Saturday, March 18, 2023

On the Art of Kabbalistic Gematria

Kabbalistic Gematria is an ancient practice that uses the numerical values of the Hebrew letters to interpret Jewish texts. This method has its roots in Jewish mysticism and is closely associated with the study of Kabbalah. Kabbalistic Gematria is considered to be a powerful tool for uncovering hidden meanings in religious texts and revealing deeper spiritual truths.

The basic principle of Kabbalistic Gematria is that words or phrases that have the same numerical value are considered to be connected or related in some way. Each Hebrew letter has a corresponding numerical value, and by analyzing the numerical values of words and phrases, Kabbalists can uncover hidden meanings and connections that are not immediately apparent.

For example, the Hebrew word “chai,” which means “life,” has a numerical value of 18. This number is considered to be a lucky number in Jewish tradition, and the number 18 is often associated with good luck and is frequently used in Jewish rituals and celebrations. This connection between the numerical value of “chai” and the idea of good luck suggests that there is a deeper spiritual connection between the two.

Another example of Kabbalistic Gematria is the analysis of the phrase “Echad Elohim,” which means “One God” in Hebrew. The numerical value of this phrase is 86, which is the same numerical value as the Hebrew word “ha-Te’evah,” meaning “the Ark.” This connection suggests that the idea of one God is connected to the story of the Ark in the Bible, and that there is a deeper spiritual connection between the two.

The Hebrew word for “light” is “ohr,” which has a numerical value of 207. The word for “hidden” is “nistar,” which also has a numerical value of 207. This connection suggests that there is a deeper spiritual connection between light and what is hidden or concealed.

The name of God, “YHVH,” has a numerical value of 26. The word for “life” in Hebrew is “chai,” which has a numerical value of 18. When the two values are added together (26 + 18), the sum is 44. The word for “truth” in Hebrew is “emet,” which also has a numerical value of 44. This connection suggests that there is a deep connection between God, life, and truth.

The Hebrew word for “love” is “ahava,” which has a numerical value of 13. The word for “unity” is “yachad,” which also has a numerical value of 13. This connection suggests that love and unity are intimately connected, and that love is a powerful force for bringing people together.

The Hebrew word for “earth” is “aretz,” which has a numerical value of 291. The word for “heaven” is “shamayim,” which has a numerical value of 395. When the two values are added together (291 + 395), the sum is 686. The word for “crown” in Hebrew is “keter,” which also has a numerical value of 686. This connection suggests that there is a deep spiritual connection between the earth, heaven, and the crown, which is often associated with the divine.

The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, has a numerical value of 1. The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tav, has a numerical value of 400. When the two values are added together (1 + 400), the sum is 401. The word for “unity” in Hebrew is “echad,” which also has a numerical value of 13. When the value of 401 is reduced to a single digit by adding 4 + 0 + 1, the sum is 5. This connection suggests that unity is an essential part of the divine plan, and that it is deeply connected to the beginning and end of all things.

These are just a few examples of Kabbalistic Gematria and how it can be used to uncover hidden meanings and connections in Jewish texts.

While Kabbalistic Gematria has been practiced for centuries, it has its critics. Some argue that the numerical values assigned to Hebrew letters are arbitrary and have no inherent meaning, and that the connections between words and phrases are simply coincidental. Others argue that the use of Kabbalistic Gematria can be misused or abused, and that it can be used to justify all kinds of beliefs or interpretations that have no basis in reality.

Despite these criticisms, many practitioners of Kabbalistic Gematria believe that it is a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development. By uncovering hidden meanings in Jewish texts, Kabbalistic Gematria can help individuals deepen their understanding of their faith and connect with the divine in new and meaningful ways.

In conclusion, Kabbalistic Gematria is an ancient practice that uses the numerical values of the Hebrew letters to interpret Jewish texts. While it has its critics, many practitioners believe that it is a powerful tool for uncovering hidden meanings and revealing deeper spiritual truths. Whether one believes in the validity of Kabbalistic Gematria or not, there is no denying the deep and lasting impact it has had on Jewish spirituality and the study of Kabbalah.

Pythagorean Gematria is a method of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters in the Latin alphabet. This method is based on the principles of Pythagorean mathematics, which states that numbers have spiritual significance and can be used to uncover hidden meanings and connections in texts. Pythagorean Gematria assigns a numerical value to each letter in the alphabet, and then adds these values together to get the numerical value of a word or phrase.

One of the key principles of Pythagorean Gematria is that numbers have a spiritual significance. This idea is rooted in the teachings of Pythagoras, who believed that numbers were the building blocks of the universe and that they had a divine origin. Pythagorean Gematria is often used to uncover hidden meanings and connections in texts. By analyzing the numerical values of words and phrases, one can find patterns and connections that might not be immediately obvious. Pythagorean Gematria is therefore seen as a means of unlocking the hidden spiritual significance of words and phrases by revealing the numerical patterns and connections between them.

To use Pythagorean Gematria, one first needs to assign numerical values to each letter of the alphabet. In this system, A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on. Once the numerical values are assigned, one can then add them together to get the numerical value of a word or phrase. For example, the word “love” has a numerical value of 54 (L=3, O=6, V=4, E=5), and the word “wisdom” has a numerical value of 83 (W=5, I=9, S=1, D=4, O=6, M=4).

The word “love” has a numerical value of 54 (L=3, O=6, V=4, E=5). This number reduces to 9 (5+4=9), which is considered a spiritual number in Pythagorean Numerology. This suggests that love is a deeply spiritual and transformative force.

The word “wisdom” has a numerical value of 83 (W=5, I=9, S=1, D=4, O=6, M=4). This number reduces to 11 (8+3=11), which is a master number in Pythagorean Numerology. This suggests that wisdom is a profound and transformative force that can lead to higher levels of consciousness.

The word “freedom” has a numerical value of 33 (F=6, R=9, E=5, E=5, D=4, O=6, M=4). This number is considered a master number in Pythagorean Numerology. This suggests that freedom is a powerful and transformative force that can lead to higher levels of spiritual consciousness.

The word “peace” has a numerical value of 25 (P=7, E=5, A=1, C=3, E=5). This number reduces to 7 (2+5=7), which is considered a spiritual number in Pythagorean Numerology. This suggests that peace is a deeply spiritual and transformative force that can lead to inner harmony and higher levels of consciousness.

The word “grace” has a numerical value of 23 (G=7, R=9, A=1, C=3, E=3). This number reduces to 5 (2+3=5), which is considered a number of change and transformation in Pythagorean Numerology. This suggests that grace is a transformative force that can lead to positive changes and growth.

These are just a few examples of Pythagorean Gematria and how it can be used to uncover hidden meanings and connections in texts written in the Latin alphabet. It’s important to note that while Pythagorean Gematria and Kabbalistic Gematria are based on different alphabets, they share a common goal of uncovering deeper meanings and connections in texts through numerical analysis.

Pythagorean Gematria can also be used to gain insight into one’s own spiritual journey. By analyzing the numerical values of one’s name and birthdate, one can gain insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential paths of growth. For example, someone with a birthdate that adds up to the number 9 (such as September 9th, which adds up to 9) might be seen as having a strong spiritual calling, while someone with a birthdate that adds up to the number 5 (such as May 5th, which adds up to 5) might be seen as being called to a path of change and transformation.

In conclusion, Pythagorean Gematria is a powerful tool for uncovering hidden meanings and connections in texts, as well as gaining insight into one’s own spiritual journey. By assigning numerical values to letters in the Latin alphabet, one can analyze the numerical patterns and connections between words and phrases and gain a deeper understanding of their spiritual significance.

Pythagorean numerology or the Pythagorean system of numerology, is a form of numerology that assigns numerical values to letters and words and uses these values to gain insight into an individual’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, and potential future outcomes.

The origins of Pythagorean numerology can be traced back to ancient Greece, where the philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras believed that numbers held mystical and spiritual significance. Pythagoras believed that everything in the universe could be expressed in terms of numbers, and that each number had its own unique vibrational energy that influenced the world around it.

To apply Pythagorean numerology, one must first convert each letter of a person’s name into its corresponding numerical value, using the chart below:

A, J, S = 1

B, K, T = 2

C, L, U = 3

D, M, V = 4

E, N, W = 5

F, O, X = 6

G, P, Y = 7

H, Q, Z = 8

I, R = 9

Once the numerical values of the letters in a person’s name have been determined, they can be added together to obtain a single digit number, which is known as the person’s “life path number.” The life path number is believed to represent a person’s core personality traits, as well as their potential strengths and weaknesses.

For example, if a person’s name is “John Smith,” their numerical values would be as follows:

J = 1

O = 6

H = 8

N = 5

S = 1

M = 4

I = 9

T = 2

H = 8

Adding these numbers together, we get:

1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 44

We then add the two digits of 44 together to obtain a single digit number:

4 + 4 = 8

Therefore, John Smith’s life path number would be 8.

In Pythagorean numerology, each life path number is believed to have its own unique characteristics and potential outcomes. For example, individuals with a life path number of 1 are believed to be natural leaders, while those with a life path number of 2 are believed to be peacemakers and diplomats.

In addition to determining a person’s life path number, Pythagorean numerology can also be used to gain insight into specific events or situations. For example, a numerologist might calculate the numerical value of a person’s birthdate or the numerical value of a particular word or phrase in order to gain insight into its significance.

While some people view Pythagorean numerology as a pseudoscience or a form of divination, others find it to be a useful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By gaining insight into their core personality traits and potential future outcomes, individuals can use Pythagorean numerology to make informed decisions and lead more fulfilling lives.

Here are a few more examples of how Pythagorean numerology can be applied:

1. Relationship Compatibility: Pythagorean numerology can be used to assess compatibility between two individuals. By calculating the life path numbers of both individuals and comparing them, a numerologist can gain insight into the potential strengths and weaknesses of the relationship.

For example, if one person has a life path number of 5 (representing freedom, adventure, and change) and the other has a life path number of 8 (representing power, ambition, and success), the relationship may have the potential to be successful if both individuals are able to balance their desire for freedom with their drive for success.

2. Business Names: Pythagorean numerology can also be used to help choose a name for a new business or venture. By calculating the numerical value of potential business names, a numerologist can identify which names are most likely to attract success and prosperity.

For example, a business that wants to convey a sense of stability and trustworthiness might choose a name with a life path number of 4 (representing structure, stability, and security), such as “Foundation Financial.”

3. Personal Growth: Pythagorean numerology can also be used as a tool for personal growth and self-reflection. By understanding their life path number and its associated characteristics, individuals can gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses and work to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

For example, if someone has a life path number of 2 (representing balance, harmony, and cooperation), they might focus on developing their skills in diplomacy and conflict resolution, while also learning to assert themselves when necessary.

Pythagorean numerology can also be applied in the Bible by assigning numerical values to the letters of words or phrases in the original Hebrew or Greek texts, and then using these values to gain insight into the deeper meanings and symbolism of the text.

In Hebrew, each letter of the alphabet is assigned a numerical value. For example, the first letter, Aleph, has a numerical value of 1, while the last letter, Tav, has a numerical value of 400. By adding together the numerical values of the letters in a word or phrase, one can obtain a numerical value that is believed to hold symbolic significance.

One well-known example of Pythagorean numerology in the Bible is the use of gematria, a form of numerology that was commonly used in Jewish mysticism. Gematria assigns numerical values to the letters in Hebrew words and phrases, and then uses these values to uncover hidden meanings and connections between different parts of the text.

For example, in the book of Genesis, the numerical value of the Hebrew word “Chavah” (Eve) is 19. The numerical value of the word “chai” (life) is also 19. This has led some interpreters to suggest that the naming of Eve is symbolic of the gift of life that she brings to Adam and to all of humanity.

Another example of Pythagorean numerology in the Bible is the use of the number 7, which is believed to hold special significance in many religious traditions. In the book of Genesis, God creates the world in 7 days. In the book of Revelation, there are 7 churches, 7 seals, and 7 trumpets, among other instances of the number 7.

Pythagorean numerology can also be used to gain insight into specific passages or verses in the Bible. By calculating the numerical value of a particular word or phrase, one can gain insight into its significance and meaning.

For example, in Psalm 119, each of the 22 sections of the psalm is named after a letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Each verse within each section begins with that letter. Some interpreters have suggested that the numerical values of the letters hold symbolic significance, and that the structure of the psalm reflects the intricate and interconnected nature of God’s law and wisdom.

Overall, Pythagorean numerology can be a useful tool for gaining deeper insight into the symbolism and meaning of the Bible. However, it is important to approach numerology with an open mind and to use it as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, traditional methods of biblical interpretation.

Numbers & Their Meaning

Number 1: Leadership, independence, innovation, individuality, new beginnings, ambition, self-confidence, and success.

Number 2: Cooperation, balance, harmony, diplomacy, sensitivity, intuition, and partnerships.

Number 3: Creativity, self-expression, optimism, enthusiasm, joy, social interaction, and communication.

Number 4: Structure, stability, order, hard work, practicality, attention to detail, and material success.

Number 5: Freedom, adventure, change, diversity, flexibility, resourcefulness, and adaptability.

Number 6: Harmony, balance, love, nurturing, compassion, responsibility, and domesticity.

Number 7: Spirituality, intuition, introspection, analysis, intellectual pursuits, and wisdom.

Number 8: Power, authority, ambition, material success, financial stability, and leadership.

Number 9: Humanitarianism, compassion, idealism, selflessness, creativity, and spirituality.

Number 11: Intuition, spiritual awareness, enlightenment, idealism, and inspiration.

Number 22: Master builder, vision, discipline, ambition, and power.

Number 33: Master teacher, compassion, inspiration, healing, and spiritual evolution.

Note that these are just some general interpretations of the numbers from a Pythagorean numerology perspective. Numerology is a complex and nuanced field, and interpretations can vary depending on the numerologist and the specific context in which the numbers are being analyzed.

Life Path

The term “life path” generally refers to the journey of a person’s life and the experiences they encounter along the way. It can also refer to the idea that each person has a unique purpose or destiny to fulfill during their time on earth.

In some spiritual or religious traditions, the concept of a “life path” may be linked to the belief in reincarnation, where a person’s actions in past lives determine their current life path and future reincarnations.

The meaning of one’s life path can vary depending on individual beliefs, values, and experiences. Some people may feel that their life path is simply to enjoy life and find happiness, while others may feel a sense of purpose in pursuing a particular career or vocation, contributing to their community or society, or seeking spiritual enlightenment. Ultimately, the meaning of a life path is a deeply personal and subjective concept that can evolve and change throughout a person’s lifetime.

Determining one’s life path is a deeply personal and introspective process, and there are various ways to approach it. Here are some suggestions to help you discover your life path:

Self-reflection: Spend time reflecting on your values, interests, and passions. What motivates you and gives you a sense of purpose? What are you good at, and what brings you joy?

Seek guidance: Talk to trusted friends, family members, or a mentor who can offer insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and potential paths you may not have considered.

Explore different paths: Try out different activities, take courses, volunteer, or travel to gain new experiences and perspectives. This can help you discover new passions and interests, or confirm those that you already have.

Pay attention to synchronicities: Notice patterns or coincidences in your life that may be guiding you towards a certain path. This could be a recurring theme in your dreams, a series of chance encounters, or a feeling of being drawn to a particular subject or activity.

Use tools like astrology or numerology: These practices offer different frameworks for understanding one’s life path, based on the positions of celestial bodies or numerical calculations. However, it’s important to approach these tools with an open mind and use them as one of many resources for self-discovery.

Remember, discovering your life path is a journey, not a destination. It may take time and experimentation to find what feels right for you, and your path may shift and evolve over time. Be patient, stay open to new possibilities, and trust that you will find your way.

Calculating the Name Number

Pythagorean numerology is a system that assigns numerical values to letters in the alphabet, and then calculates the sum of those values to reveal a person’s life path number. Here’s how to calculate your name number using Pythagorean numerology:

Write out your full birth name, including your middle name(s) and any suffixes, such as Jr. or III.

Assign each letter in your name a numerical value, based on the Pythagorean numerology chart:


A             B             C             D            E             F             G            H            I              J


1             2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             1

K             L             M           N            O            P             Q            R             S             T

2             3             4             5             6             7             8             9             1             2

U            V             W           X             Y             Z

3             4             5             6             7             8

For example, if your name is John Smith, you would assign the following values: J=1, O=6, H=8, N=5, S=1, M=4, I=9, T=2, H=8.

Add up the numerical values of all the letters in your name.

For example, using the values assigned above, the sum for John Smith would be 1 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 9 + 2 + 8 = 44.

Reduce the sum to a single-digit number.

If your sum is a double-digit number, keep adding the digits together until you get a single-digit number. For example, 44 would be reduced to 4 + 4 = 8.

Interpret your name number.

Your name number reveals insights about your strengths, weaknesses, and potential life path. Here’s a brief overview of the meaning of each life path number in Pythagorean numerology:

1: The leader, independent and determined.

2: The diplomat, supportive and cooperative.

3: The creative, expressive and joyful.

4: The builder, practical and disciplined.

5: The adventurer, free-spirited and adaptable.

6: The nurturer, caring and responsible.

7: The seeker, analytical and introspective.

8: The achiever, ambitious and successful.

9: The humanitarian, compassionate and idealistic.

Note that this is just a brief overview, and there is much more to learn about Pythagorean numerology and the meanings of the name numbers.

Careers & Professions

In Pythagorean numerology, there is no specific formula for calculating careers or professions. However, the numerological values of a person’s name and birthday can offer insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and potential life path, which can inform career choices.

Here are some tips for using Pythagorean numerology to explore potential career paths:

Calculate your life path number.

Your life path number can reveal insights into your natural talents, abilities, and tendencies. For example, someone with a life path number of 1 may excel in leadership roles, while someone with a life path number of 7 may be well-suited to analytical or research-oriented careers.

Look for patterns in the numerological values of your name.

Individual letters in your name can offer clues about your personality and strengths. For example, the letter “A” is associated with leadership and assertiveness, while the letter “C” is associated with creativity and communication skills. Look for patterns in the letters that appear frequently in your name to gain insights into your natural strengths.

Consider your personal year and personal month numbers.

Your personal year and personal month numbers can offer insights into the energies and opportunities available to you during a given period of time. For example, a person in a personal year number of 5 may experience opportunities for change and adventure in their career, while a person in a personal month number of 3 may be well-suited to creative pursuits or socializing with colleagues.

Use numerology as one tool among many.

While numerology can offer valuable insights into career choices, it should be used as one tool among many in making important life decisions. Consider your interests, skills, and values in addition to numerology when exploring potential career paths.

Ultimately, career and profession are complex and multifaceted, and there is no single formula for calculating them using numerology. However, numerology can offer valuable insights into your strengths and potential life path, which can inform your career choices and help you find fulfilling work.

How to Calculate the Life Path Number

To calculate your life path number using Pythagorean numerology, you need to follow these steps:

Write down your birth date in the format of month/day/year. For example, if your birth date is October 4, 1990, then you would write it as 10/4/1990.

Reduce the month, day, and year to single digits. To do this, add the digits of each component of your birth date. For example, using the birth date above, you would add:

Month: 1+0 = 1

Day: 4

Year: 1+9+9+0 = 19

Since the year is a two-digit number, you need to add the digits again to reduce it to a single digit. 1+9 = 10, then 1+0 = 1. So the reduced components of the birth date are:

Month: 1

Day: 4

Year: 1

Add up the reduced components of your birth date. In the example above, you would add:

1 + 4 + 1 = 6

So the life path number for someone born on October 4, 1990 using Pythagorean numerology is 6.

Note: If any of the components of your birth date add up to 11 or 22, you do not reduce them further as they are considered master numbers in Pythagorean numerology.

In Pythagorean numerology, the life path number is believed to reveal important information about a person’s personality, characteristics, strengths, and challenges in life. Here is a brief overview of the meanings of each life path number:

Life path number 1: People with this number are said to be independent, ambitious, and self-motivated. They are natural leaders, often with a strong sense of purpose and direction. However, they may struggle with being too self-centered or stubborn at times.

Life path number 2: People with this number are said to be diplomatic, sensitive, and intuitive. They are often skilled at mediating conflicts and working well with others. However, they may struggle with being indecisive or overly self-critical.

Life path number 3: People with this number are said to be creative, expressive, and optimistic. They often have a talent for communication and may excel in fields such as writing, performing, or teaching. However, they may struggle with being too scattered or superficial at times.

Life path number 4: People with this number are said to be practical, reliable, and hardworking. They often have a strong sense of responsibility and may excel in fields such as engineering, finance, or management. However, they may struggle with being too rigid or stubborn at times.

Life path number 5: People with this number are said to be adventurous, energetic, and adaptable. They often have a love of travel and change, and may excel in fields such as sales, marketing, or entertainment. However, they may struggle with being too impulsive or unreliable at times.

Life path number 6: People with this number are said to be nurturing, responsible, and caring. They often have a love of family and community, and may excel in fields such as healthcare, counseling, or education. However, they may struggle with being too controlling or perfectionistic at times.

Life path number 7: People with this number are said to be introspective, analytical, and spiritual. They often have a love of learning and may excel in fields such as science, research, or academia. However, they may struggle with being too isolated or critical at times.

Life path number 8: People with this number are said to be ambitious, materialistic, and confident. They often have a talent for business and may excel in fields such as finance, real estate, or entrepreneurship. However, they may struggle with being too ruthless or self-centered at times.

Life path number 9: People with this number are said to be compassionate, idealistic, and humanitarian. They often have a strong sense of justice and may excel in fields such as social work, activism, or the arts. However, they may struggle with being too self-sacrificing or critical at times.

Careers & Professions

While there is no specific formula for calculating careers or professions based on life path number in Pythagorean numerology, each life path number is associated with certain traits and characteristics that may be well-suited for certain types of careers. Here are some general suggestions based on each life path number:

Life path number 1: Leadership roles, entrepreneurship, sales, management, politics, public speaking, and entrepreneurship.

Life path number 2: Counseling, psychology, social work, teaching, diplomacy, mediation, and writing.

Life path number 3: Acting, writing, journalism, public relations, advertising, teaching, and performing arts.

Life path number 4: Engineering, finance, law, management, accounting, and construction.

Life path number 5: Travel and tourism, sales, marketing, public relations, event planning, and entertainment.

Life path number 6: Healthcare, counseling, education, social work, hospitality, and family therapy.

Life path number 7: Science, research, academia, philosophy, technology, and counseling.

Life path number 8: Business, finance, law, politics, real estate, and entrepreneurship.

Life path number 9: Social work, activism, teaching, the arts, humanitarian work, and counseling.

It’s important to remember that these are just general suggestions and that each individual’s unique talents, interests, and experiences should also be taken into consideration when choosing a career path.

To calculate lucky days and dates in Pythagorean numerology, you can use the following steps:

Determine your life path number by adding up the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example, if your birthdate is August 15, 1987, you would add 8+1+5+1+9+8+7= 39, then add 3+9=12, and finally 1+2=3. In this case, your life path number is 3.

Use the following chart to determine your lucky days based on your life path number:

Life path number 1: 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of any month.

Life path number 2: 2nd, 11th, 20th, and 29th of any month.

Life path number 3: 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month.

Life path number 4: 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month.

Life path number 5: 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month.

Life path number 6: 6th, 15th, and 24th of any month.

Life path number 7: 7th, 16th, and 25th of any month.

Life path number 8: 8th, 17th, and 26th of any month.

Life path number 9: 9th, 18th, and 27th of any month.

Look at a calendar and identify the lucky days that correspond to your life path number. For example, if your life path number is 3, your lucky days would be the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month.

You can also calculate lucky dates by adding the digits of the date together until you get a single digit. For example, if your life path number is 3 and you want to find a lucky date in September, you would add 9+3=12, and 1+2=3. So any date that adds up to 3 (such as the 3rd, 12th, or 21st) would be considered lucky.

Remember that while following lucky days and dates can be fun and interesting, ultimately your fate is determined by a variety of factors including your actions, decisions, and external circumstances.

Meaning of Numbers

In Pythagorean numerology, each number is believed to have its own unique meaning and significance. Here are some common events or life circumstances associated with each number:

1: Leadership, independence, innovation, achievement, new beginnings, individuality, self-reliance, creativity, courage.

2: Partnership, balance, harmony, relationships, cooperation, diplomacy, intuition, sensitivity, adaptability, peace.

3: Creativity, self-expression, communication, optimism, inspiration, socializing, joy, humor, enthusiasm, self-improvement.

4: Stability, security, organization, order, hard work, discipline, responsibility, practicality, loyalty, traditional values.

5: Change, freedom, adventure, variety, travel, sensual pleasures, adaptability, excitement, innovation, versatility.

6: Harmony, family, home, responsibility, service, nurturing, love, domesticity, balance, compassion.

7: Spirituality, intuition, introspection, analysis, knowledge, learning, contemplation, wisdom, research, solitude.

8: Material success, wealth, power, authority, ambition, achievement, recognition, manifestation, entrepreneurship, management.

9: Humanitarianism, compassion, selflessness, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, completion, idealism, global awareness, healing.

Negative Aspect

While each number in Pythagorean numerology has positive aspects and meanings, they also have negative meanings and aspects. Here are some examples:

1: Arrogance, selfishness, impatience, aggressiveness, intolerance, egotism, bossiness, stubbornness.

2: Dependency, indecisiveness, passivity, fearfulness, oversensitivity, manipulation, lack of self-confidence, jealousy.

3: Scattered energy, superficiality, lack of focus, self-doubt, exaggeration, gossiping, restlessness, overindulgence.

4: Rigidity, narrow-mindedness, lack of imagination, dogmatism, stubbornness, workaholism, inflexibility, pessimism.

5: Restlessness, impulsiveness, recklessness, irresponsibility, addiction, restlessness, inconsistency, lack of discipline.

6: Overprotectiveness, self-righteousness, martyrdom, possessiveness, worrying, controlling, lack of independence.

7: Isolation, aloofness, skepticism, intellectual arrogance, cynicism, paranoia, analysis paralysis, detachment.

8: Materialism, greed, ruthlessness, power-hungry, obsession with status, workaholism, domineering, stubbornness.

9: Self-righteousness, martyrdom, escapism, disillusionment, emotional volatility, procrastination, idealism.

An Example

Let us do a simple analysis for the name of FERDINAND ROMUALDEZ MARCOS JR born on SEPTEMBER 13, 1957.


6 5 9 4 9 5 1 5 4

Adding up the numerical values of each letter gives us:

6 + 5 + 9 + 4 + 9 + 5 + 1 + 5 + 4 = 48

We can reduce this number to a single digit by adding its individual digits together:

4 + 8 = 12

1 + 2 = 3

So the name “FERDINAND” has a Pythagorean numerology number of 3.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression, and social interactions. People with this number are often optimistic, energetic, and have a good sense of humor. They are often drawn to artistic and creative pursuits and are good at communicating their ideas and feelings to others.


9 6 4 3 1 3 4 5 8

Adding up the numerical values of each letter gives us:

9 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 8 = 43

We can reduce this number to a single digit by adding its individual digits together:

4 + 3 = 7

So the name “ROMUALDEZ” has a Pythagorean numerology number of 7.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 7 is associated with introspection, analysis, and spiritual pursuits. People with this number are often analytical, intuitive, and intellectual. They enjoy learning and exploring new ideas, and are often drawn to philosophy, science, and spirituality. They may also be introverted and prefer solitary activities.

The Pythagorean numerology analysis for “MARCOS JR” is:

4 (M) + 1 (A) + 9 (R) + 3 (C) + 6 (O) + 1 (S) + 1 (J) + 9 (R) = 34

We can further reduce this number to a single digit:

3 + 4 = 7

Therefore, the Pythagorean numerology number for “MARCOS JR” is 7. The same number for his middle name. We include the JR in assumption that this is also included as registered in his birth certificate.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 7 is associated with introspection, analysis, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. People with this number are often introspective and analytical, and may have a strong interest in philosophy, spirituality, or metaphysics. They tend to be independent and self-sufficient, and may prefer to work alone or in small groups rather than in large teams.

However, individuals with the Pythagorean numerology number 7 may also have a tendency towards perfectionism and can sometimes be critical of themselves and others. They may struggle with anxiety or worry, and may need to cultivate self-acceptance and self-compassion in order to thrive.

So the full name “FERDINAND ROMUALDEZ MARCOS JR” has a Pythagorean numerology number of:


We can reduce this number to a single digit by adding its individual digits together:

1 + 7 = 8

So the full name “FERDINAND ROMUALDEZ MARCOS JR” has a Pythagorean numerology number of 8.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 8 is associated with material success, power, and authority. People with this number are often ambitious, practical, and confident in their abilities. They may also have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and are capable of taking on great responsibility.

His Birthday

Here’s the Pythagorean numerology analysis for the full date of birth “SEPTEMBER 13, 1957”:

9 (SEPTEMBER) + 4 (13) + 4 (1957) = 17

We can reduce this number to a single digit by adding its individual digits together:

1 + 7 = 8

So the full date of birth “SEPTEMBER 13, 1957” has a Pythagorean numerology number of 8.

Thus, he has the name number 8 and life path number 8.

In Pythagorean numerology, the number 8 is associated with material success, power, and authority. People with this number are often ambitious, practical, and confident in their abilities. They may also have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and are capable of taking on great responsibility.

On its negative aspect, the number 8, which is the Pythagorean numerology number for the date of birth “SEPTEMBER 13, 1957”, is often associated with a tendency towards materialism, workaholism, and an excessive focus on personal power and control.

Individuals with this number may struggle with maintaining balance in their personal and professional lives, as they may prioritize their work and ambitions over other important aspects of life such as family, relationships, and personal well-being.

They may also struggle with issues of authority and control, and may have a tendency towards stubbornness and a desire for dominance in their relationships.

Awareness of these potential weaknesses can help individuals with the Pythagorean numerology number 8 to focus on developing healthy relationships, finding balance in their lives, and cultivating empathy and compassion for others.

But the President has also one famous name. We have,


2 6 5 7 2 6 5 7 4 1 9 3 6 1

Now we add up all the individual letter values and reduce it to a single digit:

2+6+5+7+2+6+5+7+4+1+9+3+6+1 = 64

6+4 = 10

1+0 = 1

Therefore, the Pythagorean numerology number for “Bongbong Marcos” is 1. The number 1 is associated with leadership, independence, and innovation. People with this number tend to be ambitious, driven, and self-motivated, with a strong desire to succeed and make a difference in the world. They are often creative and have a unique perspective, and may be drawn to entrepreneurship, science, or the arts.

Individuals with a Pythagorean numerology number of 1 are often seen as natural leaders, and can inspire and motivate others with their vision and charisma. However, they may also struggle with a tendency towards egotism and a need to control situations or people. It’s important for them to cultivate humility and respect for the opinions and perspectives of others, and to channel their energy towards positive and constructive goals.



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