Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Exploring the Spiritual Hierarchy: The Great White Brotherhood and the Four Corners of the World

 The Great White Brotherhood, also known as the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth, is a term used by some esoteric groups to refer to a group of highly evolved spiritual beings who are said to guide and protect humanity. The term does not imply any racial or gender preference, but rather refers to the purity and radiance of their souls. The Great White Brotherhood is composed of masters and initiates from various religions, cultures and traditions, who have transcended the limitations of the physical world and attained a higher level of consciousness. They are also called the Ascended Masters, the Elder Brothers, the World Teachers, Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, or simply the Masters.

The concept of a hidden council of wise and benevolent masters can be traced back to the 18th century, when Karl von Eckartshausen wrote about the Council of Light, a group of mystics who remained active after their physical deaths.  Later, Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, claimed to have received teachings from the Masters of the Hidden Brotherhood, also known as the Mahatmas, who were based in Tibet and communicated with her through psychic means. 

According to some sources, the Great White Brotherhood has its origin in the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria, where a group of advanced souls dedicated themselves to the service of God and humanity. They were able to transcend the limitations of physical existence and attain mastery over the forces of nature. They also preserved the ancient wisdom and knowledge that was lost when these continents sank beneath the ocean.

The Ascended Masters

The Great White Brotherhood is believed to work behind the scenes to inspire and influence human affairs, especially in times of crisis or transition. They are said to communicate with humanity through telepathy, dreams, visions or channeling. Some of the most well-known members of the Great White Brotherhood are Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, Saint Germain, Kuthumi, El Morya, Maitreya and Sanat Kumara. They are not to be confused with the false hierarchy of dark forces that seek to deceive and enslave humanity. 

The Brotherhood is composed of beings from different levels of spiritual evolution, ranging from human initiates who have achieved liberation from the cycle of reincarnation, to cosmic beings who have never incarnated on earth. They all share a common vision of uplifting humanity and creating a new world of peace, harmony, and love. They work from various locations in the physical and higher dimensions, such as Shambhala, Agartha, Luxor, Shangri-La, and Telos.

The Great White Brotherhood is not a secret society or a cult, but rather a universal brotherhood that welcomes all people of good will who aspire to spiritual growth and service. The brotherhood does not impose any dogma or doctrine, but rather offers a path of self-discovery and self-mastery that leads to the realization of one's divine potential. The brotherhood also respects the free will and individuality of each soul, and does not interfere with anyone's karma or destiny.

It is active in every corner of the world, working through various channels and methods to assist humanity in its spiritual awakening. The brotherhood uses various forms of energy transmission, such as telepathy, dreams, visions, intuition, synchronicity, and signs. The brotherhood also works through various organizations and movements that promote human rights, social justice, environmental protection, interfaith dialogue, and global cooperation.

The Great White Brotherhood has a hierarchical structure, with different levels of initiation and responsibility. The highest level is the Council of 24 Elders, who oversee the affairs of the planet and report to the Solar Logos or God. Below them are the Seven Chohans or Lords of the Rays, who represent the seven main aspects of God's manifestation in creation. Each Chohan is in charge of a ray or quality of energy that influences human evolution. The rays are: Will and Power (blue), Love and Wisdom (yellow), Active Intelligence (pink), Harmony and Beauty (white), Concrete Knowledge (green), Devotion and Idealism (ruby) and Ceremonial Order (violet). Below the Chohans are the Mahachohans or Great Lords, who supervise the activities of the various departments or branches of the Great White Brotherhood. These include: Education, Religion, Politics, Art, Science, Healing and Communication.

According to Leadbeater, "The Great White Brotherhood also includes members of the Heavenly Host (the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution of our world), Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas."[1]

To Blavatsky, the Spiritual Hierarchy is known as "the Secret Association and is still alive and as active as ever.”[2]

This Spiritual Hierarchy is “the hierarchy of the spiritual realm: an order of divine spirits who act as agents of God, monitoring and guiding humanity's activities on Earth according to the will of the Creator. These benevolent spirits assist us in our quest for spiritual enlightenment, and nothing escapes the knowledge of God, for the winds are His messengers. This organization, which is a material representation of the spiritual realm, is known as the Spiritual Division.”[3]

But it is not widely known that the Spiritual Division is managed by the Four Corners of the World. These entities represent the four faces of God, as referenced in the revered tetragrammaton, YHWH.

The Four Corners of the World are responsible for overseeing the Spiritual Division, which is a crucial aspect of many belief systems. Their significance lies in their representation of the divine, and their role in maintaining balance and harmony within the spiritual realm.

Let us hear from one of the theosophists:

“We find many allusions to “four Regents of the four corners of earth,” to “the Rulers of the North, South, East and West,” and to “four winds or forces of earth.” These “Rulers” or “Regents,” we are told, are four great Angels or Devas who act as Agents of God, and not only manipulate great cosmic forces, but also carry out His laws of justice in the minutest detail in the races of men. In eastern esoteric philosophy they have been called the “Lords of Karma,” who administer the laws of cause and effect, of action and reaction, on every human level. They are the “Four beasts before the throne” in the Book of Revelation, “full of eyes within; and they rest not day and night.” The Church refers to them as the “Recording Angels” who record the thoughts and deeds of men and of nations in the “Book of Life.” This description of course implies that nothing is too great or too small or yet too hidden to escape their eternal vigilance.”[4]

It is fascinating to consider the implications of the Four Corners of the World and their connection to the concept of God. Their presence serves as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the spiritual world, and the importance of understanding and respecting its many facets.

The Great White Brotherhood also has a physical headquarters on Earth, located in a hidden valley in the Himalayas called Shambhala. This is where the Lord of the World or Planetary Logos resides. He is the highest representative of God on Earth and the leader of the Great White Brotherhood. He is also known as Sanat Kumara or the Ancient of Days. He is assisted by three other Kumaras: Gautama Buddha (the current Buddha), Maitreya Buddha (the future Buddha) and Dipamkara Buddha (the past Buddha). Shambhala is said to be a place of peace, harmony and enlightenment, where advanced technology and spiritual wisdom coexist.

Their mission is to help humanity achieve its divine potential and fulfill its evolutionary destiny. They offer guidance, inspiration and assistance to those who seek their help and are willing to follow their teachings. They also prepare humanity for the coming of a new age of spirituality and brotherhood, when a great teacher will appear to reveal the truth and lead humanity into a golden era. This teacher is known as the Christ or the World Teacher. He is not a person but a principle or an office that can be embodied by different individuals at different times. The current World Teacher is said to be Maitreya Buddha, who is expected to make his public appearance soon.

It invites all sincere seekers of truth to join them in their work for the benefit of humanity and the planet. They ask for nothing in return but love, service and dedication. They respect free will and do not interfere with anyone's choices or beliefs. They only offer their light and love to those who are ready to receive it.

Founder of the Theosophical Society Elena Petrovna Gan (HP Blavatsky), born in Russia 1831 - died in England 1891

The Great White Brotherhood and Blavatsky

One of the most influential figures who introduced the concept of the Great White Brotherhood to the Western world was Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), a Russian-born occultist and founder of the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky claimed to have received teachings from some of these Masters, especially from two of them: Morya and Koot Hoomi. She said that she met them physically in Tibet and India, and also communicated with them telepathically and through letters. She also said that these Masters belonged to a secret network of adepts who lived in various parts of the world, especially in the Himalayas and other remote regions.

Blavatsky's teachings, which were based on her own synthesis of various sources of ancient wisdom, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Rosicrucianism, had a profound impact on the development of modern esotericism and New Age movements. She wrote several books, such as Isis Unveiled (1877) and The Secret Doctrine (1888), which presented her cosmology and anthropology, as well as her interpretation of history and prophecy. She also founded several branches of the Theosophical Society around the world, which attracted many followers and seekers.

Blavatsky was not the only one who claimed to have contact with the Great White Brotherhood. After her death, many other authors and teachers emerged who said they received messages or guidance from these Masters, either directly or through mediums. Some of these were Alice A. Bailey, Guy Ballard, Helena Roerich, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Benjamin Creme, and others. Each one of them had their own version of who these Masters were, what their names were, what their roles were, and what their teachings were. Some also added new names to the list of Masters, such as Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, El Morya, Djwal Khul, Serapis Bey, and others.

Count of St Germain, "He is a man who does not die, and who knows everything".(Voltaire) An engraving of the Count of St. Germain by Nicolas Thomas made in 1783, after a painting then owned by the Marquise d'Urfe and now lost.

The Great White Brotherhood is still a popular topic among many esoteric and New Age groups today. Some people believe that these Masters are actively involved in guiding humanity through the current crisis and transformation that the world is undergoing. Some also believe that they can establish a personal connection with these Masters through meditation, prayer, invocation, or service. Others are more skeptical or critical of these claims, and question their authenticity or validity. Regardless of one's perspective, the Great White Brotherhood remains a fascinating and controversial subject in the history of esotericism.

[1] Leadbeater, C. W., The Masters and the Path (Chicago: THEOSOPHICAL PRESS, 1925).

[2] Blavatsky, H. P. The Essential Works of Helena Blavatsky: Isis Unveiled Volume 2, Chapter II (Musaicum Books, 2019), 206.

[3] Chua, R.D. En Esto Creo (In This I Believe), 2023, pp. 102-103, Kindle Edition, (En Esto Creo: In This I Believe - Kindle edition by Chua, R. D. . Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

[4] Arthur M. Coon, The Theosophical Seal, (India: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1958), 32.


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