules from 10 a.m. to 10.20 a.m.

32. VASARIAH rules from 10.20 a.m. to 10.40 a.m.

33. JEHUIAH rules from 10.40 a.m. to 11 a.m.

34. LEHAHIAH rules from 11 a.m. to 11.20 a.m.

35. CHAVAKIAH rules from 11.20 a.m. to 11.40 a.m.

36. MENADEL rules from 11.40 a.m. to 12 noon.

37. ANIEL rules from 12 noon to 12.20 p.m.

38. HAAMIAH rules from 12.20 p.m. to 12.40 p.m.

39. REHAEL rules from 12.40 p.m. to 1 p.m.

40. JEIAZEL rules from 1 p.m. to 1.20 p.m.

41. HAHAHEL rules from 1.20 p.m. to 1.40 p.m.

42. MIKAEL rules from 1.40 a.m. to 2 p.m.

43. VEUALIAH rules from 2 p.m. to 2.20 p.m.

44. JELAHIAH rules from 2.20 p.m. to 2.40 p.m.

45. SEALIAH rules from 2.40 p.m. to 3 p.m.

46. ARIEL rules from 3 p.m. to 3.20 p.m.

47. ASALIAH rules from 3.20 p.m. to 3.40 p.m.

48. MIHAEL rules from 3.40 p.m. to 4 p.m.

49. VEHUEL rules from 4 p.m. to 4.20 p.m.

50. DANIEL rules from 4.20 p.m. to 4.40 p.m.

51. HAHASIAH rules from 4.40 p.m. to 5 p.m.

52. IMAMIAH rules from 5 p.m. to 5.20 p.m.

53. NANAEL rules from 5.20 p.m. to 5.40 p.m.

54. NITHAEL rules from 5.40 p.m. to 6 p.m.

55. MEBAHIAH rules from 6 p.m. to 6.20 p.m.

56. POIEL rules from 6.20 p.m. to 6.40 p.m.

57. NEMAMIAH rules from 6.40 p.m. to 7 p.m.

58. IEIALEL rules from 7 p.m. to 7.20 p.m.

59. HARAHEL rules from 7.20 p.m. to 7.40 p.m.

60. MITZRAEL rules from 7.40 p.m. to 8 p.m.

61. UMABEL rules from 8 p.m. to 8.20 p.m.

62. JAHHEL rules from 8.20 p.m. to 8.40 p.m.

63. ANAUEL rules from 8.40 p.m. to 9 p.m.

64. MEHIEL rules from 9 p.m. to 9.20 p.m.

65. DAMABIAH rules from 9.20 p.m. to 9.40 p.m.

66. MANAKEL rules from 9.40 p.m. to 10 p.m.

67. EIAEL rules from 10 p.m. to 10.20 p.m.

68. HABUHIAH rules from 10.20 p.m. to 10.40 p.m.

69. ROCHEL rules from 10.40 p.m. to 11 p.m.

70. JABAMIAH rules from 11 p.m. to 11.20 p.m.

71. HAIAIEL rules from 11.20 p.m. to 11.40 p.m.

72. MUMIAH rules from 11.40 p.m. to 12 midnight.

The Angel of the Spirit According to Specific Days of the Months

1. VEHUIAH rules on March 20, May 31, August 11, October 22 and January 2.

2. JELIEL rules on March 21, June 1, August 12, October 23 and January 3.

3. SITAEL rules on March 22, June 2, August 13, October 24 and January 4.

4. ELEMIAH rules on March 23, June 3, August 14, October 25 and January 5.

5. MAHASIAH rules on March 24, June 4, August 15, October 26 and January 6.

6. LELAH.EL rules on March 25, June 5, August 16, October 27 and January 7.

7. ACHAIAH rules on March 26, June 6, August 17, October 28 and January 8.

8. CAHETHEL rules on March 27, June 7, August 18, October 29 and January 9.

9. HAZIEL rules on March 28, June 8, August 19, October 30 and January 10.

10. ALADIAH rules on March 29, June 9, August 20, October 31 and January 11.

11. LAUVIAH rules on March 30, June 10, August 21, November 1 and January 12.

12. IAHAIAH rules on March 31, June 11, August 22, November 2 and January 13.

13. JEZALEL rules on April 1, June 12, August 23, November 3 and January 14.

14. MEDAHEL rules on April 2, June 13, August 24, November 4 and January 15.

15. HARIEL rules on April 3, June 14, August 25, November 5 and January 16.

16. HAKAMIAH rules on April 4, June 15, August 26, November 6 and January 17.

17. LAUVIAH rules on April 5, June 16, August 27, November 7 and January 18.

18. CALIEL rules on April 6, June 17, August 28, November 8 and January 19.

19. LEUVIAH rules on April 7, June 18, August 29, November 9 and January 20.

20 . PAHALIAH rules on April 8, June 19, August 30, November 10 and January 21.

21. NELCHAEL rules on April 9, June 20, August 31, November 11 and January 22.

22. JEIAIEL rules on April 10, June 21, September 1, November 12 and January 23.

23. MELAHEL rules on April 11, June 22, September 2, November 13 and January 24.

24. HAHIUIAH rules on April 12, June 23, September 3, November 14 and January 25.

25. NITH-HAIAH rules on April 13, June 24, September 4, November 15 and January 26.

26. HAAIAH rules on April 14, June 25, September 5, November 16 and January 27.

27. JERATHEL rules on April 15, June 26, September 6, November 17 and January 28.

28. SEHEIAH rules on April 16, June 27, September 7, November 18 and January 29.

29. REIIEL rules on April 17, June 28, September 8, November 19 and January 30.

30. OMAEL rules on April 18, June 29, September 9, November 20 and January 31.

31. LECABEL rules on April 19, June 30, September 10, November 21 and February 1.

32. VASAHIAH rules on April 20, July 1, September 11, November 22 and February 2.

33. JEHUIAH rules on April 21, July 2, September 12, November 23 and February 3.

34. LEHAHIAH rules on April 22, July 3, September 13, November 24 and February 4.

35. CHAVAKIAH rules on April 23, July 4, September 14, November 25 and February 5.

36. MENADEL rules on April 24, July 5, September 15, November 26 and February 6.

37. ANIEL rules on April 25, July 6, September 16, November 27 and February 7.

38. HAAMIAH rules on April 26, July 7, September 17, November 28 and February 8.

39. REHAEL rules on April 27, July 8, September 18, November 29 and February 9.

40. JEIAZEL rules on April 28, July 9, September 19, November 30 and February 10.

41. HAHAHEL rules on April 29, July 10, September 20, December 1 and February 11.

42. MIKAEL rules on April 30, July 11, September 21, December 2 and February 12.

43. VEUALIAH rules on May 1, July 12, September 22, December 3 and February 13.

44. JELAHIAH rules on May 2, July 13, September 23, December 4 and February 14.

45. SEALIAH rules on May 3, July 14, September 24, December 5 and February 15.

46. ARIEL rules on May 4, July 15, September 25, December 6 and February 16.

47. ASALIAH rules on May 5, July 16, September 26, December 7 and February 17.

48. MIHAEL rules on May 6, July 17, September 27, December 8 and February 18.

49. VEHUEL rules on May 7, July 18, September 28, December 9 and February 19.

50. DANIEL rules on May 8, July 19, September 29, December 10 and February 20.

51. HAHASIAH rules on May 9, July 20, September 30, December 11 and February 21.

52. IMAMIAH rules on May 10, July 21, October 1, December 12 and February 22.

53. NANAEL rules on May 11, July 22, October 2, December 13 and February 23.

54. NITHAEL rules on May 12, July 23, October 3, December 14 and February 24.

55. MEBAHIAH rules on May 13, July 24, October 4, December 15 and February 25.

56. POIEL rules on May 14, July 25, October 5, December 16 and February 26.

57. NEMAMIAH rules on May 15, July 26, October 6, December 17 and February 27.

58. IEIALEL rules on May 16, July 27, October 7, December 18 and February 28.

59. HARAHEL rules on May 17, July 28, October 8, December 19 and March 1.

60. MITZRAEL rules on May 18, July 29, October 9, December 20 and March 2.

61. UMABEL rules on May 19, July 30, October 10, December 21 and March 3.

62. JAHHEL rules on May 20, July 31, October 11, December 22 and March 4.

63. ANAUEL rules on May 21, August 1, October 12, December 23 and March 5.

64. MEHIEL rules on May 22, August 2, October 13, December 24 and March 6.

It should be understood that people who are born between the days March 14 - March 20, or on the 29th of February during a leap year, will have the three angels belonging to their birth hour as guardians of the three parts of their personality.

65. DAMABIAH rules on May 23, August 3, October 14, December 25 and March 7.

66. MANAKEL rules on May 24, August 4, October 15, December 26 and March 8.

67. EIAEL rules on May 25, August 5, October 16, December 27 and March 9.

68. HABUHIAH rules on May 26, August 6, October 17, December 28 and March 10.

69. ROCHEL rules on May 27, August 7, October 18, December 29 and March 11.

70. JABAMIAH rules on May 28, August 8, October 19, December 30 and March 12.

71. HAIAIEL rules on May 29, August 9, October 20, December 31 and March 13.

72. MUMIAH rules on May 30, August 10, October 21, January 1 and March 14.

Angel of the Body According to Periods of Days

1. VEHUIAH rules from March 20 to March 24.

2. JELIEL rules from March 25 to March 29.

3. SITAEL rules from March 30 to April 3.

4. ELEMIAH rules from April 4 to April 8.

5. MAHASIAH rules from April 9 to April 13.

6. LELAHEL rules from April 14 to April 18.

7. ACHAIAH rules from April 19 to April 23.

8. CAHETHEL rules from April 24 to April 28.

9. HAZIEL rules from April 29 to May 3.

10. ALADIAH rules from May 4 to May 8.

11. LAUVIAH rules from May 9 to May 13.

12. HAHAIAH rules from May 14 to May 18.

13. JEZALEL rules from May 19 to May 23.

14. MEBAHEL rules from May 24 to May 28.

15. HARIEL rules from May 29 to June 2.

16. HAKAMIAH rules from June 3 to June 7.

17. LAUVIAH rules from June 8 to June 12.

18. CALIEL rules from June 13 to June 17.

19. LEUVIAH rules from June 18 to June 22.

20. PAHALIAH rules from June 23 to June 27.

21. NELCHAEL rules from June 28 to July 2.

22. JEIAIEL rules from July 3 to July 7.

23. MELAHEL rules from July 8 to July 12.

24. HAHIUIAH rules from July 13 to July 17.

25. NITH-HAIAH rules from July 18 to July 22.

26. HAAIAH rules from July 23 to July 27.

27. JERATHEL rules from July 28 to August 1.

28. SEHEIAH rules from August 2 to August 6.

29. REHEL rules from August 7 to August 11.

30. OMAEL rules from August 12 to August 16.

31. LECABEL rules from August 17 to August 21.

32. VASARIAH rules from August 22 to August 26.

33. JEHUIAH rules from August 27 to August 31.

34. LEHAHIAH rules from September 1 to September 5.

35. CHAVAKIAH rules from September 6 to September 10.

36. MENADEL rules from September 11 to September 15.

37. ANIEL rules from September 16 to September 20.

38. HAAMIAH rules from September 21 to September 25.

39. REHAEL rules from September 26 to September 30.

40. JEIAZEL rules from October 1 to October 5.

41. HAHAHEL rules from October 6 to October 10.

42. MIKAEL rules from October 11 to October 15.

43. VEUALIAH rules from October 16 to October 20.

44. JELAHIAH rules from October 21 to October 25.

45. SEALIAH rules from October 26 to October 30.

46. ARIEL rules from October 31 to November 4.

47. ASALIAH rules from November 5 to November 9.

48. MIHAEL rules from November 9 to November 14.

49. VEHUEL rules from November 15 to November 19.

50. DANIEL rules from November 20 to November 24.

51. HAHASIAH rules from November 25 to November 29.

52. IMAMIAH rules from November 30 to December 4.

53. NANAEL rules from December 5 to December 9.

54. NITHAEL rules from December 10 to December 14.

55. MEBAHIAH rules from December 15 to December 19.

56. POIEL rules from December 20 to December 24.

57. NEMAMIAH rules from December 25 to December 29.

58. IEIALEL rules from December 30 to January 3.

59. HARAHEL rules from January 4 to January 8.

60. MITZRAEL rules from January 9 to January 13.

61. UMABEL rules from January 14 to January 18.

62. JAHHEL rules from January 19 to January 23.

63. ANAUEL rules from January 24 to January 28.

64. MEHIEL rules from January 29 to February 2.

65. DAMABIAH rules from February 3 to February 7.

66. MANAKEL rules from February 8 to February 12.

67. EIAEL rules from February 13 to February 17.

68. HABUHIAH rules from February 18 to February 22.

69. ROCHEL rules from February 23 to February 27.

70. JABAMIAH rules from February 28 to March 4.

71. HAIAIEL rules from March 5 to March 9.

72. MUMIAH rules from March 10 to March 14







[3] Webster, Richard. Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians. Llewellyn Publications, 1998, p. 31. Woodbury, Minnesota.

[4] Ibid.

[5] According to belief, while we are said to have four angels guarding us, our most vulnerable moment is during the hour of our birth, as that is when they report to the Almighty Father.


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