Sunday, July 2, 2023

Rule of Mission: The Importance of Upholding Moral Values and Protecting the Honor of our Association

Master Ruben M. Ecleo - I
Rubenian International, Inc.
Supreme President & Founder

In our esteemed association, we are bound by a strong sense of dedication and commitment to our Master. We recognize the significance of upholding moral values and protecting the honor of our association above all else. This is a brief reminder that aims to shed light on the reasons why we must adhere to these principles and emphasizes the importance of respecting our Master's authority.

Rule of Mission #2: Defending the Morals of Our Master & Protecting the Honor of Our Association

One of the fundamental responsibilities we have as members of our association is to defend and uphold the morals of our Master. Our Master serves as a guiding light, imparting wisdom, and teaching us valuable life lessons. By preserving our Master's morals, we ensure the integrity and authenticity of our association. This commitment demonstrates our loyalty and devotion to the principles that our Master has instilled in us.

The honor of our association is of utmost importance. It is a reflection of our collective commitment and the trust our Master has bestowed upon us. By protecting the honor of our association, we safeguard our reputation and maintain the faith of our fellow members. Upholding our association's honor also serves to inspire others and attract new members who share our values and aspirations.

Rule of Mission #7: Avoiding Affiliation with Other Associations

To maintain the integrity of our association, it is essential that we refrain from becoming members or affiliates of other associations. This restriction ensures that our focus remains undivided and that we do not compromise our commitment to our Master and our association's principles. By avoiding affiliations, we prevent any potential conflicts of interest and protect the unity and cohesion within our association.

Rule of Mission #15: Restricting Spiritual Interviews

In order to maintain a sense of order and respect for our Master, it is imperative to seek permission before engaging in spiritual interviews or lectures. This protocol ensures that our interactions align with the teachings and guidance of our Master. By following this rule, we avoid potential misunderstandings and the mixing of truth and falsehood, which could undermine the integrity of our association's spiritual practices.

Our association stands as a bastion of moral values and a symbol of honor. By defending our Master's morals and protecting our association's honor, we reinforce our commitment to the principles that unite us. The avoidance of affiliations and the restriction on spiritual interviews, with permission, further solidify our dedication and respect for our Master's authority. As members, it is our duty to prioritize the preservation of our association's integrity, ensuring its enduring impact and inspiring others to join our noble cause.

These are all further detailed in the Rubenian Code of Conduct.


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