Monday, April 24, 2023

The Third Secret of Fatima Unveiled: Revelations That Will Shake the World

Fatima is a small town located in Portugal, which gained worldwide attention due to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary that occurred there in 1917. The events at Fatima have become a significant part of modern Catholic history, and the site has become an important place of pilgrimage for believers from around the world. Here is a brief history of Fatima and the secrets associated with it.


The events at Fatima began in 1916 when three young shepherd children named Lucia dos Santos, Jacinta Marto, and Francisco Marto reported seeing a vision of an angel while tending their sheep. Over the next few months, they reported several more apparitions of the angel, who identified himself as the Angel of Peace and encouraged the children to pray and make sacrifices.

The three children of Fátima: Lúcia Santos (age 10, pictured in the middle) and her two cousins: Francisco (age 9) and Jacinta Marto (age 7) holding their rosaries. Date circa 13 September 1917

On May 13, 1917, the children reported seeing a vision of a beautiful lady dressed in white who identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary. She urged the children to pray the rosary every day, and to do penance for the sins of the world. Over the next several months, the Lady appeared to the children several more times and delivered three secrets to them.

The first secret was a vision of Hell, which the children said was filled with people suffering in eternal flames. The second secret involved the end of World War I and the start of World War II, as well as the rise of Communism and the need for Russia to be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The third secret, which was not revealed until 2000, was a vision of a bishop in white who is shot and killed by soldiers.

The Secrets of Fatima:

The secrets of Fatima have been the subject of much speculation and interpretation over the years. The first two secrets were revealed by Lucia in 1941, while the third secret was not revealed until 2000, after much controversy and speculation.

Many people believe that the visions and secrets of Fatima were a warning from the Virgin Mary about the dangers of war and the rise of Communism. Some believe that the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as requested by the Lady of the Rosary, was instrumental in the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

Others see the secrets of Fatima as a call to prayer and penance, and a reminder of the importance of faith in the modern world. The site of the apparitions at Fatima continues to be an important pilgrimage site for Catholics, and the message of the Lady of the Rosary remains relevant to believers around the world today.

The Controversial Third Secret

The interpretation of the secret: The third secret of Fatima was written down by Lucia dos Santos, the only surviving seer of the Fatima apparitions, in 1944 and entrusted to the Bishop of Leiria. Some believe that the secret predicted the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981, while others see it as a warning about the crisis in the Church and the need for repentance and renewal.

The Vatican's handling of the secret: The Vatican's handling of the third secret of Fatima has also been a source of controversy. Some have accused the Vatican of covering up the secret or of withholding important information. In 1981, a year after the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, the Vatican released a statement saying that the third secret had been fully revealed and that it referred to the events of the 20th century. However, many people remained skeptical of this interpretation.

The authenticity of the secret: There have also been questions about the authenticity of the third secret of Fatima. Some have claimed that the secret is a forgery or that it was altered by the Vatican. The third secret was originally composed as a signed letter addressed to the Bishop of Leiria. However, the version of the third secret that was released by the Vatican is not presented in the form of a letter. It is important to note that the original document, which was entrusted to the Vatican in 1957, was not made public until the year 2000. This delay in disclosure has led to much speculation and controversy surrounding the contents of the third secret. Despite the lack of a formal letter format in the released version, the message conveyed in the third secret remains a matter of great interest and debate among scholars and religious leaders alike. Some interpret the message as a warning of impending global catastrophe, while others see it as a call to spiritual renewal and repentance.

The role of Russia in the secret: One of the most controversial aspects of the third secret of Fatima is the role of Russia in the vision. The secret refers to a "bishop dressed in white" who is killed by soldiers, and many have interpreted this as a reference to the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II. However, others believe that the secret refers to Russia and the need for the consecration of that country to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

According to the official interpretation, the third secret was a symbolic vision of the persecution of the Church and the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II in 1981. However, some critics and conspiracy theorists have argued that this interpretation is incomplete or false, and that the real secret has been hidden by the Church for various reasons. Some of the alternative theories include:

- The third secret predicts a great apostasy within the Church and a false pope who will lead many astray.

- The third secret warns of a nuclear war or a meteor strike that will devastate the world.

- The third secret reveals the identity of the Antichrist or the date of the Second Coming of Christ.

- The third secret contains a message from Jesus or Mary that contradicts some of the doctrines or dogmas of the Church.

 On February 3, 1946, Lúcia underwent an interview with Father Jongen. During the interview, Fr. Jongen inquired about the timing of the Third Secret. Lúcia revealed that she had already communicated the third part in a letter to the Bishop of Leiria. Additionally, Canon Galamba, an advisor to the Bishop of Leiria, stated that Lúcia had made the bishop promise to open and share the letter with the world "either at her death or in 1960, whichever came first."[1]Lúcia's interview with Father Jongen sheds light on the mysterious Third Secret. It is intriguing to learn that Lúcia had already communicated the third part in a letter to the Bishop of Leiria. Furthermore, the promise made by the bishop to open and share the letter with the world adds an element of suspense to the story. The revelation of the Third Secret remains a topic of interest and speculation to this day.

Sister Lucia in the Chapel of the Apparitions, next to the column which marks the exact place where the Apparitions of Our Lady took place. The picture was taken during Lucia's visit to Cova da Iria on May 22, 1946

What caused the church to hesitate in revealing the third secret? What potential dangers could jeopardize the faith and well-being of Christians and the world? Is the church itself at risk? And why was the secret specifically set to be revealed in 1960? Why 1960? These are all valid questions that have been raised regarding the third secret. To shed some light on the matter, let us refer to a full quote from the book En Esto Creo: In This I Believe pp. 203-205.

The Redemption Cycle

“In Matthew 18:21, Peter asked Jesus,

"Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?" Jesus answered, "I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times…"

Seventy-seven times, there is something hidden behind the Master’s words. In fact, Jesus Christ is instructing us in a secret code known as the Forgiveness Cycle. This is also the key to figuring out Daniel 9:24.

Seventy weeks are decreed for your people and for your holy city; then transgression will stop and sin will end, guilt will be expiated, everlasting justice will be introduced, vision and prophecy ratified, and a most holy will be anointed.

Here, the seventy weeks is a code for the 490-year-period. In verse 2 of the same chapter,

Daniel tried to understand in the Scriptures the counting of the years of which the LORD spoke to the prophet Jeremiah: that for the ruins of Jerusalem seventy years must be fulfilled.

In Leviticus 25, we read,

Seven weeks of years shall you count—seven times seven year--so that the seven cycles amount to forty nine years. Then, on the tenth day of the seventh month…the Day of Atonement…This fiftieth year you shall make sacred…

This is called the Jubilee Year, which begins on the 10th day of the 7th month of the 49th year and ends on the next Day of Atonement in the next 49th year cycle, and is added to it to make 50. Thus, 49 years is 1 jubilee, and 490 years is composed of 10 jubilees. This is the Forgiveness Cycle. If we continue with Leviticus 25, a Jubilee is a sacred year where liberty is given to all people, when every one of you shall return to his own property, everyone to his own family estate. This means sins and debts are forgiven, a new beginning, and a return to God for His mercy.

The Bible’s history is divided into four great periods of 490 years each, with one cycle lasting 1,960 years, or 4 x 490. This is known as the Redemption Cycle.

a.) There are 505 years recorded from Abraham's birth to the Exodus; however, due to the 15-year gap between the births of Ishmael and Isaac, through whom the latter's descendants would come, the total amount of time is reduced to 505-15 = 490 years.

b.) From the Exodus to the Dedication of the Temple by Solomon, there are 621 years recorded in Jewish history. After accounting for the seven periods of enslavement by the Philistines and other tribes, which totaled 131 years, we can subtract that from the 621 years. This leaves 490 years of Jewish history between the Exodus and the Dedication of the Temple, that is 621-131 = 490 years again.

c.) Over the course of 560 years, from the dedication of the Temple to its rebuilding during Nehemiah's time, the Jews spent 70 of those years in Babylonian captivity. This leaves a total of 490 years. We still have 560-70 = 490 years.

d.) From the rebuilding of the Temple in 457 B.C. under Artaxerxes to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 33 AD, a period of nearly five centuries of history unfolded.   We have a total of 457 + 33 = 490 years.

We can immediately see how the thousand-year history of God’s chosen people revolved around a period of 490 years. The LORD God allotted 490 years every time His people forgot and sinned against Him, seventy times seven Jesus Christ said. It ended in the latter’s death on the Cross, the 80th Jubilee,[143] as the Passover lamb for the forgiveness of Man once and for all, believers, and non-believers alike, as represented by the two thieves on the cross, Hestas and Dimas, the one repentant and accepting Jesus Christ and the other disbelieving and scorning Him. As Paul epitomizes it,

Not that he might offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest enters each year into the sanctuary with blood that is not his own; if that were so, he would have had to suffer repeatedly from the foundation of the world. But now once for all he has appeared at the end of the ages to take away sin by his sacrifice. (Hebrews 9:25-26)

But if we notice, this does not stop the redemptive power of God. Jesus Christ took the burden of the sins of many, but it did not stop at the cross. In his Second Coming, this time not as a sacrifice but to bring salvation, St. Paul wrote,

Just as it is appointed that human beings die once, and after this the judgment, so also Christ, who offered himself once to take away the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to take away sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him. (Hebrews 9:27)

A second time "to bring salvation to those who eagerly await him." As he promised, "But I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice." (John 16:22)

We ask for the third time: Is it possible to know the coming of the Son of Man? The LORD God has forgiven His people for four periods, culminating in His ultimate sacrifice for all of mankind, which is 1,960 years since Abraham's birth. So when will Jesus Christ come? Jesus Christ's second coming will bring salvation to those who wait for Him. When will that be? The answer is already given: the redemption cycle of four periods in 490 years, that is in 1960.”

In November 1984, Cardinal Ratzinger, the future Pope Benedict, was quoted as saying that the Third Secret contained warnings of "dangers threatening the faith and life of a Christian, and therefore the world". 

But what could these dangers be, if not the same as those posed by the parable of the tenants in the vineyard, as described in Matthew 21:40: "What will the owner of the vineyard do to those tenants when he comes?"

The authentic third secret of Fatima pertains to the timing of Jesus' Second Coming. The year 1960 marks the culmination of God's Redemption Cycle. Similar to how the redemption cycle concluded with Jesus on the cross in 33 AD, the 1,960 years that followed, which is the year 1960, signifies another redemption of mankind by God. This revelation sheds light on the significance of the year 1960 and its connection to the divine plan of salvation. It highlights the cyclical nature of God's redemptive work throughout history and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the Second Coming of Christ. This insight into the true third secret of Fatima provides a deeper understanding of God's plan for humanity and serves as a reminder to remain vigilant and faithful in anticipation of Christ's return. But we are already late in knowing! As he said, “Behold, I am coming like a thief.”

In the 1940s, in the heart of Mindanao, a remarkable event occurred that left a lasting impression on the people who witnessed it. Datu Manok, a respected member of the community, was present when Divina Pablo was brought back to life by the hands of Ben Isay Ngipon, also known as Dr. Laway and Ubing. This incredible feat left everyone in awe and sparked a curiosity about Ubing, the mysterious boy wonder. However, the story does not end there. Ubing went on to reveal a stunning connection between Flora, the daughter of Datu Manok as the reincarnation of the sister of Sta. Lucia of Portugal. It was as if the threads of fate and destiny had woven their lives together in a tapestry of wonder. This revelation left everyone speechless and opened up the idea that our lives are connected to something greater than ourselves. The resurrection of Divina Pablo and the connection between Flora and Sta. Lucia of Portugal are just two examples of the mysteries that exist in the world. But more mysterious is the mysterious superstar from the South—Ruben Ecleo. There is still so much to discover and that we should never stop seeking knowledge and understanding.

Sister Lucia (left) Seer of Fatima and Visionary who predicted the Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917, vs. the Vatican “Sister Lucy,” (right) who publicly appeared on May 13, 1967 to her death on February 2005. On two counts the tenants failed the owner of the vineyard; first, by not revealing the third secret in 1960, and second, through a "pious fraud" you're looking right now.


[1] Alonso, Father Joaquin (1976). La Verdad sobre el Secreto de Fatima. Spain. pp. 46–47.


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