Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Astro-Kabala System by Dr. Cheiro

 Have you ever pondered the significance behind our tradition of changing the name of a sickly child? Why is it that our elders advise us to do so? What power does a name hold, and how can we alter it if the name is already registered? Interestingly, this practice is not unique to our culture. The Chinese and Hindus are also well-versed in the art of name-changing, and even biblical texts mention the transformation of names for greater fortune and favor. For instance, the patriarch Abram became Abraham, who became the father of many nations, and Simon of John was called Cephas or Peter by Jesus, destined to lead his ekklesia.

William John Warner (also self-identified as Count Louis le Warner de Hamon), popularly known as Cheiro (1 November 1866 – 8 October 1936).
But how exactly is this method executed? How did the ancients accomplish it? It is not a mere game of trial and error or random guessing, for a name encompasses the essence of an individual's existence. So, how did the ancient kabalists approach this task? After all, every person possesses a name. We are familiar with our so-called "kabala," which refers to Pythagorean Numerology, named after the renowned philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras. However, the practice of name-changing originated with the Chaldees and was later adopted by the Hebrews.

Pythagorean Numerology Chart:




































This other method of "kabbalah" predates Pythagorean Numerology. Historians suggest that this method originated in Chaldea, a small country in ancient Mesopotamia, hence its name, Chaldean Numerology. The Chaldeans were a group of people who lived in what is now Iraq and Syria. They were known for their advanced knowledge of astronomy, astrology, mathematics, and magic. They developed a system of numerology that assigned values to letters based on their sound and vibration, rather than their order in the alphabet. This system differed from the more common Pythagorean numerology, which used a simple 1-9 scale. However, Blavatsky, in her work, Isis Unveiled, stated that the "Chaldees" or the Chaldeans were a group of thaumaturgists, savants, and intellectuals of ancient times. They were the keepers of the Mysteries and Secrets of the Spiritual Science of God, and one of their best-kept secrets is the correspondence of numbers and letters based on the law of Vibration and Harmony.

The Chaldean system is more complex and nuanced than the Pythagorean system, as it takes into account the energy and meaning of each number, as well as the interaction between numbers. The Chaldeans believed that each number had a personality and a destiny. By understanding the numbers associated with a person's name and birth date, one could discover their soul's purpose and potential.

It is this method that I am going to introduce now. However, instead of calling it Chaldean Numerology, I will refer to this system as Astro-Kabbalah (Astrological Kabbalah). I will explain the reasons for this later as you take a glance at the chart we will provide.

You can find numerous methods and concepts in Pythagorean Numerology, just as there are countless books written about it. On the other hand, Chaldean Numerology has fewer resources available, with most of them being repetitive of the original work by Dr. Cheiro, who introduced it.

Dr. Cheiro

Cheiro was the pseudonym of William John Warner, an Irishman born in Dublin in 1866. Despite coming from a privileged background, Cheiro possessed an insatiable wanderlust and an unquenchable thirst for adventure. During his teenage years, he embarked on a transformative journey to India, where he claimed to have acquired profound knowledge in palmistry, astrology, and Chaldean numerology from a revered Brahmin guru. Additionally, he boasted of possessing an innate clairvoyant ability, enabling him to provide accurate predictions for both his clients and global events.

Cheiro's exceptional talents propelled him to the status of a celebrity in his own right. He had the privilege of reading the palms and divining the fortunes of numerous renowned individuals, including Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Sarah Bernhardt, Mata Hari, Thomas Edison, and King Edward VII. Furthermore, he penned several influential books on palmistry, astrology, and numerology, which continue to captivate audiences to this day. His charismatic personality, captivating anecdotes, and controversial viewpoints further contributed to his fame.

Remarkably, many of Cheiro's predictions materialized, solidifying his reputation as a true seer. He accurately foresaw the assassination of President McKinley, the eruption of World War I, the rise of Hitler and Mussolini, the passing of Queen Victoria, and the partition of India. Moreover, he prophesied the return of the Jewish people to Palestine and the subsequent establishment of the nation of Israel.

Cheiro's enigmatic journey came to an end in 1936 when he passed away in Hollywood. Nevertheless, his legacy of fascination and mystery endures. Widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in the history of palmistry and related occult sciences, he is hailed as a pioneer of modern astrology and numerology. Through his innovative methods and techniques, Cheiro revolutionized these fields, leaving an indelible mark on their development.

The Astro-Kabala System

The Astro-Kabala system is an ancient and intricate method of numerology that delves into the vibrations of letters and numbers. Also referred to as Mystic Numerology or Astro-Numerology, it assigns numerical values to each letter of the alphabet, ranging from 1 to 8, based on their sound and energy. However, the number 9 holds a sacred status and is excluded from calculations.

Unlike the Pythagorean system, the Astro-Kabala system is more elaborate and nuanced. It not only considers the energy and significance of each number but also explores the interplay between them. The Chaldeans, who developed this system, believed that each number possessed a distinct personality and destiny. By comprehending the numbers associated with an individual's name and birth date, one could uncover their soul's purpose and potential.

Moreover, the Astro-Kabala system offers profound insights into one's personality, destiny, talents, strengths, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities, and life path. It also enables the analysis of compatibility between individuals, be it lovers, friends, family members, or business partners. This system serves as a tool to unravel the hidden meanings and messages behind names, words, dates, and events.

To construct an Astro-Kabala chart, one must possess knowledge of their full name at birth and date of birth. The name is then converted into numbers using the Astro-Kabala table provided below:

Astro-Kabala Chart:




































Name Number

Your Name Number is derived from your full name at birth. It is a numerical representation of your name, obtained by assigning each letter a specific value and adding up all the numbers until you reach a single digit or a compound number.

To calculate your numerology number using Astro-Kabala, you need to add up the values of the letters in your name or date of birth. Let's take the example of John Smith:

J O H N   S M I T H

1 7 5 5     3 4 1 4 5 = 35

In this case, the total is 35. To obtain a single digit, you add the digits together: 3 + 5 = 8. Therefore, your numerology name number is 8.

There are a few important points according to Dr. Cheiro that we need to consider when determining your Name Number:

1. The most frequently used Christian and Surname should be added together to give the Key number. If the Surname is more prominent or commonly used than the Christian name, it is taken into account for the Key number.

2. The single number of a name represents the individual as they appear to be. It reflects their uniqueness and personality. The meanings associated with numbers 1 to 9 pertain to the physical or material aspects of life. Determining the Name number can be challenging, as it should be based on the name by which we are most commonly known. This can be problematic for many individuals, as some are primarily recognized by their surnames rather than their full names, and others may be referred to by a nickname that overshadows their Christian name.

3. The same rule applies to any prefix or title acquired through birthright or as an honor for both men and women.

By understanding and calculating your Name Number, you can gain insights into your individuality and personality traits. It provides a unique perspective on how you are perceived and can be a valuable tool for self-discovery.

Birth Number

The date of birth is converted into a single digit by adding up all the digits and reducing them to a single digit. For example, if John Smith was born on June 25th, 1987, his birth number would be:

25 = 2 + 5 = 7

The Birth Number, according to Dr. Cheiro, represents one's main purpose and direction in life. It is the easiest and clearest number to use for everyday matters. It indicates with authority and decision the exact date for action, a date that will be in accordance and harmony with the Birth Number. The birth number also denotes a person's status, desires, and the qualities they possess, as well as the qualified and suitable jobs for them. The Birth Number is of utmost importance as it is the key to the main fadic number that influences one's life. It is unalterable, related to the planetary influence at the moment of birth, and governed by a mysterious law of vibration that exists even in supposedly inanimate objects like crystals, molecules, and atoms. The moment of birth determines the note of harmony or vibration, thus influencing our actions from birth to death. Additionally, the Birth Number relates to the material side of life, while the Name Number pertains to the more occult or spiritual aspect of our existence.

So, how can we determine if our Name Number is in harmony with our Birth Number? Or, if a child is born on a specific day, date, and year, how can we check if the desired name for the newborn aligns with the Birth Number? The underlying question is why do we need to harmonize the Name Number with the Birth Number? This is where the true meaning of the title of this system, Astro-Kabala, emerges. Each Birth Number from 1 to 9 is associated with a planet and a zodiac sign, which become the ruling powers that govern an individual's life. This is the mysterious law of vibration.

The day of Birth giving a Key number that is related to the Planet bearing the same number, this representing a vibration that lasts all through life, and which may, or may not, be in accord with the "Name number."[1]

And when the planets and the zodiac signs are not in harmony, tensions, conflicts, disagreements, and suffering arise. For example, from an astrological perspective, the numbers 8 and 9 are antagonistic to each other. This antagonism is represented by the planets Saturn (8) and Uranus (4), which foreshadow various troubles and disasters.

Let's consider the example of John Smith, whose name number is 8 and birth number is 7. According to Astro-Kabala, these numbers are not entirely harmonious; they are considered incompatible or challenging. Individuals with these numbers may face difficulties or conflicts when interacting or forming relationships with each other or within themselves. In astrological terms, 7 represents Neptune, known for its introspective, spiritual, and analytical characteristics, while 8 symbolizes Saturn, associated with ambition, practicality, and drive. The Saturn-Neptune square can create tension between the need for practicality and the desire to escape or avoid responsibilities. This tension may lead to confusion, disillusionment, or a struggle to find a clear direction. The Saturn-Neptune opposition highlights the contrast between the desire for stability and the call for transcendence. Individuals may feel torn between their material obligations and their spiritual aspirations.

So, what can be done if the name number is not compatible with the birth number? Since we cannot change the birth number, according to Dr. Cheiro, the only option is to alter the name number. This can be achieved by adding a letter, the initial of the middle name, or the middle name itself. By doing so, we can determine if the resulting single digit of the whole name is harmonious with the birth number. For instance, if John's middle initial is C, which corresponds to 3, adding it to his name 8 transforms it into a 2. Therefore, his new name number, 2, is completely compatible and harmonious with his birth number 7. Interestingly, according to Astro-Kabala, numbers 1, 4, and 7 are interchangeable with 2. When altering the name, it is important to insist on being known and called by the new name, even when signing documents.

There are numerous useful and practical applications for the Astro-Kabala System. However, the initial crucial step is determining whether your name number resonates strongly and harmoniously with your birth number. Presented below is a comprehensive summary of number compatibility, accompanied by additional insightful details. There are numerous variations of these correspondences available, but this particular one strictly adheres to the teachings of Dr. Cheiro. For instance, Dr. Cheiro emphasized that the birth number, month, and year of birth should not be added together, and that the year of birth represents the current of destiny. However, most numerologists add the birth date, month, and year, referring to it as the life path number or destiny number.

Another significant difference in this system lies among practitioners. Dr. Cheiro suggests that individuals born on the 4th and 8th, or in the series of 13, 22, 31, 17, 26, should change their name number. This is because 4 is considered an unfortunate number, and 8 is essentially 4+4. They should instead adopt a name number falling within the series of 1, 3, 5, and 6. However, if the name number coincides with the birth number, no change is necessary. This principle is based on the Law of Vibration and Harmony, which is not found in other methods.

The reason behind the recommendation for individuals born on 4s and 8s, particularly 8s, to change their name number is that these individuals are seen as instruments of fate or they are called “children of destiny.”

By following this approach, one can gain a deeper understanding of their numerological profile. A discerning mind always acquires knowledge through astute observation.

Here is a brief overview of the compatibility of numbers in Astro-Kabala:


1 (Sun):

- Compatible with: 1, 2, 4, and 7.

- Neutral towards: 3, 5, 6, and 9.

- Challenging with: 8.


People with the number 1 are ambitious, independent, and natural leaders. They tend to get along well with other 1s, as they share similar traits and outlooks on life. They also find compatibility with 2s, 4s, and 7s, as these numbers complement their strengths and provide support. However, they may encounter challenges when dealing with 8s, as their dominant and authoritative nature might clash.


2 (Moon):

- Compatible with: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9.

- Neutral towards:  5, and 8.

- Challenging with: 3.


Those with the number 2 are sensitive, diplomatic, and cooperative. They harmonize well with other 2s, forming a gentle and empathetic connection. Their nurturing nature also finds compatibility with 4s and 6s. However, they may face difficulties with 3s due to potential communication and emotional differences.


3 (Jupiter):

- Compatible with: 3, 6, and 9.

- Neutral towards: 1, 2, 4, and 5.

- Challenging with: 7 and 8.


Individuals with the number 3 are expressive, creative, and sociable. They find compatibility with other 3s, creating a lively and vibrant connection. Additionally, they can form strong bonds with 6s and 9s, who complement their expressive nature. However, they may experience challenges when interacting with 7s and 8s due to differences in communication styles and values.


4 (Uranus):

- Compatible with: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

- Neutral towards: 3 and 9.

- Challenging with: 6.

Those with the number 4 are practical, hardworking, and disciplined. They have good compatibility with many numbers, including 1s, 2s, 5s, and 8s, forming stable and productive relationships. They can also find understanding with 7s due to their shared focus on practicality. However, they might face challenges with 6s due to differences in approaches to responsibilities and life in general.


5 (Mercury):

- Compatible with: 1, 3, 5, 6, and 9.

- Neutral towards: 2 and 8.

- Challenging with: 4 and 7.


Individuals with the number 5 are adventurous, adaptable, and curious. They find compatibility with various numbers, including 1s, 3s, and 9s, due to shared enthusiasm and curiosity. They can also get along with 6s, as both appreciate freedom and versatility. However, they may encounter challenges with 4s and 7s, as their attitudes towards change and stability might differ significantly. The number 5s can get along with any number.


6 (Venus):

- Compatible with: 3, 6, and 9.

- Neutral towards: 1, 2, 5, and 8.

- Challenging with: 4 and 7.


Those with the number 6 are nurturing, responsible, and compassionate. They find compatibility with other 6s, creating a harmonious and caring bond. They can also form strong connections with 3s and 9s due to shared values of compassion and empathy. However, they might face challenges when interacting with 4s and 7s due to differences in priorities and approaches to love and relationships.


7 (Neptune):

- Compatible with: 1, 2, 4, and 7.

- Neutral towards: 3, 5, 8, and 9.

- Challenging with: 6.


Individuals with the number 7 are introspective, spiritual, and analytical. They find compatibility with 1s, 2s, and 4s due to shared interest in intellectual pursuits and deep conversations. They may also form connections with 7s and 8s, although they might face some challenges due to differences in emotional expression and values. They might find it hard to relate to the practical and nurturing nature of 6s.


8 (Saturn):

- Compatible with: 1, 4, and 8.

- Neutral towards: 2, 5, 6, and 9.

- Challenging with: 3 and 7.

Those with the number 8 are ambitious, practical, and driven. They find compatibility with other 8s, forming a powerful and goal-oriented partnership. They can also connect with 1s and 4s, who share their drive for success and achievement. However, they might encounter challenges when dealing with 3s and 7s, as their values and priorities might differ significantly.


9 (Mars):

- Compatible with: 3, 6, and 9.

- Neutral towards: 2, 4, 5, 7.

- Challenging with: 8,


Individuals with the number 9 are compassionate, idealistic, and understanding. They find compatibility with other 9s, forming a deeply empathetic and compassionate connection. They also share harmonious bonds with 1s, 3s, and 6s due to their shared values of compassion and understanding. As the highest number in Chaldean numerology, 9 carries aspects of all the other numbers, making it relatively neutral towards most other numbers.

In Astro-Kabala, when we refer to a specific number as being “challenging” in relation to other numbers, it signifies that individuals with those numbers may encounter difficulties or conflicts when interacting or forming relationships with one another. It is crucial for them to be aware of potential conflicts and differences in order to cultivate understanding and harmony in their interactions. These challenges arise due to disparities in personality traits, values, communication styles, and overall approaches to life.

To illustrate this, let's consider the case of number 3 and number 7 being challenging with each other. Number 3 is known for its expressive and sociable nature, while number 7 tends to be introspective and reserved. When individuals with these numbers come together, their communication styles may clash, as 3s seek more social interactions while 7s value solitude and introspection. This difference in communication and social preferences can lead to misunderstandings and frustrations between them.

It is important to note that these challenges are not insurmountable, but rather require a conscious effort from both parties to bridge the gap. By acknowledging and respecting each other's differences, individuals with challenging numbers can find common ground and build stronger relationships. This understanding can pave the way for effective communication and harmonious coexistence, despite their contrasting approaches to life.

Get your pen and paper ready, and let's determine if your birth number and name number are in harmony. In the second part of this article, we will delve into the compound numbers of a name. As mentioned earlier, these numbers symbolize the spiritual forces that influence each individual. If these spiritual currents do not bode well, fear not! We have the power to redirect these forces away from evil and guide them toward the path of goodness and fortune.







[1] Cheiro, Book of Numbers, 30.


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