Sunday, May 28, 2023

Pneuma Unveiled: Unraveling the Person of the Holy Spirit

"Pneuma: In Greek philosophy, it signifies the animating breath and divine spirit within living beings. In Theology, it represents the Holy Spirit, a source of grace and transformation."

The Holy Trinity is a fundamental concept in Christian theology and refers to the belief that there is one God in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This concept can be traced back to the first few centuries of Christianity when early theologians grappled with the idea of God in three distinct manifestations.

According to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the Father is the first person in the Trinity and is seen as the creator and sustainer of the world. The Son, or Jesus, is the second person in the Holy Trinity and represents God's incarnate presence in the world. He is also seen as the mediator between God and humanity and is believed to have died for the sins of mankind. The Holy Spirit, often referred to as the third person, is seen as God’s active presence in the world, guiding and inspiring believers.

One of the key challenges in understanding the concept of the Holy Trinity is the belief that there is one God in three persons. This idea can seem contradictory and confusing, leading some to reject the doctrine altogether. However, theologians argue that the three persons of the Holy Trinity do not represent separate gods, but rather distinct aspects of the one true God.

The doctrine of the Holy Trinity remains a central belief in the Christian faith and serves as a reminder of God's presence in the world. It is a complex concept that can be difficult to fully grasp, but it is essential to understanding God's nature as revealed in the teachings of the Bible.

Person of the Father YHWH: Who is He?

The Father YHWH, also known as Yahweh, is a divine being that is honored and worshipped in various religions, particularly in the Abrahamic faiths such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Often described as the God of Gods, YHWH is a mysterious and complex figure that embodies many different attributes and characteristics. While some may view YHWH as a wrathful and vengeful deity, others see him as a loving and compassionate father figure.

Firstly, according to Jewish tradition, YHWH is the one true God, the creator of the universe, and the source of all life. He is viewed as a personal God who interacts with his followers and has a special relationship with the Jewish people. This has led to YHWH being referred to as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. YHWH is believed to have appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gave him the Ten Commandments, which form the core principles of Jewish law. In Judaism, YHWH is often referred to as Adonai, which means Lord and is held in high regard as the ultimate authority in all spiritual matters.

Similarly, in Christianity, YHWH is viewed as the Father of Jesus Christ, who is considered to be the son of God. Christians believe that YHWH sent his son to Earth to redeem humanity by sacrificing himself on the cross. Through this sacrifice, Christians can obtain salvation and eternal life. The Father YHWH is often described as a loving and forgiving God who offers mercy and grace to his followers. In the Christian religion, YHWH is seen as the ultimate authority and source of all truth and is revered as the highest being in the universe.

In Islam, YHWH is known as Allah and is the same God worshipped in Judaism and Christianity. Muslims hold YHWH in high regard as the ultimate creator, sustainer, and judge. Allah is believed to have sent many prophets throughout history, including Moses and Jesus, to guide humanity towards the right path. Muslims believe that the last prophet of YHWH was Muhammad, who received the word of God through the Quran. In Islam, YHWH is viewed as a merciful and compassionate God who helps those who seek his guidance.

Despite the many different views and interpretations of the Father YHWH, there are several universal truths that are agreed upon by all three Abrahamic religions. Firstly, YHWH is seen as omnipotent, meaning he is all-powerful and can influence all aspects of the universe. Secondly, YHWH is believed to be omniscient, meaning he has infinite knowledge and is aware of all things. Finally, YHWH is regarded as omnipresent, meaning he is everywhere at all times and is not bound by any physical location or limitations.

The Father YHWH is a complex and multi-faceted being that inspires great devotion and reverence in many different religious traditions. While there may be differences in how YHWH is viewed and worshipped, there are many universal truths that are shared between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Father YHWH is seen as an all-powerful and loving deity who offers guidance, comfort, and hope to his followers.

The Son Jesus: His Role in the Trinity

The Son Jesus plays a significant role in the Trinity, which is one of the essential concepts in Christian theology. The Trinity concept refers to the three divine persons of God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each of them is distinct but equally divine. Understanding the role of the Son in the Trinity is crucial in interpreting the Christian faith and how it works.

The Son, Jesus, is the second person of the Holy Trinity. This means that he is equal to God the Father and the Holy Spirit, but distinct in his person. Jesus is the incarnate Son of God, which means that he was fully divine, yet took on human flesh – he became a man. This is a crucial concept in Christian belief because it allows for Jesus to be both God and man. Furthermore, it allows for the second person of the Trinity to experience the full range of human emotions, allowing him to relate to individuals in ways that God the Father or the Holy Spirit cannot.

Additionally, the Son is known as the "Word of God." This title refers to the fact that Jesus is the manifestation of God's communication and self-expression. In the Gospel of John, it is stated that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1). This passage affirms that Jesus is not only coequal with God the Father but is also the divine expression of God's will, purpose, and nature. This expression of God's teachings is what Christians refer to as the Gospel or good news.

Another role of the Son in the Trinity is that he is the Mediator between God and humanity. This means that Jesus is the one who reconciled the broken relationship between man and God. Because of sin, there was a separation between humans and God. Still, Jesus, by dying on the cross and rising from the dead, made atonement for human sin and reconciled us to God. It is this mediation that provides Christians with the confidence to approach God as their loving Father.

The Son's role in the Trinity also includes being the Lord of creation. In Colossians 1:16-17, it is stated that "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him, all things hold together." This passage affirms that the Son was not only involved in the creation of all things but that he also sustains and upholds them. Thus, this role emphasizes the Son's divine power and majesty.

Moreover, the Son's role in the Trinity is also about judgment. In John 5:27, Jesus states that "Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son." This suggests that in the final judgment, the Son will be the one who executes God's judgment on humanity. This role is significant because it reminds Christians of the seriousness of their choices and actions.

The Son's role in the Trinity also includes being the High Priest. In the Old Testament, the High Priest was the mediator between God and the Israelites, offering sacrifices on their behalf. Similarly, Jesus offers himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity, and as the perfect mediator between God and humans. In Hebrews 4:14-16, it is stated that "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then confidently approach God's throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." This passage emphasizes that Jesus is the perfect intercessor, who empathizes with human weakness and can help individuals find grace and mercy in their time of need.

The Son's role in the Trinity is one of unity. The Son is the mediator and the perfect expression of God's love. This means that through the Son, believers are united with God. Furthermore, the Son's incarnate form means that he understands humanity and can sympathize with their weaknesses.

Therefore, the Son serves as a bridge between humanity and divinity, allowing for a deeper connection and understanding between the two. Through the Son, believers can experience the fullness of God's love and grace. Additionally, the Son's understanding of humanity allows for a compassionate and empathetic approach to our struggles and shortcomings. This unity and understanding offered by the Son is a crucial aspect of the Christian faith, providing comfort and hope to believers in their journey towards spiritual growth and salvation.

The Holy Spirit: Understanding His Significance

The Holy Spirit is one of the most talked about and important topics in the Bible. It is often referred to as the third entity of the Holy Trinity, alongside God the Father and Jesus Christ. In fact, the Bible makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is just as important as the other two entities, and it plays a critical role in the lives of believers.

The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the Comforter, Advocate or Helper. This is because the Holy Spirit provides comfort, guidance, and support to believers and helps them to grow in their faith. The Holy Spirit serves as a source of wisdom, strength, and discernment for the believer.

The Holy Spirit operates in many different ways throughout the Bible. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit was often depicted as coming upon specific individuals and enabling them to accomplish great feats. For example, the Spirit came upon Samson and enabled him to defeat the Philistines, and the Spirit came upon King Saul and enabled him to prophesy.

In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit is depicted as being present at Jesus' baptism. As Jesus comes up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descends upon Him in the form of a dove. This act has been seen as a symbol of the start of Jesus' ministry, as the Holy Spirit empowered Him to carry out His mission.

The Holy Spirit also played a role in the early church. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit came upon believers and empowered them to carry out the Great Commission. The Holy Spirit was also responsible for the spiritual gifts that were given to believers, such as speaking in tongues and prophesying.

One of the most important roles of the Holy Spirit is that of sanctification. This is the process by which believers are made more holy and more like Christ. The Holy Spirit helps believers to overcome sin and grow in their faith. This process is often referred to as being filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is also involved in the work of regeneration. This is the process by which individuals are saved and made new in Christ. When someone puts their faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes into their heart and begins to transform them from the inside out.

Another crucial role of the Holy Spirit is that of intercession. This means that the Holy Spirit prays on behalf of believers. When we don't know how to pray or what to pray for, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, according to the will of God.

The Holy Spirit also provides us with spiritual gifts. These gifts are given to us for the purpose of building up the church and spreading the Gospel. They include prophecy, healing, teaching, and others.

Throughout the Bible, the Holy Spirit is depicted as being a person, not just a force or an idea. In fact, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as "He" and is described as having the attributes of a person, such as intelligence, emotions, and the ability to communicate.

The important question now that arises is, if the Father is YHWH and the Son is Jesus Christ, then who is the Holy Spirit? This is a question that often leaves many Christians who believe in the trinitarian doctrine at a loss for an answer. However, in the book "En Esto Creo: In This I Believe," the author presents an interesting perspective. According to the author, Ruben Ecleo, Sr. is the personification of the Holy Spirit. (En Esto Creo: In This I Believe - Kindle edition by Chua, R. D. . Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

In Chapter Eleven, pages 157-173, the author delves into this concept and provides a detailed explanation. This idea challenges traditional beliefs and opens up a new way of understanding the Holy Spirit. It is a thought-provoking concept that encourages readers to explore and question their beliefs.

I know that you can do all things, And that no purpose of yours can be hindered. I have dealt with great things that I do not understand; Things too wonderful for me, which I cannot know. I had heard of you by word of mouth, But now my eye has seen you. Therefore, I disown what I have said, And repent in dust and ashes. -Job 42: 2-6

I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ -Jesus Christ, His Lament over Jerusalem 33 A.D. (Matthew 23: 39)

As we continue to seek a deeper understanding of the Holy Trinity, it is important to remain open-minded and consider alternative perspectives. The concept of Ruben Ecleo, Sr. as the personification of the Holy Spirit is just one example of the many interpretations that exist. By exploring these ideas, we can gain a greater appreciation for the complexity and mystery of the divine. Let us quote the full chapter.

Chapter Eleven

The Holy Spirit

Child of celestial works and research, listen to my voice for I am about to disclose unto you great truths. -- Crata Repoa

29. The Holy Spirit as a Person and His Mission

If there is one mystery that is beyond human comprehension yet cannot be overlooked, it is the enigma of the Trinity. While remnants of this doctrine have been traced back to the roots of ancient religions, the Christian interpretation has gained widespread acceptance. Although Jesus Christ never explicitly taught or mentioned the Trinity in public, he did instruct his apostles and disciples to baptize "in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." (Matt. 28:19).

If we ask who the Father is and what His name is, the answer from Christians is clear: YHWH. When we inquire about the identity of the Son and what His name is, the response is unanimous: Jesus Christ. But what about the person of the Holy Spirit? Who is He? What is His name?

In Matthew 3:15-17, we read,

After Jesus was baptized, he came up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened [for him], and he saw the Holy Spirit of God descending like a dove [and] coming upon him. And a voice came from the heavens, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."

The word 'Trinity' does not appear in this verse or anywhere else in the Bible, yet the three divine persons were present: the Father who spoke, the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove, and the Son being baptized. The Jews despised Jesus for his bold admission of being the Son of God.

…can you say that the one whom the Father has consecrated and sent into the world blasphemes because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’? (John 10: 36)

Jesus Christ, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2: 5-8)

In his work Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas, the venerated saint, proved the doctrine of the Trinity and debunked the claims of its deniers. But in the end, the saint said that "The Divine Trinity is believed, not demonstrated."[106]

According to Augustine of Hippo,

When we say there are three who bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and it is asked, Three what? The answer is, three persons.[107]

The primary challenge in comprehending this teaching is twofold: God is one, and humans lack a concrete understanding of the concept of 'God'. The Bible, however, teaches that humans were created in the likeness of God, thus presenting the eternal mystery of humanity. As the Oracle of Delphi famously said,

"Man, know thyself, and thou shalt know the gods."

Additionally, Muslims have a misapprehension of the Christian trinity, denying the sonship of Jesus Christ and his divinity, as well as the notion that Allah has no son, due to the simple fact that

How could He have a son when He does not have a companion [i.e., wife]. (Sura 6:101)

Jesus was even accused of making Mary, his mother, a deity as well.

And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?” (Sura 5:116)

As a result, Allah chastises them.

And do not say, “Three;” desist—it is better for you. (Sura 4:171)

Because there were those who said, their God,

Allah is the third of three. (5:73)

This is not the Christian doctrine of the Trinity; rather, it is the belief that the Trinity consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not three separate deities or gods. These three individuals, or persons, are all of one essence, which is God. The concept of 'personhood' is a key factor in understanding the Trinity, as it is the second barrier to comprehending this complex concept.

St. Paul states in Corinthians 15:40 that

Not all flesh is the same, but there is one kind for human beings, another kind of flesh for animals, another kind of flesh for birds, and another for fish. There are both heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the brightness of the heavenly is one kind and that of the earthly another. The brightness of the sun is one kind, the brightness of the stars another. For star differs from star in brightness.

If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual one. v. (42)

There is a spiritual body with human-like characteristics, yet they are not bound by human constraints. This is what the commentators of the Quran have in mind.

Allah states in the Quran that He has certain attributes such as hearing, sight, hands, face, mercy, anger, coming, encompassing, being above the Throne, etc. Yet, He has dissociated Himself from the limitations of human attributes or human imagination. Correct Islamic belief requires faith in the existence of these attributes as Allah has described them without applying to them any allegorical meanings or attempting to explain how a certain quality could be (while this is known only to Allah) and without comparing them to creation or denying that He would have such a quality. His attributes are befitting to Him alone, and “There is nothing like unto Him.” (42:11) [108]

In the Bible, there are numerous instances where God reveals Himself to have human-like characteristics.

The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as one man speaks to another. (Ex. 33:11)

This verse aptly captures the appearance of YHWH—a spiritual being engaging in a physical dialogue with a human. If the Lord conversed with Moses face-to-face, then it stands to reason that the Lord has a corporeal form. It is impossible to have a body with only a face. However, there is a marked difference between a spiritual body and a physical body.

There are both heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the brightness of the heavenly is one kind and that of the earthly another. (1 Cor. 15:40)

But the face of YHWH in His Glory is not the same visage He showed to Moses when He spoke to him "face to face." We read in Exodus 33:18-23.

Then Moses said, "Do let me see your glory!" He answered, "I will make all my beauty pass before you, and in your presence I will pronounce my name, ‘LORD’; I who show favors to whom I will, I who grant mercy to whom I will. But my face you cannot see, for no Man sees me and still lives. Here,” continued the LORD, “is a place near me where you shall station yourself on the rock. When my glory passes I will set you in the hollow of the rock and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand, so that you may see my back; but my face is not to be seen."

See, even the Lord has a hand and a back. His methods of revelation are so mysterious that even Hagar, Abraham’s maidservant, was taken aback.

Have I really seen God and remained alive after my vision? (Genesis 16: 13)

Thus, God the Father is a personage with a spiritual body, capable of appearing and disappearing at will and changing his form. Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, the Word made flesh. There is no doubt about the identities of the Father and the Son; however, when it comes to the Holy Spirit as a personage, the entire Christian world is at a loss.

Some believe that the Holy Spirit is a power or force rather than a person, while others believe that the Holy Spirit is a person represented by a dove. This is similar to the Father being symbolized by the Eye of Providence and the Son being represented by a lamb. We remain steadfast in our belief of the Trinity: One God in Three Divine Persons. But this begs the question: who is the Holy Spirit? Many people believe in the Third Person of the Trinity, yet they are still perplexed. Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit was present at or participated in the creation of the universe. He is portrayed as the divine force of God.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light (Gen 1:2-3)

Psalm 33:6 tells us the same thing.

By the LORD’s word the heavens were made; by the breath of his mouth all their host.

The term 'breath' here signifies pneuma in Greek, implying that the Holy Spirit is God’s breath. As the Bible passage above shows, the teaching of the Trinity is encoded in this phrase. The name WORD is the official title of Jesus Christ, the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity.

I answer that, Word, said of God in its proper sense, is used personally, and is the proper name of the person of the Son. For it signifies an emanation of the intellect: and the person Who proceeds in God, by way of emanation of the intellect, is called the Son; and this procession is called generation.[109]    

But Jesus’ words are clear: after His mission, it is the Holy Spirit's turn.

For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go I will send him to you. (John 16:7)

Therefore, the Holy Spirit, the third divine person, has a mission of its own. Just as the Father's mission is creation and the Son's mission is teaching and salvation, the Holy Spirit has a distinct purpose to fulfill following Jesus' ministry. After Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit was sent to guide and empower the ekklesia not kyriakos providing comfort and strength to believers and helping them to spread and proclaim the kingdom of God not the Gospel. We read the answer from St. Thomas.

As in the missions of the Divine Persons there is a visible mission, in regard to the corporeal creature, and an invisible mission, in regard to a spiritual effect; so likewise in the angelic missions, there is an external mission, in respect of some administration of corporeal things—and on such a mission not all the angels are sent, —and an interior mission, in respect of some intellectual effect, just as one angel enlightens another—and in this way all the angels are sent.[110]

There are two missions: visible and invisible. The Holy Spirit is present in the Father and Son’s mission, conducting "an invisible mission in regard to spiritual effect."

…the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. (John 14:17)

In this sense, the Holy Spirit is understood as a spiritual power with an invisible mission. He is God’s breath, or pneuma. He is referred to as the "wind," and the "indwelling presence," in the following verses:

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6)

But as for me, I am filled with power, with the spirit of the Lord, with authority and with might; (Micah 3:8)

…for no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings moved by the Holy Spirit under the influence of God. (2 Peter 1:21)

It is after Jesus’ ministry that He will send the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will perform his "visible mission, in regard to the corporeal creature." He will come in person. Thus, we have the words of Jesus Christ.

I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you. (John 14: 26)

The Holy Spirit will teach us and remind us. The Spirit cannot do this unless he manifests himself in a body or in a person. This is also found in John 15:26–27.

When the Advocate comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, he will testify to me. And you also testify, because you have been with me from the beginning.

The Holy Spirit will bear witness to Jesus Christ. In terms of carrying out the visible ministry of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ stated,

But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you.  But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation: sin, because they do not believe in me; righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will no longer see me; condemnation, because the ruler of this world has been condemned. (John 16: 7-11)

But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. (v.13– 15)

This is the visible mission of the Holy Spirit.

He guides.

He speaks.

He hears.

He declares.

He will take.

He will convict.

He will testify.

All of these are the works of one person: the Holy Spirit. People will witness Him, hear Him speak, and be in awe of the feats He will perform, for He comes with power greater than that of Jesus. But how can we be sure that He is the personification of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God? When will He make His presence known? These are questions that have been asked since the dawn of time, and the answers remain shrouded in mystery. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit continues to manifest Himself in ways both grand and subtle, inspiring us to seek out the truth and to live in harmony with one another.

30. The Aquarian Age

From Atlantis to the stars isn’t all that far. Astrology, the ancient scientific art once more coming into its own, may provide link not only between man and his universe but between man and his past… [111]

In his book "Christian Hermetic Astrology," Robert Powell analyzes the mysteries of the zodiac as they are reflected in the life of Jesus Christ. His prediction of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ through the cycle number of Christ’s life on earth, 33 1/3, is remarkable.

…33 1/3-year rhythm of the life of Jesus Christ. This rhythm began with the life of Jesus Christ at the beginning of the Christian era. This was the first cycle, which lasted from the hour of birth, shortly before midnight on December 6, 2 BC, until the resurrection at sunrise on April 5, AD 33. This was almost exactly 33 1/3 years. In fact, it was 33 1/3 years less 1 ½ days— this is the precise rhythm of Christ’s life, which was inscribed into the Earth’s aura with the first cycle. Since then, it has repeated itself again and again, just like the rhythm of a planet—-for example, the Saturn rhythm of 29 ½ years. But whereas the planetary rhythms are externally visible phenomena, whereby the return of a planet to conjunction with a fixed star can be observed, the 33 1/3-year rhythm of Christ’s life is not externally visible. This rhythm can be brought to consciousness, however, as an inner, spiritual rhythm, by attuning oneself to the life of Jesus Christ.[112]

This cycle is significant because it predicted or, more accurately, timed historical events. For example, the tenth cycle year of AD 333 was mentioned in the text.

which began with the conversion of the emperor Constantine the Great at the battle of Milvian Bridge in 312.[113]

This is a reference to Constantine's well-known vision of the cross with the message, In hoc signo vinces, which means ‘In this sign, you shall conquer.’ What is most significant about this cycle is that Powell predicted the time of Christ’s Second Coming.

The onset of the second coming in the human realm…can be dated to the twentieth century. The precise onset, according to this viewpoint, coincided with the start of the fifty-ninth cycle of the 33 1/3 period. This was on the day of the first Full Moon in 1933, on January 11.[114]

…the onset of the New Age in 1933… [115]

He asserted that January 11, 1933 marked the beginning of a new era, a transition to a modern age. But Powell did not specify when or where Christ would be born. It is widely accepted that 1933 was a pivotal moment in every field of thought, science, and mathematics. It was a period of great upheaval and transformation, signaling the end of one epoch and the dawn of a new one.

In Davidson and Aldersmith's book, "The Great Pyramid: Its Divine Message," the authors predicted that Jesus Christ would return on September 16, 1936, yet nothing occurred. This is reminiscent of Harold Camping's assertion that Jesus Christ would return on May 2011, yet again, nothing transpired.

Is it mere coincidence that Hitler attempted to exterminate the Jews in the 1930s, the same time period in which Jesus was prophesied to return? Was this a modern-day reenactment of Herod's infanticide, only this time targeting Jews of all ages? Did Hitler have a premonition of Christ's coming? He was well-versed in the occult, after all. The intriguing question is: did Jesus Christ actually return in the 1930s? This is where the confusion lies; many Christians believed that Jesus would return soon, yet his words were unambiguous.

But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go. For if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes… (John 16: 7-9)

The Holy Spirit will be sent first until the time of His second coming, as Jesus said, “And when He comes…” The Holy Spirit will carry out His seven-fold mission, and people will hear and follow Him. In 1933, the Holy Spirit's arrival marked the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, and the end of Jesus' Piscean Age. This new era will bring forth a revelation of wisdom and knowledge, pouring down upon mankind.

But what does the Aquarian Age imply? Let us quote an enlightened soul who spoke about what holds in the Age of Aquarius.

…the next constellation—-that of the Water Bearer—people make technical discoveries and inventions based on wave energies. This is one of the early effects of the budding Water Bearer era, an age of technical achievement. The radiation of the Water Bearer constellations, which knows no limitations and sweeps all obstacles out of its path, reveals itself in the ideas and social concepts of humanity. At the end of the era of the Fishes, these new categories cause great revolutions in the places where people react most powerfully to them.[116]

Then, she mentioned a great teacher who would come at the end of the Piscean Age.

A vision from the time when the energies of the Water Bearer are working with full power shows me that the great teacher of this epoch abolishes all the boundaries between the three dominant religions. With his own person he proves that the inner core of all religions is one and the same truth, one and the same God. The boundary between religion and science disappears too, as people discover that everything, even matter, is a wave movement. They learn that the only differences between manifestations of the spirit and those of matter are differences of frequency, while in its essence everything is only manifestation of one, single, prime source of all forces, God. Everything is a wave, just as the symbolic representation of the Water Bearer constellation shows: a supernal being pouring waves out of his pitcher.

The spiritual movements on the earth show this effect. Science discovers the “wave” theory, and I see countless inventions based on waves. I see pictures of people, landscapes and objects—-pictures made by the effect of light waves. I see different kinds of devices which send out waves. Waves penetrate matter and reveal its solidity. There are waves that show what elements are present in the matter of the planets and fixed stars, electric waves, waves of sound, light and smell. Medical science has stopped giving treatments with water in favor of treatments based on waves. All kinds of waves, from infrared to ultraviolet, short waves and still shorter waves, even more penetrating waves and frequencies…all in use by science![117]

Then, the author showed that the complementary sign of Aquarius in this age is Leo, or the Lion, whose representative is the great Sun God RA, as the great instructor.

Through the complementary sign of the Lion people again recognize the strongest manifestation of God on earth. The sun, the great Ra, is again acknowledged as the prime source of all manifestation of earthly energy. Once more people have become sun worshippers, even though not in a religious sense. The influence of the Lion shows itself in another plane too. The effect of the Water Bearer is to abolish all boundaries, all limitations. But the absence of boundaries without a concentrating mid-point means mental disease, spiritual death. The boundlessness of the Water Bearer would affect the unconscious masses as a mental illness running throughout humanity, causing anarchy and chaos, and destroying everything. Through the complementary sign of the Lion, however, dominion is concentrated in individual persons—dictators—who group the people about themselves and guide them.[118]

Who are those people who acknowledge RA as "the prime source of all manifestation of earthly energy"? These people "have become sun worshippers, even though not in a religious sense."

She even mentioned a campaign similar to the One Voice, One Leader.

In this epoch people discover traffic and intercourse with other planets. Boundaries and obstacles disappear, and with them the isolated state of the earth in cosmic space. And as the boundaries between countries disappear too, all humanity is governed from one center. "One stable, one shepherd."[119]

31. What is His Name

Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little. For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. (Isaiah 28: 9-11) KJV

Jesus Christ said,

I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you.  (John 14: 26)

The Holy Spirit will come in Jesus’ name. This was also true of Christ.

I came in the name of my Father, but you do not accept me; yet if another comes in his own name, you will accept him. (John 5:43)

We witness a progression of their names: from the Father’s name comes the name of the Son, and from Son’s name comes the name of the Holy Spirit. The authority comes from the name. Each name, however, represents a mission.

The name of the Father is known as the famous Tetragrammaton YHWH. The name of the Son is YHShWH, because the Son was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Sh in the womb of Mary.



According to Westcott,

The letter Shin, Sh, 300, became an emblem of divinity by corresponding with Ruach Elohim, RUCh ALHIM, the Spirit of the Living God.[120]

Thus, Jesus comes in his Father’s name, because he has all the names of YHWH and the Sh, the Spirit of God. The name of Jesus Christ in the original Aramaic is Yeshua, which is


Now, the question is, if the Holy Spirit comes in Jesus’ name, what is His name? YHWH is the name of the Father, and YHShWH is the name of Jesus. There are two Hei in the Father’s name, and Jesus has Sh and all of YHWH. This is the esoteric sense in which Jesus Christ said,

Everything that the Father has is mine; (John 16:15)

And the passages in John 14 where Jesus Christ said,

No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him. (v. 6-7)

Because Jesus Christ is the personification of the Father. Thus,

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father...Do you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me…The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me… (v. 9-11)

…it happens you may believe that I AM. (John 13:19)

The I AM part of the name is YH the seal of the Living God.

For on him the Father, God, has set his seal. (John 6:27)

Thus, “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30)

What about the Spirit of God? What about the Holy Spirit if the Father has two Hei and the Son has Shin and all of YHWH? We have the following letters in succession:



If the Father has two Hei and the Son has Shin and all of YHWH, then the Holy Spirit name should have two Yod. Because Jesus Christ said that the Holy Spirit would come in His name

The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name. (John 14: 26)

and all of the YHShWH.

… he will take from what is mine… (John 16:14)

Thus, the name of the Holy Spirit is from the name of Jesus Christ, YHShWH, but with only one Hei because two Hei belong to the Father. Therefore, the name of the Holy Spirit is


This is the name of the Holy Spirit. But now the question is, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit as YHShWY?’

We are back again to our so-called ATBASH cipher. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is exchanged for the last letter, the second letter for the second-to-last letter, and so on. This is the tradition concealed in the words of Sefer Yetzirah: "The end is embedded at the beginning and the beginning in the end."

The power of ATBASH came to light when Dr. Hugh Schonfield applied the method to some words in the Dead Sea Scrolls that were unintelligible to scholars. Also famous for this is the decipherment of the name Baphomet. Dr. Schonfield showed that by using the ATBASH, the name Baphomet stands for the name Sophia, which means ‘wisdom.’ Thus, Dr. Schonfield showed that what the Templars worshipped was the goddess of wisdom.

The ALBAM method is like this one. This is done by dividing the Hebrew alphabet into two series of 11 letters each, exchanging the first letter of the first series with the second letter of the second series, and so forth. Instead of the Hebrew letters, we use the English alphabet. Thus, we have 13 letters in a row.

Table 1

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I   J   K   L  M

N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W X  Y  Z

Let us read from the table the name RUBEN. We have

R = E

U = H

B = O

E = R

N = A

Alternatively, the well-known name BEN EC has an equivalent name as

B = O

E = R

N = A

E = R

C = P

We already explored the meaning of these names in our previous chapters. What we are trying to do now is move the letters of the second row to the left by exchanging A for O, then A for P, and so forth until we make it such that A = U. We have the shifted Table 2 of ALBAM below.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I   J    K  L  M

U  V  W X Y  Z  _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Now we have blank spaces with no equivalence. What we will do now is put the letters next to M from the first row, such as N, O, P, etc. to the blank spaces we have in the second row. Our ALBAM table now becomes,

Table 2

A  B   C  D  E  F  G  H  I   J    K  L  M

U  V  W  X Y  Z  N  O  P  Q   R  S   T

Now we read the name YHShWY from our table, and this is equivalent to

Y = E

H =O


W =C 

Y = E

We have EOLCE which is the anagram or permutation of the surname ECLEO. Our YHShWY now becomes YWShYH. Therefore, the name of the Holy Spirit is YWShYH.[121]

The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you. (John 14: 26)

…for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. (John 16:13-15)

The name of the Holy Spirit, YWShYH, has all that Jesus Christ has in his name, YHShWH.

There are still living witnesses to His miracles, and there are written accounts that, if read by non-believers, would be nothing short of incredible. Atheists, agnostics, and even some believers would find it difficult to accept that a man could bring the dead back to life - not just one, but many. It is the limitation of human perception that, even if people see things they thought were impossible or witness events that defy natural laws, they will still find it hard to believe, even if they are the actual witnesses. Miracles or events that do not obey the regularities of nature are not something that our brains are wired to comprehend. For example, it would be perplexing to try and figure out how a liter of seawater could power a boat engine. How could a mere boy cure diseases and heal the sick through his saliva? How could a mere boy, a young lad, do mass healing through a rope by making the people hold on tight to it? How could he be in two places at the same time? These are only some of the many examples of His extraordinary feats. No book has yet been written about the incredible deeds of the Mysterious Superstar of the South, and it is unlikely that one ever will.

Below is a simple illustration showing the feats of Divine Master Ruben E. Ecleo, Sr. The blank space in the right column is open for you to fill up if you know anyone or somebody living now who can also do the same thing. You can try religious founders, holy men, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, or even the ones who claim to be Christ.













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