Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Dr. Laway: Batang Misteryoso ng Cebu

 In the 1940s, a mysterious boy suddenly appeared in Pasil, Mandaue, Cebu. Some people referred to him as Dr. Laway because his saliva was believed to possess healing properties. Others called him Ben Isay Ngipon due to his single tooth that seemed to wander around his mouth. However, the nickname Batang Misteryoso quickly spread throughout the city of Cebu and its neighboring towns, as people were intrigued by his unknown origin and true purpose.

This enigmatic boy was also known as Sr. Sto. Nino, as during that time, the statue of Sr. Sto. Nino had mysteriously vanished from the Cathedral church. Many believed that only Sr. Sto. Nino possessed the power to perform miracles and heal the sick, leading them to speculate that the boy was a physical manifestation of the revered statue.

Due to his divine healing abilities, a group of individuals sought to exploit his powers for personal gain. They saw an opportunity to profit from the boy's ability to help and cure many people. However, the boy refused to accept any money in return for his services. Instead, he selflessly donated the funds to the poor and the youth, never indulging in material possessions or luxury.

One day, the boy was placed in a car and driven through the streets of Cebu City. As the car slowly made its way, a crowd of curious onlookers followed, eager to catch a glimpse of the Mysterious Boy they believed to be Sr. Sto. Nino in human form. Along the roadside, sick individuals patiently waited, hoping for a chance to be healed. Each time the "businessmen" accompanying the boy spotted a sick person, they would instruct Ben to approach and heal them. With a simple touch to the patient's head, miraculous healing would occur instantaneously.

Despite the patients' willingness to offer money in gratitude for the boy's healing grace, Ben adamantly refused to accept any form of payment. In order to seize the opportunity, those "businessmen" were the ones who accepted the money offered to Ben Isay Ngipon. Numerous individuals were sick and desperately sought treatment. The miraculous events witnessed by the crowd resulted in an almost countless number of followers. Consequently, this is when the "businessmen" were inundated with money. A grand parade or procession took place in the city of Cebu, captivating the entire population. The enigmatic child became the center of attention, leaving the city in awe.


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