Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Microbe of Envy (Based on the GUIDANCE SERIES, Volume II 1994, TAGALOG Part - 68, P 1-2.)

"Ito ang dapat nating bantayan mga kapatid ko, ang mikrobiyo sa pagkainggit na tinatawag na Germ." (Grand Master Ruben B. Ecleo, Jr.)

One day in the Spiritual Division Office, Jose Rizal, and Andres Bonifacio sit on a comfortable sofa, engaged in a deep conversation about life.


Andres, I must say, being an expert in the field of medicine, I have come to understand the intricacies of the microbial world. I know how to deal with them effectively.


That's impressive, Jose. But have you ever thought about the existence of a microbe that poses a significant threat to humanity, without any known cure?

Jose's face shows a hint of skepticism.


Andres, I assure you, I am well aware of the dangers posed by microbes. However, I have the knowledge and means to combat them. There is no need for fear.


But, my dear Jose, there exists a microbe within man that has plagued us since our inception, and it continues to elude any remedy.


Curious indeed, Andres. What kind of microbe are you referring to?


Jose, it is the microbe of envy. It is the virus that infects the human heart, causing immense harm, and no cure has been found to eradicate it.

Jose's expression changes, reflecting a moment of realization.


Envy... I had not considered it a microbe, but it certainly fits the description. You're right, Andres. The virus of envy can consume a person's soul, leading them to resent others and view them as competitors.


Beware of those who walk beside you, presenting themselves as friends while secretly harboring envy and considering you as a rival. They can be more dangerous than any known microbe. Remember the story of Cain.

Jose nods, contemplating the profound truth behind Andres' words.


You're absolutely right, Andres. The betrayal of a friend who sees you as a competitor can cause immeasurable damage. It's essential to be cautious of those who claim to be friends but secretly harbor envy.

Andres and Jose share a moment of silent understanding.

Lesson Learned: Beware the Microbe of Envy

The conversation about the "Microbe of Envy" has left a lasting impact on my perspective, providing a valuable lesson for life. I was a victim of this microbe. It has taught me to be cautious of the subtle dangers that lie within human relationships, particularly those where envy lurks beneath the surface.

Envy, like a hidden microbe, can infect the heart and poison our interactions with others. It transforms friends into rivals, leading them to view our accomplishments as threats rather than celebrating them. These so-called friends may outwardly appear supportive, but deep down, they harbor envy and see us as competitors. Their actions and words can mask their true intentions, treating us as secret enemies.

Recognizing the presence of envy is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. We must remain vigilant, observing the signs of hidden jealousy and evaluating the genuineness of those around us. It is essential to surround ourselves with individuals who genuinely celebrate our successes, rather than those who secretly wish for our downfall.

This lesson encourages us to introspect and examine our own hearts. Are we unknowingly infected by the microbe of envy? Do we find ourselves comparing our lives to others, resenting their achievements, and feeling threatened by their success? If so, it is imperative to confront and overcome these feelings, nurturing a mindset of contentment and genuine happiness for others.

The lesson learned from the "Microbe of Envy" is a reminder to cultivate authentic relationships based on trust, support, and genuine camaraderie. By staying mindful of the potential presence of envy, both within ourselves and in our interactions with others, we can foster a positive and nurturing environment where true friendship thrives.

Let us be cautious of the microbe of envy, for it poses a unique threat that cannot be easily cured. By recognizing its existence, we can protect ourselves from toxic relationships and cultivate an atmosphere of genuine support, empathy, and celebration of one another's achievements.

Tragedy of Envy: Betrayal and Loss


Scene 1: Bagumbayan Execution

(Stage is set to depict Bagumbayan, a solemn and ominous atmosphere fills the air. JOSE RIZAL stands, resolute and dignified, facing his impending execution. The SPANIARDS, filled with envy, surround him.)



I stand here, a victim of envy, condemned unjustly by those threatened by the truth I dared to unveil. My only crime was seeking to awaken the spirits of my fellowmen, to ignite the flames of freedom in their hearts.


(whispering, full of malice)

Envy consumes them, for they fear the power of knowledge, the strength of unity that my words inspired. They choose to silence me, but my ideas shall live on, forever etched in the annals of history.

(Scene fades out, transitioning to the next scene.)


Scene 2: The Betrayal

(A room is set to represent the heart of revolution. ANDRES BONIFACIO stands tall, surrounded by his fellow countrymen. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifts, and tension fills the room.)



I fought for our independence, with unwavering dedication. But alas, envy consumed some within our ranks, whispering doubts, planting seeds of betrayal. The very men I trusted with my life, turned against me.


(betraying whispers)

Envy runs deep within them, clouding their judgment, and blinding them to the shared dream we once held. Their envy drove them to grasp my life, to extinguish the flickering flame of revolution.

(Scene fades out, transitioning to the next scene.)


Scene 3: The Tragic Loss

(A somber setting represents the aftermath of betrayal. The stage is filled with mourning, grief, and regret. JOSE RIZAL and ANDRES BONIFACIO stand side by side, representing the loss of two great souls.)


(whispering, mournful)

Envy brought forth my demise, a sacrifice to awaken a nation. My only solace lies in knowing that my sacrifice shall ignite the fire of revolution, guiding them towards a future of freedom.



Envy tore apart the unity we once shared, turning comrades into foes. Oh, how I longed for a different fate, to witness the birth of a free nation that we fought so ardently for.

(They share a poignant moment of remembrance, their spirits forever intertwined.)


In this tragic tale, we witness the devastating consequences of envy. Jose Rizal, a victim of envy by both the Spaniards and his fellowmen, was unjustly executed for his beliefs. Andres Bonifacio, grappling with betrayal at the hands of his own comrades, faced a fate no less tragic.

Their stories serve as a reminder of the destructive power of envy and the lengths it can drive people to. May we learn from their sacrifice and strive to create a world where envy is replaced with unity, understanding, and a shared vision for a better future.

Envy: The Enemy of Unity

Isn't envy the enemy of unity? The very hands that symbolize our togetherness, represented in the PBMA logo, can be destructively torn apart by envy. Unity and love are intertwined, and as St. Paul wisely stated, love is patient and does not envy.

An envious person is a maker of lies.

A true Rubenian does not harbor envy within their heart. If envy exists, it reveals that one does not embody the spirit of being a Rubenian.

For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. (James 3:16)


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