Saturday, June 17, 2023

The 1976 Message

 In the 1976 message of our Divine Master, he said

"Our members are guided to survive the increasing hardships and privations inherent in a changing world whose contemporary concept of values has been adjusted and focused to choice materialism that develops selfish predilection, competition, influence, power, and monopolism. In our objective to provide our members with the best training along moral, spiritual and practical aspects of life, it is hoped that we may be able to

(1) build the foundation of a true brotherhood of humanity;

(2) disseminate and practice the principles of transcendentalism by living the life of constructive activity, reason, and wisdom;

(3) dedicate the efforts of members in the study of occult science and the unexplored phenomena of nature;

(4) study and discover new dimensions of knowledge in the expanding horizons of the material and metaphysical worlds; and ultimately accept the concept of an orderly world under the rulership of God whose absolute power governs the Totality of the Kosmos."


Reflecting on the message of our Divine Master after 47 years, its relevance and importance in the present times become even more apparent. It is a master plan, a guiding light for us members to navigate the challenges of this new era of digital generation. However, it is disheartening to observe that a few years back when I suggested a module based on this message, it was dismissed without a second thought.

1976 Message

As we look back on the days of PBMA and examine the four activities mentioned by the Divine Master, we must ask ourselves, how familiar are we with Transcendentalism? Have we ever encountered representatives who lectured or shared knowledge on Occult Science? What exactly is Occult Science? What do we understand about metaphysical worlds? While the concept of brotherhood is familiar to us, symbolized by the PBMA logo and its masonic grip, can we truly say that PBMA exemplifies the "true brotherhood of Humanity" after 47 years? We have witnessed the emergence of various factions, such as the red ringers, blue holders, groups in the West, and the recently formed Rubenian, not to mention those who misuse the name of the Divine Master for their self-interests and those who exploit the wisdom and secrets of Ruben Ecleo to form their own groups.

What about the "concept of an orderly world under the rulership of God"? Ironically, in previous seminars, lecturers or presidential parties propagated the belief that Ruben Ecleo is God, a weighty claim that is challenging to substantiate. Consequently, we have been labeled as a cult, misinformed by those lecturers who always seem to have envelopes ready for us to fill with money. Their focus appears to be on financial gain rather than spiritual growth. And where does this leave us? Many of us find ourselves aligned with one of the groups I mentioned earlier.

The Divine Master stated, "The light is already with us, but the darkness has come over us." According to the Bible, "God is light" (1 John 1:5). While Ruben Ecleo is indeed among us, we must confront the reality of our situation. We have forgotten the message and allowed ourselves to be swayed from its path. Those parties who should be spearheading the initiatives for Ruben Ecleo's plans are preoccupied with filling their own pockets. From the early years until now, their modus operandi remains unchanged. As long as self-interest masquerades as service, progress will be hindered, leading to regression instead.

It is crucial for us to reclaim the essence of the Divine Master's message and realign ourselves with its true purpose. We must seek knowledge, understanding, and enlightenment, embracing the principles of transcendentalism, exploring the depths of occult science, and opening our minds to the unexplored phenomena of nature. We must seek and there is only one teacher—Ruben Ecleo. Only then can we embark on the journey towards discovering new dimensions of knowledge in both the material and metaphysical worlds. By embodying the ideals of brotherhood, practicing constructive activity, reason, and wisdom, we can lay the foundation for a better world guided by the rulership of God.

Let us not be deterred by the challenges we have faced or the misrepresentations that have tainted our image. Instead, let us refocus our efforts on the genuine pursuit of truth, unity, and selfless service. Together, we can resurrect the spirit of the Divine Master's message, revitalizing PBMA and the Rubenian as a beacon of light and inspiration for humanity.


Allow me to share my understanding of the message conveyed by our Divine Master and its continued relevance to us in the context of God, Man, and Spirituality in our present day. It is essential to explore how we can follow and apply these thoughts to enrich our lives.

The message of our Divine Master holds profound significance as it illuminates the interconnectedness of God, Man, and Spirituality. In this complex relationship, we find the essence of our existence and the purpose of our journey.

Navigating the Changing World: Providing Comprehensive Training in Moral, Spiritual, and Practical Aspects of Life

In a world characterized by increasing hardships and a shift towards materialistic values, it becomes essential to guide individuals in surviving and thriving amidst these challenges. Our objective is to equip our members with comprehensive training that encompasses moral, spiritual, and practical aspects of life. By doing so, we aim to counterbalance the negative influences of materialism, selfish predilections, and power dynamics that lead to competition and monopolism.

1. Cultivating Moral Foundations:

Amidst the prevailing materialistic values, it becomes crucial to prioritize and cultivate moral foundations. By imparting ethical principles, our training helps members develop a strong sense of integrity, compassion, and empathy. We emphasize the significance of values such as honesty, kindness, and justice, which serve as guiding principles in decision-making and interactions with others. By fostering moral growth, we aim to counteract the negative impact of selfish predilections and promote a more compassionate and harmonious society.

2. Nurturing Spiritual Well-being:

In an increasingly materialistic world, nurturing spiritual well-being becomes an essential aspect of our training. We recognize that humans have a profound need for meaning, purpose, and connection beyond material possessions. Through spiritual practices, introspection, and self-reflection, we provide our members with the tools to explore their inner selves and develop a deeper understanding of their place in the world. By fostering spiritual growth, we offer a counterbalance to the superficialities of materialism, enabling individuals to find fulfillment and inner peace.

3. Integrating Practical Skills:

Our training also encompasses practical skills that empower individuals to navigate the practical challenges of life. We equip our members with essential life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and adaptability. By developing these competencies, individuals become better equipped to overcome hardships, respond to changing circumstances, and find creative solutions. Practical skills not only foster personal growth but also enable our members to contribute positively to their communities and effect meaningful change.

4. Challenging the Contemporary Concept of Values:

The contemporary concept of values, often skewed towards materialism, selfishness, and power dynamics, poses challenges to individuals seeking a more balanced and meaningful existence. Through our comprehensive training, we challenge and provide an alternative to these prevailing values. We encourage critical reflection on societal norms, promote a mindset of gratitude and service to others, and advocate for a more equitable and compassionate world. By questioning and offering an alternative perspective, we empower our members to live according to their own values, rather than succumbing to societal pressures.

5. Building Resilience and Adaptability:

A changing world brings with it uncertainties and hardships. Our training places a strong emphasis on building resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. We provide tools and strategies to help our members navigate challenges, manage stress, and bounce back from setbacks. By cultivating resilience, individuals are better equipped to withstand the pressures of a changing world and find opportunities for growth and personal development.

In a world influenced by materialism, selfish predilections, and power dynamics, it is essential to provide comprehensive training that encompasses moral, spiritual, and practical aspects of life. By nurturing moral foundations, fostering spiritual well-being, integrating practical skills, challenging prevailing values, and building resilience, we empower individuals to thrive amidst increasing hardships and navigate the changing world with integrity and strength. Let us continue to provide our members with the tools and support they need to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious society.

Building the Foundation of a True Brotherhood of Humanity

In a world often marred by divisions and conflicts, the concept of a true brotherhood of humanity holds immense significance. It represents the vision of a harmonious society where individuals from diverse backgrounds come together in mutual respect, understanding, and compassion. Building such a foundation requires a collective effort and a commitment to fostering unity.

1. Cultivate Empathy and Understanding:

At the core of building a true brotherhood lies empathy and understanding. We must strive to see beyond superficial differences and seek to understand the experiences, perspectives, and challenges faced by others. By cultivating empathy, we develop a genuine concern for the well-being of others and foster a sense of interconnectedness. This involves actively listening, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and embracing diverse viewpoints with an open mind.

2. Embrace Diversity and Inclusivity:

A true brotherhood of humanity thrives on diversity and inclusivity. It requires creating spaces where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or social background. We must celebrate the richness of our differences and recognize that diversity strengthens the fabric of society. Embracing inclusivity means actively promoting equal opportunities, dismantling systemic barriers, and ensuring that everyone has a voice and a seat at the table.

3. Foster Mutual Respect and Tolerance:

Respect and tolerance are essential pillars for building a true brotherhood. Respecting others' beliefs, values, and choices, even when they differ from our own, creates an environment of trust and acceptance. It involves recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, treating them with kindness and fairness. Tolerance allows for peaceful coexistence, acknowledging that diversity of thought and expression is a fundamental aspect of human existence.

4. Promote Education and Awareness:

Education plays a vital role in building a true brotherhood of humanity. It equips individuals with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and a broader understanding of the world. By promoting education, we empower individuals to challenge prejudices, stereotypes, and discriminatory practices. Education also helps cultivate a sense of global citizenship, fostering an appreciation for different cultures, histories, and perspectives. It is through education that we can bridge divides and create a more inclusive and compassionate society.

5. Engage in Collaborative Initiatives:

Collaborative initiatives provide opportunities to work together towards common goals, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. By engaging in community projects, volunteer work, and collaborative efforts, we break down barriers and build meaningful connections. These initiatives can range from local grassroots movements to global initiatives addressing social and environmental challenges. By joining hands, we can collectively make a positive impact and lay the foundation for a true brotherhood of humanity.

6. Practice Forgiveness and Reconciliation:

In the pursuit of a true brotherhood, it is essential to acknowledge past injustices and work towards forgiveness and reconciliation. Healing deep-rooted wounds requires acknowledging historical wrongs, listening to marginalized voices, and taking steps towards restitution and justice. Forgiveness allows for the restoration of relationships and the building of bridges across divides. It is through forgiveness and reconciliation that we can create a society that embraces the past while building a better future.

Building the foundation of a true brotherhood of humanity is a noble and challenging endeavor. It requires a commitment to empathy, diversity, respect, education, collaboration, and reconciliation. As individuals, we can contribute to this process by embracing these principles in our daily lives and interactions. By fostering unity and embracing the interconnectedness of humanity, we can create a world where compassion, understanding, and harmony prevail.

Living the Principles of Transcendentalism: Constructive Activity, Reason, and Wisdom

Transcendentalism, a philosophical movement that emerged in the 19th century, emphasizes the power of individualism, intuition, and the spiritual connection between humans and nature. In the pursuit of building a better world, it is essential to disseminate and practice the principles of transcendentalism. By living a life of constructive activity, reason, and wisdom, we can align ourselves with the transcendental ideals and contribute to personal growth and societal progress.

1. Constructive Activity:

Constructive activity involves engaging in actions that contribute positively to oneself, others, and the world at large. It encourages individuals to take proactive steps towards personal development, social improvement, and environmental stewardship. By dedicating ourselves to constructive pursuits, we can harness our talents and skills for the greater good. This may involve volunteering, participating in community projects, promoting sustainable practices, or engaging in creative endeavors that inspire and uplift others. This is greatly exemplified by our culture of pahina. Through constructive activity, we shape our surroundings and leave a lasting impact on the world.

2. Reason:

Reason is a fundamental aspect of transcendentalism, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and rationality. It calls for examining beliefs, ideas, and societal norms through a lens of intellectual inquiry. By embracing reason, we cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, others, and the world. It enables us to challenge dogmas, question authority, and seek truth and knowledge. Reason empowers individuals to make informed decisions, solve problems creatively, and navigate complexities with clarity and discernment. By integrating reason into our lives, we foster a culture of intellectual growth and open-mindedness.

3. Wisdom:

Wisdom is the application of knowledge and experience in a way that leads to discernment, insight, and ethical decision-making. Transcendentalism encourages individuals to seek wisdom through introspection, self-reflection, and a deep connection with nature. It involves cultivating inner awareness and attuning ourselves to the wisdom that resides within. Wisdom allows us to see beyond the surface-level realities and tap into the universal truths that unite humanity. By embodying wisdom, we make choices that align with our highest principles, contributing to personal fulfillment and collective well-being.

Living the Principles:

To practice the principles of transcendentalism, it is crucial to integrate them into our daily lives. This involves:

1. Cultivating self-awareness: Engaging in regular self-reflection and introspection to understand our values, motivations, and aspirations. By knowing ourselves, we can align our actions with our inner truths.

2. Connecting with nature: Spending time in nature, appreciating its beauty, and recognizing our interconnectedness with the natural world. Nature serves as a source of inspiration, guidance, and spiritual renewal.

3. Seeking knowledge: Embracing a lifelong commitment to learning, exploring diverse perspectives, and challenging our assumptions. By expanding our knowledge, we broaden our understanding of the world and foster intellectual growth.

4. Practicing mindfulness: Cultivating present-moment awareness and embracing mindfulness practices. This enables us to be fully present, appreciate the beauty of the moment, and make conscious choices aligned with our values.

5. Engaging in ethical action: Taking responsibility for our actions and striving to make ethical decisions that consider the well-being of ourselves, others, and the planet. Embracing empathy, compassion, and justice in our interactions with others.

Exploring the Depths: The Study of Occult Science and Unexplored Phenomena of Nature

The pursuit of knowledge has always been a fundamental aspect of human curiosity and growth. In the quest for a deeper understanding of the world around us, the study of occult science and unexplored phenomena of nature holds a special allure. It invites us to explore realms beyond the conventional and dive into the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. By dedicating our efforts to these fields, we embark on a journey of discovery and expand the boundaries of human knowledge.

1. Unveiling the Unknown:

Occult science and the study of unexplored phenomena provide a pathway to unravel the mysteries that have eluded our comprehension. They offer insights into phenomena that lie beyond the grasp of conventional scientific understanding. By dedicating our efforts to these fields, we open ourselves to the possibility of uncovering hidden truths and gaining a deeper appreciation of the complexity and wonder of the natural world.

2. Broadening Perspectives:

The study of occult science and unexplored phenomena challenges conventional wisdom and expands our perspectives. It encourages us to question preconceived notions and venture into territories that lie outside the realm of established knowledge. By embracing these fields, we develop a broader understanding of the universe, acknowledging that there are vast realms waiting to be explored and phenomena that transcend our current understanding.

3. Fostering a Spirit of Inquiry:

Dedicating efforts to the study of occult science and unexplored phenomena nurtures a spirit of curiosity and inquiry. It encourages us to venture into the unknown, to question the limits of our knowledge, and to explore unconventional avenues of understanding. By embracing this spirit of inquiry, we contribute to the advancement of human knowledge and push the boundaries of what is considered possible.

4. Unlocking New Paradigms:

Occult science and the study of unexplored phenomena have the potential to unlock new paradigms and transform our understanding of the universe. They challenge existing scientific frameworks and offer alternative explanations for the mysteries of life. By exploring these fields, we foster innovation, creativity, and the emergence of new scientific perspectives that can lead to breakthroughs in various disciplines.

5. Connecting with the Natural World:

The study of occult science and unexplored phenomena often involves a deep connection with the natural world. It invites us to observe, analyze, and interpret the intricate interplay between different aspects of nature. By immersing ourselves in the study of these phenomena, we develop a profound appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living beings and the inherent wisdom embedded in the natural world.

Dedicating our efforts to the study of occult science and unexplored phenomena of nature offers a gateway to unveiling the unknown, expanding our perspectives, fostering a spirit of inquiry, unlocking new paradigms, and deepening our connection with the natural world. It is through these endeavors that we push the boundaries of human knowledge and embark on a journey of discovery that contributes to our collective understanding of the universe. Let us embrace the mysteries that await us and continue to explore the uncharted territories of occult science and unexplored phenomena with curiosity and open minds.

Embracing the Infinite: Exploring New Dimensions of Knowledge in the Material and Metaphysical Worlds

The pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds, as it extends into the realms of both the material and metaphysical worlds. In our quest for understanding, we are driven to study and discover new dimensions of knowledge that expand the horizons of our comprehension. This exploration not only enriches our understanding of the universe but also leads us to acknowledge the concept of an orderly world under the rulership of Divine Power.

1. Unveiling the Expanding Horizons:

The study of new dimensions of knowledge invites us to push the boundaries of what is currently known and explore uncharted territories. It encourages us to embrace a spirit of curiosity and innovation, enabling us to uncover hidden truths and expand our understanding of the material world. By exploring emerging scientific disciplines, harnessing technological advancements, and engaging in interdisciplinary research, we can uncover new layers of knowledge and explore the limitless potential of our universe.

2. Embracing the Metaphysical Realms:

Beyond the physical realm lies the metaphysical world, which encompasses aspects beyond conventional scientific understanding. It involves exploring consciousness, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all existence. By delving into metaphysical disciplines such as philosophy, mysticism, and spirituality, we gain insights into the deeper meaning of life and our place in the universe. It opens doors to profound experiences and contemplations that can enrich our understanding of the metaphysical aspects of reality.

3. Recognizing Order and Divine Governance:

Through the study of new dimensions of knowledge, we are often confronted with the awe-inspiring intricacies and orderliness of the universe. The more we explore and understand the natural laws that govern the material and metaphysical worlds, the more apparent it becomes that there is a grand design at play. This recognition leads us to accept the concept of an orderly world under the rulership of a higher power. It signifies an acknowledgment that there is a divine presence guiding the Totality of the Kosmos, with absolute power and wisdom.

4. Harmonizing Science and Spirituality:

The pursuit of new dimensions of knowledge allows us to bridge the gap between science and spirituality. It encourages us to embrace a holistic perspective that integrates empirical observations with metaphysical insights. By recognizing the interconnectedness of all knowledge and understanding that scientific discoveries can coexist with spiritual wisdom, we foster a harmonious worldview that embraces both the material and metaphysical aspects of existence.

5. Cultivating Humility and Wonder:

As we venture into the realms of new knowledge, we develop a sense of humility in the face of the vastness and complexity of the universe. We realize that our understanding is always evolving and that there is much more to discover. This humility nurtures a sense of wonder and reverence, deepening our appreciation for the mysteries and beauty of the material and metaphysical worlds.


The profound implications of the four goals set by our Divine Master for us, the members, become evident when we delve into their depths. Through the Spiritual Division and the tangible presence of our Divine Master Ruben Ecleo, we are being equipped with the tools and knowledge to navigate the moral, spiritual, and practical aspects of life. Their vision for us to become the future representatives of humanity is both profound and inspiring. It echoes the words of Gen. Adriano de la Concepcion, who stated that the dreams of yesterday pave the way for tomorrow's reality. We are meant to be the embodiments of the dreams of the past, but the question remains: Where do we stand today?

We have been bestowed with a gift that is unparalleled. The Divine Master has entrusted us with Ancient Wisdom and the Science of God, the knowledge that is not accessible to ordinary individuals. As Hamlet rightly observed, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." In our case, we have the Master of the Universe as our teacher. However, a somber reality confronts us when we assess our present state.

If we fail to heed the Doctrines and Teachings of Divine Master Ruben Ecleo, if we do not align our lives with these sacred principles, and if we neglect to disseminate and practice what the Spiritual Division has imparted to us, we must recall the warning of Jesus. In Matthew 21:43 (ESV), he cautioned, "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits."

This serves as a solemn reminder that our responsibility goes beyond mere possession of knowledge. It is the application and embodiment of these teachings in our lives that truly matter. We must bear fruit by living out the values and principles taught by the Divine Master. Only then can we fulfill our purpose and ensure the continued presence of the kingdom of God within us.

Let us reflect on our individual and collective journeys. Let us recommit ourselves to the path of righteousness, humility, and selfless service. As members of the PBMA & the Rubenian, we carry a profound legacy and an extraordinary calling. May we rise above the challenges and distractions that surround us, and may our actions be a testament to the profound impact of Divine Master Ruben Ecleo's teachings.

By embracing and embodying these sacred teachings, we have the potential to transform ourselves, our communities, and ultimately, the world. Let us walk this path with dedication, perseverance, and unwavering faith, for the journey toward the fulfillment of our Divine Master's vision requires our wholehearted commitment and active participation.



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