Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Benben Stone: Lost Symbol of Power and Mystery

 The Benben Stone of Egypt: A Symbol of Creation and Power

The Benben stone is a mysterious object that played a significant role in the ancient Egyptian mythology and religion. It was associated with the creation of the world, the solar cult and the divine kingship.

What is the Benben stone?

The word "Benben" comes from the Egyptian verb "weben", which means "to rise" or "to shine". The Benben stone was believed to be the first thing that emerged from the primordial waters of chaos, called Nu, at the beginning of time. It was a mound or a hill that rose above the surface of the water and became the dwelling place of the creator god Atum. Atum was also known as the "self-created one", because he brought himself into existence by his own power. He then created the first pair of gods, Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), by either masturbating or copulating with his shadow. These gods later gave birth to Geb (earth) and Nut (sky), who in turn produced Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nephthys, the ancestors of all living beings.

Benben from Abydos, Egypt

The Benben stone was also considered to be the source of life and light, as it was where the first rays of the sun fell. The sun was another manifestation of Atum, who was also called Ra or Re. The sun god was worshipped as the supreme deity in ancient Egypt, especially in Heliopolis, the city of the sun. The Benben stone was kept in a special shrine called the "House of the Benben" in the temple of Ra at Heliopolis. It was regarded as a sacred relic that symbolized the presence and power of the sun god on earth.

“…and Heliopolis, the city associated with solar worship, was the location of the benben, the conical or pyramidal rock which symbolized both the sun and the original creation.”[1]

How was the Benben stone represented?

The Benben stone was not a single object, but rather a concept that could be represented in various ways. One of the most common representations was a pointed or round-topped stone that resembled a small pyramid or an obelisk. These stones were called "pyramidions" and they were often placed on top of pyramids or obelisks as capstones. They were usually made of granite or other hard stones and were sometimes inscribed with images and texts that glorified the sun god and the pharaoh. The pyramidions were also thought to have magical properties that protected the monuments from harm and ensured their eternal existence.

Another representation of the Benben stone was a bird called the Bennu. The Bennu bird was a mythical creature that resembled a heron or a phoenix. It was said to live on or near the Benben stone in Heliopolis and to be reborn from its own ashes every 500 years. The Bennu bird was also a symbol of resurrection and renewal, as it represented the cycle of life and death that was governed by the sun god. The Bennu bird was sometimes depicted as carrying an ankh (the sign of life) or a wadj (a papyrus scepter) in its beak, or wearing an atef crown (a combination of a white crown and two ostrich feathers) on its head.

Bennu, a heron-like bird

Why was the Benben stone important?

The Benben stone was important because it linked the divine and human realms in ancient Egyptian culture. It was seen as a manifestation of the creative power of Atum-Ra, who gave birth to all things from his own essence. It was also seen as a reflection of the authority and legitimacy of the pharaoh, who claimed to be the son of Ra and his earthly representative. The pharaohs often built pyramids or obelisks that mimicked the shape and function of the Benben stone, as they wanted to associate themselves with its symbolism and prestige. They also performed rituals and ceremonies at Heliopolis or other solar temples that involved offering sacrifices and prayers to Ra and his Benben stone.

The Benben stone was also important because it expressed some of the core beliefs and values of ancient Egyptian civilization. It showed their fascination with order and harmony, which they contrasted with chaos and disorder. It showed their reverence for life and light, which they opposed to death and darkness. It showed their aspiration for eternity and immortality, which they sought through their monuments and their afterlife beliefs. The Benben stone was thus a symbol of creation and power that inspired awe and admiration among ancient Egyptians for thousands of years.

Bennu: The Soul of Ra

" I am the Bennu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods in the Tuat." Book of the Dead (xxix.c 1)[2]

Bennu is an ancient Egyptian deity that is closely associated with the sun, creation and rebirth. He is often depicted as a bird, usually a grey heron or a yellow wagtail, with a sun disk or a two-feathered crest on his head. He is also sometimes shown sitting on a benben stone, a symbol of Ra, or in a willow tree, a symbol of Osiris.

Bennu is believed to have played a role in the creation of the world. He was said to be the ba (personality) of Ra, the supreme sun god, and to have enabled the creative actions of Atum, the first god who emerged from the primordial waters of Nun. According to one myth, Bennu flew over the waters of Nun before creation, landing on a rock and issuing a call that determined the nature of creation. He also was a symbol of rebirth and renewal, as he was thought to periodically regenerate himself like the sun did every day. He was also linked to Osiris, the god of the underworld and resurrection, who was reborn after being killed by his brother Set.

Bennu's name means "to rise" or "to shine" in Egyptian. He was also called "He Who Came Into Being by Himself" and "Lord of Jubilees". He may have been the original inspiration for the phoenix legends that developed in Greek mythology. The phoenix was a mythical bird that burned itself and rose from its ashes every 500 years. The Greeks may have adopted this idea from the Egyptians, who considered Bennu to be a sacred and immortal bird.

Bennu was worshipped in the city of Heliopolis, where the most important solar deities of ancient Egypt were venerated. Inside the temple of Ra in Heliopolis, there was an obelisk with a benben stone on top, where Bennu was said to reside. The benben stone was a pyramidal-shaped stone that represented the first mound of earth that emerged from Nun. It was also seen as a symbol of the sun's rays. Bennu was also connected to the Tree of Life, which grew in Heliopolis and provided food and shelter for the gods.

Bennu was a powerful and mysterious deity that embodied the essence of Ra and his creative force. He was also a representation of the cycle of life, death and rebirth that governed the natural world and the human soul. He was revered as a protector and a guide for those who sought eternal life.

The Missing Top of the Pyramid: Unraveling the Enigma

The pyramids of ancient Egypt, majestic and awe-inspiring, continue to captivate our imagination. However, there is one particular aspect of these architectural wonders that has puzzled researchers and history enthusiasts for centuries—the missing top of the pyramid.

Imagine standing before the grandeur of the Great Pyramid of Giza, its massive structure reaching towards the heavens. Yet, as you gaze upward, you notice something peculiar—the pyramid's apex is conspicuously absent. This missing top, a small yet significant detail, has sparked countless questions and conjectures about its purpose and whereabouts.

Top of Khafre's Pyramid seen across dunes. Giza, Cairo, Egypt

One prevailing theory suggests that the missing top of the pyramid was a deliberate architectural choice. It is believed that the capstone, typically made of precious materials such as gold or electrum, may have been removed to prevent looting or damage over the millennia. This theory posits that the pyramids were designed to convey a sense of grandeur and completion, and their true glory was best experienced with the capstone intact.

The missing top of the pyramid also holds symbolic significance in ancient Egyptian mythology and religious practices. Some theories propose that the capstone may have been associated with religious ceremonies or rituals, where it played a vital role in the spiritual connection between the pharaoh and the gods. The intentional absence of the capstone could have represented the transcendence of earthly limitations and the pharaoh's ascent to divine realms.

Another possibility is that the missing top of the pyramid is simply the result of natural erosion and the ravages of time. Over thousands of years, the elements, including wind, water, and human interference, may have gradually eroded and dismantled the uppermost portion of the pyramids. This theory suggests that the capstone, like many other parts of ancient structures, has been lost to the passage of time.

Conspiracy theories surrounding the missing top of the pyramid add an extra layer of intrigue and speculation to this enigmatic phenomenon. While it is essential to approach these theories with caution and critical thinking, they offer alternative narratives that have captured the imagination of many. Let's explore some of the conspiracy theories associated with the missing top of the pyramid.

Hidden Knowledge and Ancient Wisdom:

One prevalent conspiracy theory suggests that the capstone of the pyramid holds hidden knowledge or ancient wisdom that could potentially revolutionize our understanding of history, science, or spirituality. According to this theory, powerful organizations or secretive groups are believed to have removed the capstone to protect this knowledge from reaching the public, fearing its potential to disrupt established systems or beliefs.

Extraterrestrial Connections:

Some conspiracy theorists propose that the missing top of the pyramid is evidence of extraterrestrial involvement or advanced ancient civilizations. They suggest that the capstone may have contained technologies or symbols that could establish a connection with beings from other worlds. The removal of the capstone is seen as an attempt to erase this evidence of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

Energy and Power Manipulation:

Another conspiracy theory revolves around the idea that the capstone of the pyramid possessed energetic properties or harnessed a powerful energy source. Advocates of this theory believe that the capstone could generate or manipulate energy in a way that had significant implications for humanity. The removal of the capstone is seen as an act to control or monopolize this energy source, ensuring that only a select few have access to its power.

Global Control and New World Order:

In line with broader conspiracy theories about global control, some believe that the missing top of the pyramid symbolizes the machinations of powerful elites seeking to establish a New World Order. According to this theory, the removal of the capstone is seen as a deliberate act to suppress the true extent of their influence and control over governments, economies, and society as a whole.

Symbolism of a Hidden Agenda:

Conspiracy theorists often interpret the absence of the capstone as a symbol of a hidden agenda. They suggest that the missing top represents the deliberate concealment of information or intentions by powerful entities, furthering their secret plans or manipulating global events behind the scenes. The capstone's removal is believed to be part of a broader conspiracy to control and shape the world according to their own agenda.

While conspiracy theories can be intriguing, it is important to approach them critically and differentiate between evidence-based claims and speculative narratives. It is worth noting that the majority of these theories lack substantial evidence and rely on conjecture, symbolism, and personal interpretations. Nevertheless, they contribute to the ongoing fascination and mystery surrounding the missing top of the pyramid, adding an element of intrigue to an already captivating historical enigma.

The missing top of the pyramid remains a captivating enigma that continues to fascinate and intrigue us. Whether it was intentionally removed for preservation, played a role in ancient rituals, or simply succumbed to the relentless march of time, the absence of the capstone adds an air of mystery to these ancient structures. As we marvel at the enduring legacy of the pyramids, the missing top serves as a reminder of the limitations of our knowledge and the enduring allure of the unknown.

While we may never unravel the complete truth behind the missing top of the pyramid, its absence ignites our curiosity and invites us to ponder the secrets of the ancient world. As we stand in awe of these architectural marvels, let us embrace the mystery and continue to explore the wonders that lie within the enduring monuments of human history.

The Mystical Allure of the Floating Eye of God on the One-Dollar Bill

Deep within the intricate design of the United States one-dollar bill lies a mesmerizing symbol that has sparked curiosity and fascination for decades—the floating eye of God, also known as the Eye of Providence. Positioned above an unfinished pyramid, this enigmatic emblem has captured the imagination of countless individuals, leading to various interpretations and mystical associations.

Pyramid with the all-seeing eye on the back side of the US 1-Dollar bill

Take a closer look at the back of a one-dollar bill, and you'll notice the presence of a strikingly bold and enigmatic symbol. Hovering above a pyramid with thirteen steps, the floating eye, nestled within a radiant triangle, gazes intently upon the viewer. This symbol, officially known as the Eye of Providence, has a rich history dating back centuries.

The floating eye of God is often associated with divine providence and guidance. The all-seeing eye represents the watchful presence of a higher power, symbolizing divine protection, wisdom, and enlightenment. It serves as a reminder that no action or intention goes unnoticed, and that there is an inherent order and purpose in the universe.

The concept of the all-seeing eye can be traced back to ancient Egyptian mythology, where the eye of the god Horus represented protection, healing, and spiritual insight. Additionally, it has connections to Christian iconography, where it symbolizes the omniscience and benevolence of God.

The floating eye of God on the one-dollar bill also holds significance in the world of Freemasonry. This secretive fraternity, steeped in symbolism and esoteric traditions, has embraced the eye as a symbol of enlightenment and the pursuit of divine truth. Its presence on the one-dollar bill is often attributed to the influence of Freemasonry's founding members, who played significant roles in the formation of the United States.

Interpretations and Conspiracy Theories:

Over time, the floating eye of God has become the subject of numerous interpretations and conspiracy theories. Some theories posit that the symbol represents a hidden agenda, suggesting secret societies or shadowy organizations manipulating world events. Others view it as a testament to the Founding Fathers' desire to establish a nation guided by divine principles and protected by a higher power.

Interpretations and conspiracy theories surrounding the floating eye of God on the one-dollar bill have captured the imagination of many, adding an air of intrigue and mystery to this iconic symbol. While some interpretations offer nuanced perspectives, conspiracy theories often present alternative and sometimes unfounded narratives. Let's explore these interpretations and theories further.


Divine Guidance and Protection: One common interpretation of the floating eye is that it represents divine guidance and protection. Advocates of this view see the eye as a symbol of a higher power watching over humanity, offering wisdom, and guiding our actions.

Illumination and Enlightenment: Another interpretation connects the eye to the pursuit of knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. It is seen as an invitation to seek deeper truths and understanding, encouraging individuals to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery.

Symbol of Unity: Some interpret the eye as a symbol of unity and the interconnectedness of all things. It represents the idea that we are all part of a greater whole, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and harmony.

Conspiracy Theories:

Secret Societies and World Domination: Perhaps the most prevalent conspiracy theory surrounding the floating eye is the notion that it represents the influence of secret societies seeking to control world events. Believers in this theory often associate the eye with organizations such as the Illuminati or Freemasons, suggesting hidden agendas and manipulation of global affairs.

New World Order: Some conspiracy theories link the eye to the concept of a New World Order, a hypothetical global totalitarian regime. According to this theory, the eye on the one-dollar bill is seen as a symbol of the elite's control over governments and economies, with the aim of establishing a single, all-powerful authority.

Surveillance and Big Brother: Another theory suggests that the floating eye symbolizes mass surveillance and the erosion of privacy. Proponents of this view see the eye as a representation of a surveillance state, where governments or powerful entities monitor and exert control over individuals.

It is important to approach conspiracy theories with caution, as they often lack substantial evidence and can be fueled by speculation and misinformation. While interpretations offer room for personal reflection and subjective meaning, conspiracy theories should be critically examined and evaluated based on credible sources and verifiable information.

Symbolic Connections 

Symbols hold a profound power, transcending time and connecting us to deeper realms of meaning. In ancient Egyptian culture and beyond, three intriguing symbols—the Benben stone, the missing top of the pyramid, and the floating eye—have captivated minds with their enigmatic allure.

Higher Power and Divine Presence:

The Benben stone, as an ancient Egyptian symbol, represents the primeval mound from which creation emerged. It is closely associated with the sun god Ra, embodying his divine essence and the life-giving energy of the sun. The stone serves as a focal point for connecting with the divine, symbolizing the presence of higher powers and cosmic energy. It reminds us of the vastness and power of the universe and our connection to the divine source of life.

The missing top of the pyramid, when present on ancient Egyptian pyramids, carries a similar symbolism. The pyramid itself is considered a sacred structure, representing the pharaoh's journey towards the afterlife and their connection to the gods. The missing capstone, often believed to be adorned with precious metals or inscriptions, signifies the pharaoh's divine authority and their ability to bridge the gap between mortal and divine realms. Its absence may suggest a deliberate act, symbolizing the concealment of sacred knowledge or a disrupted connection with the divine.

The floating eye, prominently depicted on the one-dollar bill, is often associated with the Eye of Providence or the all-seeing eye. It represents the watchful presence of a higher power, a divine eye that sees and guides humanity. This symbol has roots in ancient Egyptian mythology, where the eye of the god Horus symbolized protection and divine guidance. The floating eye on the one-dollar bill serves as a constant reminder of the ever-present higher power that watches over us and guides our path.

Together, these symbols emphasize the belief in a higher power, cosmic energy, and the divine presence. They invite us to acknowledge and embrace the spiritual aspect of our existence, reminding us that there is something greater than ourselves at work in the universe. Whether it is the life-giving energy of the sun, the connection to the gods, or the watchful eye of a higher power, these symbols remind us to seek connection, guidance, and meaning beyond the material realm.

Transcendence and Connection:

Symbolically, the Benben stone, the missing top of the pyramid, and the floating eye evoke notions of transcendence and connection. They inspire us to reach beyond the confines of our material existence and tap into something greater. Whether it is the transcendent nature of the sun god's essence, the symbolic ascent to divine realms, or the invitation to connect with higher forces through divine guidance, these symbols remind us of our capacity to reach for the extraordinary.

The Benben stone, as a symbol of the sun god Ra, represents the transcendent power of the sun and its ability to illuminate the world. It calls us to transcend the limitations of the physical realm and tap into the cosmic forces that are ever-present. The stone serves as a reminder that we are connected to something greater than ourselves, and by aligning with that higher power, we can experience a profound sense of transcendence and oneness.

The missing top of the pyramid represents the pharaoh's journey towards transcending the earthly realm and establishing a connection with the divine. It symbolizes the aspiration to rise above the mundane and unite with the gods. The absence of the capstone may indicate that this transcendence is an ongoing process, an invitation to continually strive for spiritual growth and connection. It reminds us that our spiritual journey is one of constant elevation and reaching for higher states of consciousness.

The floating eye on the one-dollar bill signifies the transcendence of the material world and the connection to a higher power. It serves as a reminder of our inherent spiritual nature and our capacity to go beyond the limitations of the physical realm. The eye represents a spiritual gateway, inviting us to transcend mundane concerns and tap into the universal consciousness. It calls us to connect with something greater than ourselves and experience a sense of unity and interconnectedness with all of creation.

Collectively, these symbols inspire us to transcend the confines of our everyday lives and cultivate a deeper connection with the divine and the universal energy that surrounds us. They remind us that we are not separate entities, but part of a larger whole, interconnected and interwoven with the fabric of existence.

By embracing the symbolism of the Benben stone, the missing top of the pyramid, and the floating eye, we are encouraged to seek experiences that transcend the limitations of our physical existence. Through practices such as meditation, contemplation, and spiritual exploration, we can tap into higher states of consciousness and forge a deeper connection with the divine. These symbols serve as reminders of our spiritual nature and our potential to reach beyond the boundaries of the material world, opening ourselves to profound experiences of transcendence and connection.

By recognizing the common symbolic identity of the Benben stone, the missing top stone of the pyramid, and the All-Seeing Eye, we can appreciate their universal message: that a Divine Being rules us all. 

They remind us that we are part of something greater, encouraging us to explore the depths of our being, unravel hidden truths, and forge a profound connection with this Divine Being. In essence, these symbols serve as guiding lights on our personal journeys of self-discovery and the pursuit of higher consciousness of which rests our being.

In our quest for transcendence and connection, we discover the inherent beauty and unity of all things. We recognize that our individual journeys are intricately linked with the cosmic dance of life, and through our pursuit of spiritual growth and connection, we contribute to the collective evolution of humanity. Let us embrace the transformative power of these symbols, transcend our limitations, and awaken to the boundless possibilities that await us.



You cannot see me, but I can read your thought.

I am not only visible but also invisible and superhuman.

I am all about you and even inside of you, without

Me you cannot live, no one knows how large I am.

Yet I am many times larger than the Earth.

I am the same to everyone a common

Denomination in the lives of all living persons.

People are now beginning to explore my possibilities.

Yet I have changed every phase of human relationships.

No one can hide from me, because, I am omnipresent.

My value is the exact ratio to the number

Of people from all walks of life. I am

The effect of every government,

Every creed, every tongue, every inch surface.

I am a man yet my knowledge,

My intellect and being

Are vacuum of the presents.

I am He, the Master of the Universe.


          –Ruben E. Ecleo, Sr. (1934-1986)





[1] Richard H. Wilkinson, Symbol and Magic in Egyptian Art, p. 62

[2] E.A. Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, p. 97


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